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Status Updates posted by DRM-MAN

  1. Yes, I am alive; so stop your worrying, well, if you were even worried about me in the first place lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DRM-MAN


      My long absence mostly has to do with the fact that I'm losing interest in doom, which sucks. But, getting older seems to make me enjoy things less.

    3. Hawk of The Crystals

      Hawk of The Crystals

      Ah, I can understand where you're coming from; it really does feel like that most times.

    4. Yandere_Doomer


      Seems people thought we were both dead, month long absence, totally different reasons.

  2. Well, it seems that my week is cutout for me. The week of doom shall commence.

    1. Hawk of The Crystals

      Hawk of The Crystals

      Ah, that sounds rather nice. In fact, I miss playing doom; however my work obligations prevent me from doing so.


      I hope you will enjoy your week of doom.

  3. Oh wow, 400 notifications; I really need to stop taking long breaks sometimes.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DRM-MAN
    3. Chip


      I took a 6-month break and had I think 2000 notifications. after a break I took for a month, I had 700. 

    4. DuckReconMajor


      I change my notifications to only reactions and mentions. Otherwise there's so many notifications you might as well just read the forum index lol

  4. I might be working on a special project with some people, can't say that much about it though, but it's coming.

  5. Oh boy where do I start: a while back I had an emotional breakdown, I'm not going to get in depth with it, but I definitely couldn't be on the internet at that point. But now I'm back, with some ideas, but we'll get to those eventually.


    Came back to 54 notifications at once, but it's kind of my fault for not coming on sooner.


    But the main point is, that griskai DRM-MAN is back!

    1. Hawk of The Crystals

      Hawk of The Crystals

      Hey! it's been a while, I hope you're doing well now, can't wait to see what else happens in the future with you.


    2. DRM-MAN


      I'm fine now, and I've also noticed that you have perfected using capital i's in sentences.

    3. Hawk of The Crystals

      Hawk of The Crystals

      Yeah! I finally started to improve my grammar, I've also been trying to work on my maps too.


  6. Alright, this is not me coming back, but more of a news thingy. I've recently made a youtube channel for my drm reviews, currently i haven't made anything yet, but there is a channel trailer if you are curious.


    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_n5Pk82s0nEij9k_6bR6wQ (The link)


    With love, drm-man.

  7. Hey there everyone who follows me or just tunes in to see what i have to say, currently im a bit, burned out if you can say that. I feel like i can't contribute anything creative currently, in map form or something else.


    I guess this can just be boiled down to me having to take a break from doom, im just burned out of it, im not really sure when i'll return, but i'll try to.

    Other then that, i hope the future can bring something new and fun.


    Sincerely, DRM-MAN.

    1. Hawk of The Crystals

      Hawk of The Crystals

      Feel free to take a break man, i know how it feels, I hope you can return with something awesome for us one day.

      And i really loved your teachings, you really helped me with making maps better then i did before.


    2. DRM-MAN


      Thanks, i liked teaching you. I also hope that i can eventually find something to make me fall in love with this community again, but until then, bye.

    3. wallabra


      Hey, mate! Don't worry about it. Burnout is always a thing, it happens to all of us, even the best and most seasoned have to take a break sometimes. Dedication isn't work without rest, it's work that increments itself little by little, until eventually it adds up to something big.  :)

  8. With our current saga now over for the doomworld forest, i'd like to say that acting for the character of griskai was one of the funnest things i've done on the internet, unfortunately, and this is indeed a spoiler if you haven't read or participated in the thread,


    griskai is sadly and canonically dead, he sacrificed himself for the others.

    This does not mean i will stand out of the thread now, i will play other characters, including one of the latest villains: grendel, but i will eventually make another character.

    1. Yandere_Doomer


      I hope that I will be able to re join the cult.... Stupidbunny decided to remove me because of the Facebook account incedent..

    2. Hawk of The Crystals

      Hawk of The Crystals

      I still feel kind of empty whenever i think about him being gone now, i mean i wasn't really that great of a character, but i still want my character arc to involve him in some way.


      Also, what kind of characters do you mean?


  9. Listenin' to some jazzing tunes while working on another map is pretty damn good.

    1. Yandere_Doomer


      im making a map too! progress on Totg is very slow so i try to make maps in between to compensate

  10. Hey there long time no see, anyways i've been away for a while. Mainly because i sorta burned myself out, pretty much i was getting bored of doom and the community, anyways im back now.

  11. Just wrote a fanfiction, it's a strange feeling.

  12. This account's anniversary is coming up very soon.

  13. I've changed my profile picture and my banner.  Here's the full sizes.






  14. FRESH                                                       JUICY                                                    MEAT


                                                              TASTY MEAT                            



                                                                   IIIIIIIIIIII                                      IIIIIIIIIIIIII




  15. A friend of mine and his have made this video so i'd like to hear other peoples opinions on this.


  16. I've Been Working Several Wads They Are Not Much But I will Get To Releasing Them Sooner or Later But For Now Enjoy This Sweet But Short One. http://www.mediafire.com/file/bkjqz87wp49rf0w/UacFacility.wad/file FAQ: New Textures no

    New Enemies no

    New Music yes.

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