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About P41R47

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  1. Probably my ferewell words will be in here.

    Seeing the second update Endless wrote, made me realize how bad are the things in here.
    Being threatened, insulted, bashed, discriminated and who may know what more, is something nobody deserves.

    I really liked the things around here, and i met a lot of people that, maybe not call them friends as i am a pretty reserved person in that aspect, but i would totally call them pals of mine.
    People with whom i shared moments, arguments, and different feelings through this years.

    When my life got torn apart from the different RL situation, i found here the warmness and understanding that i needed.

    And even if i started to see the ugly colors under the rug, i didn't care much as it didn't affected the people i met, the people i cared for, and the other members of the community.


    But things are going out of control for some reason, and its seems that there is nobody to put a stop to this.
    As a last resort, i expressed myself.
    Not only myself, i made my own self an echo of all the confusion and all the awkwardness happening at the moment.
    Confusion and torment that been happening since long ago.
    More that i want to recall for certain.

    I was here when all the great splits started happening, and i remained silence as i didn't care much as the teenager i was back then.
    But now as an adult, i can't just shut my eyes and believe things aren't happening.
    That lead me to the situations i experienced through this year.
    Not only here, but on my real life, too.

    I didn't wanted to see my life coming apart, not because i wanted to ignore, but because i knew i can't do anything to solve it.
    I lose the dearest person in my life, and i will never have answers beyond ''you did right, but i have to go''...

    Probably the same will happend here, but i will be the one departing, or being departed.
    I have no bad feelings to anyone, as for the time being, i prefer being a sacrifice lamb than remain silent.

    So be it.
    Thanks all for the good time.

    And one last joke before going out.
    if there is bad smell where you are standing, it is probably not from your soles, but from the place you stood on.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ofisil


      I don't know what led you to this decision, as I don't hang around forums that much, and, frankly, even when I do, I avoid drama like the plague. If I wanted drama RL has enough of it. I'm here to have fun with a silly game franchise from 1993.


      My reccomendation would be to NOT leave this community, for the simple reason that... it's not a community - it's just a group of people. People that come and go, people of all kinds, and intentions.


      My personal intention is to stay, and enjoy my time. Share my wads, play other wads, talk about doom, and so on. My personal intention is not to let others "ruin" this little cozy digital corner. My personal intention is to find a TINY amount of people with which I can interact and feel happy for doing so (like you, in our brief conversations)


      TL;DR Don't get "immersed" into this digital world so much that it affects you. Stay for the things that you like. Avoid the rest, and don't give a single. flying. fuck. about them.


      This is just Doomworld. In the end, it's not something special...

    3. omx32x


      damn this entire situation sucks hopefully it wont affect your enjoyment of the games and mods moving forward

    4. Phobus


      It’s a shame to lose you, particularly over what is ultimately just a disagreement over the internet, but if it’s what you think is for the best, then all the best to you!

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