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About Foofoo

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    I AM B.P.R.D.
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  1. ok so theres booze, and sleep deprivation. what else?

    i need to be really fucked up come tomorrow morning.

    all suggestions are welcome. Thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Csonicgo


      Fredrik said:

      Play one of your own damn WADs.

    3. Foofoo


      heh yeah. i should make 'Solve All Your Problems Wad'. like in the first level you shoot your parents and in the second one you have sex with a woman type and in the third one you collect money and buy a house for future security etc.

    4. Csonicgo


      Foofoo said:

      heh yeah. i should make 'Solve All Your Problems Wad'. like in the first level you shoot your parents and in the second one you have sex with a woman type and in the third one you collect money and buy a house for future security etc.

      AutoBiography wad? ;)

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