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About LadyVader1138

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  1. Wake me up with Quake and Dusk is ported to the Switch...

  2. That moment you're playing The Lost Mission and you one-shot a Cacodemon with the SSG.
    I mean, seriously, no other Doom game lets you do that!

  3. To the mods who ended that horrible argument cause by that one guy on the Doom 3 forum: thank you.

    1. DuckReconMajor


      I learned about pm_walkspeed parameter from it, so I am thankful for that.

    2. LadyVader1138


      Yeah, that is useful. Pity that guy's kinda nuts. I hope he lets go of that rage.

  4. BFG-9000, the very best there is. When you have to absolutely, positively kill every single motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes.

  5. BFG-9000, the very best there is. When you have to absolutely, positively kill every single motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes.

  6. "At Doom's Gate" is the love child of "No Remorse" and "Master of Puppets" and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.

  7. Thanks for following me. I'm not sure what I did to earn that, but thanks.

  8. I finally beat Doom on Ultra-Violence!

  9. How'd you pick the username "Egg Boy"?

    1. Egg Boy

      Egg Boy

      It's actually not a very interesting story.

      In highschool I stayed after school to play DnD once. It's not really for me, but it was fun because all my friends played it. DM: "A skeleton blocks your path." he places a round figure (not a skeleton) on the board. Me: "It's Egg Boy!" That's it, one of my friends even started calling his younger brother egg boy and got yelled at by his parents. It was just a term me and my friends used for a while, so it kind of stuck.

    2. LadyVader1138


      That's hilarious. And yeah, typically D&D story. Still laugh at how instead of an Ancient White Dragon, we had to fight a Mega Charizard-Y Plushie.

  10. I couldn't resist the Yuno avatar.

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