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About bfredric

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  1. I Googled the classic Doom intermission screens and to my surprise, couldn't find them anywhere so I procured them myself and they are below. They make a nice Desktop background! Enjoy.
  2. Wow so that's what that was? When I was a kid I used IDDQD every time I played Doom but I didn't know about IDCLIP so that was one of the only places in the game I could legit get stuck and would have to start the whole episode over (I didn't know IDCLEV yet either) yea that room still scares me to this day I'm like "Get in shoot the demons get out this room is WEIRD" kinda cool though I guess I mean you are in hell so weird crap should happen right? In the same map you "use" a decorative object to open a secret ....
  3. Uhhhhh Hangar vs ANY OTHER MAP is gonna be a tough one for me. Poor Entryway. Deserved better.
  4. Thank you Chip!! I have never found a Doom comic (still working on that) so thank you for letting me see them all now! I also agree that it's probably no big deal to distribute. It would be different if they were selling it on Amazon but I doubt that.
  5. Maybe it had nothing to do with the hell knight. Maybe you SR-50'd from the top of the stairs, or accidentally performed a small wall run?
  6. IMHO Doom came out in 1993. Most of the games you could even compare it to were arcade games where the only objective is to collect a high score (Wolf 3D released 13 months before). I think Doom struck gold with its game play and atmosphere, not necessarily its level design (looking at you, episodes 2-3). E1M8 and E2M8 were alright considering the time period and circumstances. I'm face palming on E3M8 so I'll stop here...
  7. Yes. That. And the controls feel more reliable to me too.
  8. I think if we're going to add on to Doom 1993, there's no one more qualified to do it than Romero. I'm not saying he's the best mapper in the world, but if anyone just slapped "official addon to og Doom" as a tagline to their project, it better be one of the original members of ID. That being said, I consider Doom 1993 to be the first 3 episodes only. Sorry Thy flesh consumed! Once you kill the Spider Mastermind, IMHO, that's the end.
  9. I think Chasm is a great looking level with a cool atmosphere for 1994. It doesn't deserve to be lumped in with Habitat.
  10. Yea, but BRUTAL DOOM IS **gets dragged out of the room**
  11. Rocket Jump https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1070183601/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  12. After they finish "The shores of Zdoom" they need to get on "Inferzdoom"
  13. Me on December 8th: **Reads news about Halo Infinite and Cyberpunk 2077** Me 20 minutes later: **Reading the Cacowards and playing Abandon and Rowdy Rudy**
  14. My favorites so far are Mayhem and these Back to Saturn X covers. They feel so adventurous. Like those boxes from the 90s!
  15. For me it was the . . erm, which port came on a floppy?
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