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Everything posted by DRM-MAN

  1. I would like to say that I have enjoyed my time on this forum; within my two year tenure on doomworld, I've met new people and conversed with them greatly. And it was fun. But now, I must take my leave; I've recently relapsed into depression and I doubt that staying on here that much will help my mental health at all, despite the good memories. However, this does not mean that I am leaving forever, I very well might return one day, but I doubt that it will be anytime soon. So, I would like to say farewell to those who follow me on here, or people who consider me a friend on here as well; this was fun, and I loved every moment, from the threads, to the roleplay threads I contributed to, and I thank you all for these memories. I hope to see you all again one day; a day where we can all laugh behind our computer screens during these trying times. I would also like to leave a parting song that I feel that you all will enjoy.
  2. Yes, I am alive; so stop your worrying, well, if you were even worried about me in the first place lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DRM-MAN


      My long absence mostly has to do with the fact that I'm losing interest in doom, which sucks. But, getting older seems to make me enjoy things less.

    3. Hawk of The Crystals

      Hawk of The Crystals

      Ah, I can understand where you're coming from; it really does feel like that most times.

    4. Yandere_Doomer


      Seems people thought we were both dead, month long absence, totally different reasons.

  3. Where am I? Am I dead, or alive? Grizale awoke from his slumber, only to find himself in a strange white void; bruno was nowhere to be found, and griskai could not be heard. Grizale was truly alone for once. "Perhaps I should try to find a way out, but how... this place seems to not have an exit in sight, let alone at all." Grizale huffed; maybe there was some hidden exit, there just had to be. Grizale walked alongside a strange beach; the ocean was a dark purple color that reminded grizale of a certain moment in his 'childhood'. The ashen-haired man looked up at the sky and noticed it's unnatural color, why the sky and ocean were outlandish colors was beyond grizale at the moment, for finding answers about his current whereabouts mattered more. And with a few more steps, grizale stumbled upon a strange sight. In the middle of a purple pond, stood a strikingly familiar person, said person possessed a rather messy mop of white hair, said hair had a golden tint to it. "I welcome you to the void of intermission, or as some people would refer to it, limbo. You see grizale, who I am is very important to your well-being; you're probably wondering on how you got here, considering the incident with that giant creature, but it does not matter, no, what truly matters is the sight standing before you. For I am Griskai." The lone man said. Grizale recoiled at the sound of griskai's name, it held bad memories that grizale could see within the flashbacks sent by the secondary personality in his head; this could pose a problem for the both of them. Griskai began to float over the water; griskai reached the shore and stood in front of grizale, and as he did, the sky turned into a bloody red. The water dried up as the grass died, leaving behind a large plain of dirt that spanned across the land in the void. "I can tell that you are afraid grizale, but there is no need to fear me, for I possess knowledge that can reveal the truth of your existence, which is something that I know that you want dearly. And I can help you, but only if you wish for me to accompany you to the physical realm; the astral realm is dying grizale, and soon, I might go with it unless I am allowed to escape this prison held within your mind." Griskai said as he placed his hand on grizale's shoulder. Grizale looked up at griskai, the being that held his happiness captive for his entire life; no friends, a family that feared him greatly, and the worst of all, self-hatred. Grizale blamed griskai for all of these things, for griskai living in the confines of his mind did grizale no favors in life. "Why should I help you? Because of you, any chance for a normal life was robbed from me. You stole what should've been a happy life, but no, I just had to be your mortal reincarnation; meanwhile your spirit tortured me internally, and that is something that I can never forgive, no matter how much you try to ally with me." Grizale spat with hatred; griskai closed his eyes while running his fingers down his prosthetic arm, it brought him comfort in moments like these: for it reminded him of the strange, yet honorable teammates he fought alongside with in that dark forest from hell. But before grizale could say anything else, griskai placed his hand on grizale's forehead; a strange sigil appeared underneath the both of them, the sigil glowed fiercely as a dark red portal sucked the both of them to another location. As the portal opened in a another location, griskai and grizale found themselves on a hillside covered with autumn leaves. To Be Continued.
  4. Would look nice on a warm colored wall.
  5. "Well that was an interesting experience." I mumble.
  6. "I really don't have any idea, I wish I did though." I say.
  7. "It's fine." I continued. [Not really, although some do pop up every now and then, but a lot of them die due to them not being the 'big two', aka, the forest and the backyard.]
  8. "Sure is cold in this place." I say while playing with my lighter.
  9. I decided to throw my hat into ring of doomworld roleplays yet again, so, this is A Mine Within A Cave. And yes, make your obligatory minecraft references; other then that, there isn't much of a story at first, you're just a miner working in a cave while ridiculous events take place throughout the story. Before we jump in, here's some formatting rules: There are none! Enjoy yourself in this thread. I also recommend using brackets whenever typing something out while out of character, or making a quick joke.
  10. She might be from a bullet hell game, that's all I'm going say for now.
  11. I am currently re-playing castlevania lords of shadow, it's as terrible as I remember it being.
  12. Tfw when you only have one song to sing, but the other guy has two.
  13. First, there was darkness, eternal darkness. But then, there was light; blue orbs focused on the morning sky, said orbs were against a white backdrop, for they were eyes. Eyes of grizale. Grizale sat up on his bed while inspecting his bandaged hands; bandages wrapped around his palms, dried stains of blood from within the cloth. It was rather funny to the troubled man, here he was, a demon in his head, yet here he was with wounds of the messiah. It almost seemed as if his suffering was the plan of some all-knowing being, but how close to the truth could that thought be? "A spear of destiny, that's what they told me." The ashen haired man's eyes widened at the voice; griskai. Grizale got up from the bed and put his hands against his forehead while pacing around his campsite, said campsite containing nothing but unfortunate memories for the esoteric man known as grizale. "Griskai, why can't you just leave?" Grizale asked; to anyone else, it might've looked like a crazy person talking to the voices in their head, but then again, anyone would think that grizale was insane, especially with most of the events that happened in this damned backyard. Grizale walked down the path, expecting an answer from the voice within himself, but of course, there was no reply. But, as if fate had plans specifically to aggravate him, grizale saw the demonic android walk onto the path he was currently on. "Bruno." Grizale seethed as he watched the android sit against a rock, the beast held itself in a thinking manner. Every signal in his body told him to run away, even griskai screamed for him to leave as soon as possible, but morbid curiosity had other plans for grizale. But as it seemed, fate indeed had other plans, for a large blast erupted from within the forest; soon, fires broke out everywhere, and as the fires raged on, a foul beast emerged from the crater in the ground. The beast resembled a human in many ways, the facial structure and many other things that would make the uncanny valley blush were the visage of the beast. The one-hundred-and-twenty feet tall beast grinned as it stared at grizale and bruno, it's tongue ran across it's teeth and lips at the sight. At the visage of the beast's clear hunger, grizale signaled for bruno to run with him, the android, while hesitant at first, quickly agreed with grizale. As grizale and bruno ran, the beast quickly followed, it's steps causing the forest to quake with terror at it's might. Grizale looked back briefly, only to see the beast make eye contact with him, and as it did, it's tail wiggled with excitement. "Come hither, oh sweet one!" The creature said in a raspy large voice; grizale felt sick as he sensed the reason for the beast's pursuement of him. Grizale and bruno finally found a hiding place, the both of them ducked into an entrance of a cave. The both of them watched as the beast's feet landed at the entrance; despite the both of them experiencing, and seeing extremely horrendous things in their lives, this event has seemingly taken the place of the most insane thing ever. 'It is a fully evolved nephilim; it can sense the angelic essence in you, grizale.' Griskai whispered in grizale's head. Grizale's eyes widened at the words of griskai, the voice had never been that helpful before, yet, it was now. And grizale knew he would need it's advice more then ever. "Ey, do ya know anythin' bout this crazy shit?" Bruno asked grizale while looking at the entrance of the cave; the pale man nodded sideways as a response. As the two men sat there, it soon became quiet, too quiet. Grizale foolishly walked to the entrance of the cave, and as he did, the beast's grinning face appeared instantly, it's eyes widening even further with joy at the sight of grizale. And as bruno tried to scream for grizale to get back, a large white flash spread throughout the cave and the surrounding area. "Arrogant as ever, griskai." A strangely calm voice said, and it would be the last thing grizale would hear for a bit. The Bruno Saga: END.
  14. Well, it seems that my week is cutout for me. The week of doom shall commence.

    1. Hawk of The Crystals

      Hawk of The Crystals

      Ah, that sounds rather nice. In fact, I miss playing doom; however my work obligations prevent me from doing so.


      I hope you will enjoy your week of doom.

  15. Excuse me, but what in lucifer's name is this? 7000 Textures all mashed together, combine that with no screenshots or anything. I'm sorry, but this is absolutely dreadful, nevermind the fact that your post is filled to the brim with grammatical errors, and all caps; please, learn how to post correctly. Hell, english isn't even my first language, and yet somehow I can write a far more comprehensive post. Please learn how to post and write correctly, it will benefit you in the future.
  16. Bruno walked through the valley, memories flooding back with a passion. The android sat down on a rock and felt sadness unrivaled by any other feeling he felt; he truly felt like he lost everything. 'Why do I feel so guilty? What did I do?' Bruno thought while holding his hand up with his hands. The demonic android looked up at the blood red sky, almost believing that he would find a message within the bloody clouds that covered the once blue sky. As he got up from the rock, bruno felt something strange; he put his finger to his nose, and wiped some blood that spilled from his nostrils on his finger. He looked at the blood, it reminded him of her.. God, he could never unsee what those bastards did to her. The memories may have been vague, but he could still remember her if it was yesterday, and it hurt. "Iris, is this what you wanted? For me to become this.. Thing?" The thought ran through bruno like a bullet, and it hurt just as much. Bruno walked towards the nearby cliff; he contemplated his actions, if he really wanted to go through with this. But it didn't matter, even if he tried, he couldn't fall, he would just fly as always. The demonic android's hair slowly returned to it's former color, it was the most vibrant red the world had ever seen; beautiful, those were her last words to him. He felt reality around him shift, it went from a cliff within a forest, to a beach somewhere, and eventually on a shallow pond. Bruno looked up, and the sight that greeted him was something that he could only dream of. Several people he recognized from the memories were around him, each of them with a happy expression on their faces. Soon the ground around them all lifted, a large pillar of stone covered in water rose from the ground, and bruno felt an indescribable feeling come over him; no, it wasn't unknown or foreign, it was happiness, returning to his once empty body. "Goodbye. Everyone." Bruno said, the figures of his memories disappearing with the words. He looked at the sky one last time, the stars shined perfectly. END OF PART ONE, THE BRUNO SAGA WILL RETURN. EVENTUALLY. The Backyard: De memoriam A cessatas heram.
  17. *Bruno hits the ground hard, his head slams against a rock.* "Ahhh..." Bruno croaked while on the ground, it was quite clear that he hit his head real hard. The android demon writhed around for a bit, trying to get up, while mumbling incomprehensibly. More flashes; memories, whatever, it all flashed through his head. Moments of peace, moments of happiness, but the best of all, memories of the woman, well, now he considered them the best, anything to distract the pain. "Iris..." Bruno said quietly, her name finally returned. And while it did, for once in many years, a tear ran down the android's face, his remaining eye cried tears, tears of a human, while his missing eye leaked blood from the reopened wound. It showed what he really was, or what he could be.
  18. Before smith could do anything else, bruno jumped from the ground and preformed a downward slash on smith, cutting through his shirt, and causing blood to spill. *Bruno does a backflip and runs back to smith, trying to slice him up.* "EHEHAHAHAAAHAHAA!" Bruno laughed; smith considered it annoying at this point.
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