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Everything posted by P41R47

  1. Been playing this, and man! Wow, the abstract nature of this maps seriously screwed my mind. I'm loving it! :D Even when the maps are the ones we know, they are really different thanks to all the debris and destruction. I love the concept, great work @hervoheebo ;) I'm surprised nobody even mentioned this one on other threads. It almost went unnoticed, so i will help a bit tagging some friends. @Doomkid here is another great mapset for the Big Vanilla WAD Pack. @Scypek2 you may find interesting the abstract nature on this mapset. @Maximum Matt come enjoy this old schooliness!!! @Endless this one need to be covered on the wadazine. Probably a new hidden gem!!!
  2. Not much activity here, i miss you @DCG Retrowave. Would love to see more of this mapset :)
  3. maybe ''featured'' means that it is the thread of an awarded project?
  4. the ''star'' at the left of the name of the thread? it means that you participate on it already. The other ''rounded star'', that this is a featured thread. What featured is, baffles me.
  5. clear, my good lady, its clear as your nice smile! I been warned so its clear for me. The review panel comes to have almost no activity for more than a week, sometimes. And then, someone resurface and old wad and there is activity for a few days. So, its purpose is still being fullfilled, just in a way that you don't like. You can still use it, no body stops you, and even be purposelly usefull to the forums posting your own review on a file you like :D On a side note, be polite, my good man. You are a moderator. I agree with most of what you say. But as you say, different places for different people. Why this place can't be fun for some? You are the MagicMushroom man, don't you like to have fun? Respect other people way of having fun. Seriously, they are not hurting anybody. i agree. good night all!
  6. different choices, different people, different likings do you wanna tell other how they should like to do?
  7. so member that likes to have fun between them are idiots. Good to know! ;)
  8. or post a review in the review section, as they want and as they like :)
  9. I don't see any problem on this. People likes to have fun, just let them have fun. If someone comes here, see the good reviews train and then goes to try it, worst thing that could happend is don't liking it, and realising that the previous reviews were jokes. As just very few suggested, the review panel brings more joy than problems to most people. And if veteran members don't like it being used in some way to have fun by other members, just ignore it. They are harmless and they aren't breaking any kind of rule as they are free to review as they want.
  10. How i miss a release from the author of ''The Journey'', one of my all time favourite mapsets ever? Going to try this right now!!!
  11. Now, this is a surprise! StupidBunny and speedmaps doesn't lined up on my dictionary...till this moment! And what an amazing moment to be a fan of his mapping style!!! Thanks for this, pal! This maps are a total blast! Now i want more :P
  12. i had a dos pc from 1992 up to 2001, and then pentium 1.33 until 2006. Then a pentium 4 from 2006 up to 2010 or 2011. I had a memory from the very first time the PC comes to my house, playing on the black and white theme of the old windows a solitaire or something like that. I was 3 years old. Then a few years later, when the hacker friend of my dad installed installed win95 and upgraded the PC to be a bit more powerful, up to pentium 1. That time the hacker friend of my dad brought a really awesome game based on ''The Lawnmower Man'' film. I still remember looking at those amazing graphics and thinking, ''wow! so that is virtual reality!''. And then obviously, when i completed Doom 1.666 for the very first time.
  13. you can always make a dummy sector with a crusher, a barrel on the crusher sector, and a voodoo doll near it. When the player cross a linedef at the start of the map, it will activate the crusher, making the barrel go boom and damaging the voodoo doll. You can even make the damage different for the different difficult settings if you put some candelabra or something behind the voodoo doll so it can't back up from the splash damage, or put the voodoo doll on different possition depending the difficult setting. For certain, the whole barreled start is a bit...asshole-y. I read your intentions, and i understand what you tried to achieve, but yes, not lot of people know that you can survive a barrel explosion by running back and moving it a few inches after shooting it. Try the approach i explained above. At first the player will be at 100% but after moving a few inches, the health will drop. You can explain the drop in the health as breaking the shackles that imprisoned him :D
  14. Someday, good Xaser, there will be a new standar of art. The art of dying by self-rocketing. You already know you will be the messiah of that vanguardist art movement.
  15. Now that is what i call a proper facelifting :D Good job, Cammy! Great to see this happening to one of my favourite pwads :)
  16. not possible. You need both files to be able to emulate it.
  17. any good psx emulator SHOULD, by definition, be able to run .cue and .bin files, if not, its not a good psx emulator, simple as that. Maybe what you are trying is to play PSX Final Doom on a source port like GZDoom? In that case, you need an especific source port like PsyDoom to be able to play PSX Doom on your PC.
  18. I am probably the best player on HNTR. Completing the whole Plutonia and maxing it in just half an hour with no damage. Probably i am a mediocre in you eyes just because i don't play on UV, right? On the topic of the thread, @Ciliana good player is one that enjoys the game enough to complete it and know all the quircks of the engine. A casual player is one that complete it and just forget it and doesn't come back, and when tries a community made mapset, even an average one, he goes away that the community play on kaizo mode all the time. Don't confuse good player with high skilled player. You can become a pretty high skilled player playing casually, being able to play most megawads out there blindly on UV without problem. But thats totally a different kind of skill compared to speedrunners. So probably all the regular members here are good doom players, yes. Not all have the skillset to play on UV, and that doesn't made them bad players as the important is enjoy the game. IF you want to become a pretty high skilled player, try speedrunning. If you don't feel its for you, it doesn't matter, probably your time trying it surelly made you improve your skillset enough to play anything without much problem on high difficult settings.
  19. i can' help but think that it would been better to make some kind of spiritual adaptation than a proper adaptation. Including all the things that changed, geopolitically and culturally speaking, since the original anime was aired. So there will be a lot of changes to the plot to ''soften the edges'' for today standars, probably. Anyway, Yoko Kanno music is still a joy to hear. I still have the complete OST on my mp3 player since i receive it as a gift in 2008.
  20. man... that was awfull :( Who the fuck would thought that there would be someone with soo much bad taste to actually make it happend on a 1:1 scale D:
  21. MBF21 along UMAPINFO open up the mapset to have all they want, basically. You want 99 maps? You can have them. You want custom enemies per certain number of maps along custom weapons? You can have them. So yeah, making it is not only possible, is just a matter of wanting it to actually happend.
  22. I forget one of my favourites! Bloody Steel has and industrial and decaying city escape that i fall in love with.
  23. Doom: Damnation is what you are looking for. Also, Sinergy and Switcheroom are great Ultimate Doom mapsets that are often overlooked. Way better on depicting the way Id did than the proper the way Id Did Serie The Invasion is old, but is pretty good, too. Leaning more into TNT adventure style maps, but whith a great haunted moon and invasion theme going on.
  24. -Hellbound has a lot of city areas, and more, too. -D2: Reloaded has a good amount of city maps, too. -Doom City is out there for you, too. -CPD has an amazing number of incredible city maps after map11. -Extermination Day, obviously has a helluva lot of really interesting city maps. -If you want an oldie, Fragport has ton of city maps. -In the same vein as Fragport, Final Doom: Return of the Evil God has a good number of city maps, too. -Dark Covenant is a 12 maps wad made almost of city maps. -DBP37: Auger;Zenith has tons of great cyberpunk city maps. -There are quite a few DBP that has really good city maps, Earth Ends and The City of The Damned Children are the only ones that i remember, but if you check them, you will surelly find more. -Comatose: Overdose 2 -Doxylamine Moon: Overdose -Sacrament -A.L.T. has a few city maps, but the whole experience is hazy on my head, for some reason. -Batman Doom has ton of city maps. -Mutabor is a vanilla compatible massive city map. -Vile Flesh has some really good city maps, too Those from the top of my head right now.
  25. You are free to advice about your preferences as you like. But what you stated and i quoted, is totally untrue. There are quite a large number of source-ports, newer and older, that completelly support Boom, even on modern systems. The sames apply for vanilla, with chocolate doom being the complete equivalent of the original vanilla experience, and also there is an official source-port that lets you play Doom right out of the box. What you call limitation are preferences, sometimes. And ''hacks'' is another way of modding, pretty much as your ''programming''. Both are different ways of coding. Remember that some of the most enjoyable mapsets out there, Struggle: Antaresian Legacy, Valiant, and even the good vanilla REKKR and Rowdy Rudy's 2: Powertrip, all were made with their especific limitations and they have mindblowing and unique new weapons. If you like something and you want to encourage others about using it, good, just don't trash other people preferences or likings. Especially when what you stated is not true at all.
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