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About Cacodemon187

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    186 more to collect!

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  1. Late to the party, but I played in HMP; maps 01 to 08 continuously and pistol-started 09. Solid set of speedmaps so far, the first half's easy maps coupled with @Korp's wonderful midis are great to kinda shut your brain off for a bit and just enjoy the vibes :) Some spoilers ahead: I may keep playing this in the future, will come back then. Awesome work y'all :D
  2. Found this project on /idgames and gave it a quick spin. Just wanna chip in and say I adore @dqdq1's maps in this!! Map06 is specially fascinating to me, the abstract elements and the playful lighting and architecture is so cool, reminds me of both A.L.T. and Marathon, which are like my two favorite things in one, so yeah :D
  3. I drew two thin "hair" sectors, both with the F_SKY1 ceiling flat (you can't have just one sky sector and lower it, it'll HOM). I then lowered the one closest to the wall to the height I wanted, like so: After that you can fit any midtex to your liking :) Was this the method you were thinking of or are there other methods?
  4. Early WIPs of yet another megawad I'm trying to get off the ground! Nevermind the other two or three megawad promises I've shared here. This time I've set myself a deadline of 5 years, which surely is enough time, right?
  5. These shots are fascinating, I love the indoor space, the garden with the sorta torii gate, and the awesome roof detailing. Your project has hard mid-2000's vibes, I love it :D
  6. I adore this first shot with the block of houses, the division between the uniform black and beige street and the colorful houses is very nice :)
  7. Casual playthrough of the first two maps on HMP, dsdademo recorded in DSDA Doom 0.27.5 (make sure to load the demo with this DSDA version) 00FDA_GnomoHunters1.zip You'll see it in my demo but it was a lot of fun to play along with the suspenful nature of the maps, it's done really well even if the dead air gets a bit boring after a while. I like the weird amateurish design style and the 90's asset mix in Map02 specially. The scrolling houses and empty structures sometimes made me feel like I was a gnome myself, or that I really was in their domain. I caught a glimpse of @OceanMadman's Map19 in HCP and it seems that BPRD turned to 11 is his thing, and I'm all for it :) Didn't find any bugs and the gameplay isn't much to talk about, although I understand that that's not what the mapset wanted to focus on mostly. The little adventure I had hunting the little shits was fun. Thank you both for making this :D
  8. Por fin se lanzó el proyecto :D Feliz de contribuir dos mapitas, muchas felicidades a todos!!
  9. Gotcha, I'd still like to ask @nicolas monti if he's okay with the idea. Glad to see this project will get rolling again soon :)
  10. Thank you all for your comments, demos and playthroughs!! :D Thank you so much for the detailed review! Yep, STRAIN has been a huge inspiration for me ever since I first played through it. The Class II Imps and the Jr. Cybies are my favourite enemies from the wad, so I've included them in almost every solo project I've done lately lol. Its weird character has also manifested into my maps a bit, although most of the chaos of this map just comes from me rushing to finish it in less than a week. Fun fact about the first Arachnotron puzzle: I came up with it and the starting overview you get of the city one morning as soon as I had woken up. I was planning to save it for a bigger project but I figured I'd just use it as a start and build the map from there. It can be done pretty consistently if you're good enough at running through the spaces between the arachno's plasma shots and use the glass as cover efficiently. The "intended" way is to just run straight for the SSG, kill the arachno and then blow up the AVs. Luring the AVs into infighting at the start takes more time but it's pretty cool too. The boss Cybies do have less HP. Half of their original 4000 in fact. I figured fighting both cybies at full health would be tedious, specially with their new attacks. Another fun fact: While playtesting I found that I always skipped that balcony section for some reason, even when I had placed stuff there. I thought "hey I always forget about this part, it's like hidden in plain sight..." so I placed a secret there ;) Thanks again for the words :D Also yeah, I forgot to place a teleport back to the starting area while rushing to finish the map. I'll add one for the /idgames release soon. Gracias, lo sé :')
  11. Hello Doomworld! Tomorrow is the big day: the day I start attending university. Just like my past few standalone releases, I'm doing a map in a handful of days to commemorate the occasion. I'm afraid I won't have much free time to do anything for a while too, so I wanted to get something out to properly close this chapter of my life. _______________________________________________LA GRAN ALAMEDA________________________________________________ Screenshots: La Gran Alameda is a limit-removing map (complevel 2) set in the middle of a city under an otherworldly red sky. Make your way out of the facility and bring the fight to the rooftops! The city is completely infested, so watch out for fire coming from every direction. This is not like the other bimonhtly demon invasions though... This time they've brought some backup!: NEW ENEMIES: Class II Imp: A fast Imp that continuously shoots projectiles until you're out of its line of sight. Class II Baron: A regular Baron of Hell that shoots a string of 5 projectiles instead of just 1. As a trade-off, it has the health of an Archvile (700 HP) compared to its original 1000 HP. Cyberdemon Jr.: A baby Cyberdemon with the health of a Hell Knight (500 HP). NOT immune to splash damage, meaning you can trick them into blowing themselves up, or infighting with other baby cybies. Admittedly this is the roughest of my standalone releases so far, both difficulty and quality-wise. I really had to map overtime to get this done in just four days. It may not be one of my best, but I really wanted to release something before tomorrow. Anyways, I implemented difficulty settings this time! ...kinda... There's only UV and HMP right now, and the differences are minimal. I still recommend playing in HMP your first time around though, as I made sure the hardest parts of the map were eased out a bit. I'll be studying architecture these next five years. It's the career that interested me the most, mostly because of my history with making maps! Based on what I've heard, making this map on crunch time is just a taste of things to come :,) Hopefully this map is worth your time. Any comments and feedback are appreciated. ______________________________________________>>>> Download <<<<______________________________________________ Slots: MAP01 Name: La Gran Alameda Compatibility: Limit-removing Tested with: DSDA Doom Build Time: March 7th - March 10th, 2024 No jumping or crouching. Freelooking is fine. Credits: Textures, music and sounds taken from many sources. Check the CREDITS.TXT file inside the .wad for a full list. Enjoy!
  12. Took me a bit to catch the X-Files reference, thought it was part of an ARG or something 😅
  13. Hello everybody! Today, March 3rd, marks my 5 year anniversary here on Doomworld. I've made a lotta maps these last handful of years, but only like 10% of them have actually been released. I figured now's a good time as ever to release the rest of 'em onto the unsuspecting public :) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These are... ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Screenshots: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Caco Files is an archive containing almost every map I've made since 2019 and haven't released officially, with a final tally of 141 wads. There's lots of great maps and concepts present here, as well as lots of just footnotes. Think of this as a sort of 'wadography' illustrating my evolution as a mapper these last few years. More importantly though, every map found in this archive is completely free for use! If you like a particular project here, you're encouraged to remake it yourself or pick it up where I left off! Note that I'm not completely abandoning everything here though; I might get back to working on some of these projects in the future, but even so you're welcome to give your own spin on any of the maps :) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! ! IMPORTANT INFO: ! ! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A couple things you oughta know before diving in: Every wad is accompanied by a textfile which lists the essentials you need to know to run the wad; such as IWAD needed, compatibility level, map slots, and other important info. Make sure to give 'em a quick look before playing. I claim no ownership of any assets used in the maps unless specified. I am only giving free reign over the maps; not the textures, music, sprites, or other assets included. I trust that, were you to work on these projects yourself, you'll give appropiate credit where it's due and that your version of the project will be done in good faith. If you have any questions about the provided files, feel free to shoot me a DM or ask here in the thread! Now, with that out of the way... ______________________________________________>>>> Download here!! <<<<____________________________________________ Name: The Caco Files Total WAD Tally: 141 Compatibility: Check the textfiles. Tested with: GZDoom 3.7.2, GZDoom 4.7.1, Skulltag, PrBoom+, ZDaemon, Crispy Doom, Chocolate Doom. Timeframe: 2017 - January 2024 Credits: Textures, music and sounds taken from many, MANY sources. Check the textfiles for sources. Have fun, and thank you all for these past five years. This community really means the world to me <3
  14. Heads up bump--I'll be dropping out of the project. Doesn't look like it's going anywhere and I'd like to release my unfinished maps soon :/
  15. Just finished playing through the rest of the mapset (E2M4 to E2M8). The circus map is definitely the highlight of the set, it's so precious <3 I also read the riveting lore in the textfile, it all makes sense now lol Overall a cute set of maps to relax. Pistol starters might have some trouble in the later levels though, I imagine those get pretty tough if you don't have the plasma rifle and 30 rockets in your pockets. Spoilers for the ending:
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