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About P41R47

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    Kidder Member
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  1. Miss your positive outlook around here, mate. Hope you're doing well wherever you are.

  2. Hope you’re well mate! Miss ya! 

  3. Hey, P4, allow me to join those who wish you well and hope all is okay with you and yours. Also, here's hoping you rejoin us at some point. Always enjoyed reading your posts. :)

  4. It’s almost been a full year since you’ve last been here, I hope you’re doing alright. Some of your posts have been really helpful when I was hunting down to look for some wads, and tbh I really liked the status bar you made for Hellevator. I hope you return here again someday!

  5. I know you haven't been active in a long time but I wish you the best & I hope you are doing well.

    TNT Goes Boom has been kind of slow lately due to irl stuff & other interests I'm currently pursuing but nonetheless, the progress is being made.


    Would love to thank you again for the things you made for my megawad. <3

  6. Hope you're doing okay. I know we're not really familiar with each other, but you seem like a good person. I really hope things are okay, and I honestly give you my best wishes, and that's all I have to give.

  7. Hey man it's been awhile. Hopefully you're doing well! Hope to see you one of these days. Kind regards.

  8. Been playing this, and man! Wow, the abstract nature of this maps seriously screwed my mind. I'm loving it! :D Even when the maps are the ones we know, they are really different thanks to all the debris and destruction. I love the concept, great work @hervoheebo ;) I'm surprised nobody even mentioned this one on other threads. It almost went unnoticed, so i will help a bit tagging some friends. @Doomkid here is another great mapset for the Big Vanilla WAD Pack. @Scypek2 you may find interesting the abstract nature on this mapset. @Maximum Matt come enjoy this old schooliness!!! @Endless this one need to be covered on the wadazine. Probably a new hidden gem!!!
  9. Not much activity here, i miss you @DCG Retrowave. Would love to see more of this mapset :)
  10. maybe ''featured'' means that it is the thread of an awarded project?
  11. the ''star'' at the left of the name of the thread? it means that you participate on it already. The other ''rounded star'', that this is a featured thread. What featured is, baffles me.
  12. clear, my good lady, its clear as your nice smile! I been warned so its clear for me. The review panel comes to have almost no activity for more than a week, sometimes. And then, someone resurface and old wad and there is activity for a few days. So, its purpose is still being fullfilled, just in a way that you don't like. You can still use it, no body stops you, and even be purposelly usefull to the forums posting your own review on a file you like :D On a side note, be polite, my good man. You are a moderator. I agree with most of what you say. But as you say, different places for different people. Why this place can't be fun for some? You are the MagicMushroom man, don't you like to have fun? Respect other people way of having fun. Seriously, they are not hurting anybody. i agree. good night all!
  13. different choices, different people, different likings do you wanna tell other how they should like to do?
  14. so member that likes to have fun between them are idiots. Good to know! ;)
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