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About DoomedSpartan

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  1. Hey Arl can you make an addon That the doom 3 marine has the helmet from Ressurection of evil.I tried but I’m having problems

    Would you like to help??I can send you the assets 

  2. Hello I am working on perfected Doom 3 BFG Edition I wanted to add the arachnotron in this mod but I am running into issues.I moved everything and I went into the Doom main folder but Im still getting the same error


    This is the arachnotron model I want to add.

    Can you help me


  3. Arl dude tell me how you made The Behemoth demon. Im talking about that demon you found in the doom 3 files the One that texture was used for the Invuls Hunter electric shell. I am working on a new version of perfected doom 3.And i would really like to have that demon

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DoomedSpartan


      its ok dude its not like I want this to be private.Its OK if it aint complete i ll figure something.If you cant find it just tell me what to do.



    3. Arl


      Are you familiar with 3D modeling programs, animation, importing/exporting md5mesh format, entity definition and material definition?

    4. DoomedSpartan


      I know a little but I have tried it before with blender

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