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About xyzz

  • Rank
    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Hey there!


    Do you happen to have the episode 4 intermission widescreen AND animated? Saw you posted a few years back a widescreen variant of thyinterpic but its not animated. The sky in yours has a different colour and conflicts with the burning tower from the original.

    1. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      I'm pretty sure I never animated an episode 4 intermission.

  2. @magicsofa Sounds to me like you're obssessed with GZDoom Would be nice to see the assets released AS THEY ARE, just like Recall to Hell did, maybe some community use could happen with them.
  3. Hello I am working on perfected Doom 3 BFG Edition I wanted to add the arachnotron in this mod but I am running into issues.I moved everything and I went into the Doom main folder but Im still getting the same error


    This is the arachnotron model I want to add.

    Can you help me


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