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About noisebloom

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  1. Whoa whoa whoa, you still have E4 thru E6, fella
  2. Nirvana isn't great, but I don't think Unruly Evil is bad. It's really easy for where it's placed in the episode, but I think the difficulty curve of E4 is all over the map anyway (so I play a "reordered" version, anyway).
  3. GD has been on my to-play list forever, but I missed the boat on it. While we're on the topic, where does it lie as far as difficulty, on a scale of Plutonia to Chillax?
  4. If we're counting Final Doom, the design of TNT: Evilution's Habitat is beyond my comprehension. I still play it from time to time just because it's that bizarre.
  5. Thanks for bringing up these issues. I agree with your points... here's a rev that addresses them. DoomGPT_noisebloom_MAP11_patch1.zip
  6. Thanks for the feedback. Admittedly, this map was not my best work. Just moved across the country, got a new job, and am now closing on my first house, so my mental efforts have not been as focused on making this map as good as it can be. I mostly lament the lack of texturing in this one, but I also do think I missed the mark with the map's flow, especially towards the end. ChatGPT's prompts also kind of forced me into making an exceedingly simple hub map into something more interesting, which was a challenge. That being said, I'm willing to fix any bugs that arise, but I won't be redeveloping any major segments of the map unless its broken; I just don't have the bandwidth right now. I also think that my mapping style is an acquired taste to begin with, so there's that...
  7. Tested this out in Zandronum and GZDoom and the yellow door seems to work fine. I don't see any issues with the sector or linedefs. What port is it not working in?
  8. Here is my map... sorry for the last-minute submission. Hopefully our AI overlords will be pleased. DoomGPT_noisebloom_MAP11.zip
  9. Fell behind, but working on the finishing touches of my map with the hope of making the deadline this Sat.
  10. Sprinting to the finish with this one, but it should be done by June 1st. Since I'm running late, haven't had anyone playtest it yet... Hopefully someone can give it a quick go once I've posted it so I can make any last-minute fixes as necessary.
  11. @iddq_tea - now that all the slots are reserved, do you have a deadline for our submissions? Would like to get an idea of how long I have to get this map into shape.
  12. @iddq_tea - Should we keep the original name of the Doom II map that ours is based on, or are we free to change the name in the MAPINFO? EDIT: Along the same lines, can I use my own MIDI or do we want the respective Doom II track to play for our given slot?
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