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About Dimon12321

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    A-a-a-ah... The living daylights!
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  1. https://github.com/viciious/d32xr/pull/94 https://github.com/viciious/d32xr/pull/99 Wow, that's something new! A chasecam! It's good to see the project being interesting for other enthusiasts.
  2. Well, I expected a worse performance, but then again, modern tools have more space to manoeuvre and utilize more sound chip power. Even FM synth in Doom 32X Resurrection sounds better then the vast majority of Genesis/32X releases. It's also interesting if the project can import and play this soundtrack. At first, I didn't believe it was recorded on a real Genesis until I had heard the piano in Jade Empire track. Yeah, now I believe it's Genesis :)
  3. What about health bonuses? If you pick up a Body Armour, your health turns 400, but walking over a health bonus or a supercharge (Citrofinatocin, or how it's called there) results in decreasing it back to 200. Nice work!
  4. Not really. I made two maps, but they were trivial. Even more trivial than in 5-minute speedmapping competitions. It's not actually that hard. Draw an inclosed figure with linedefs to form a sector, select a texture for floor, ceiling and walls (it's not necessary, IIRC), place a "Player 1 start" and that's it.
  5. Use "-longtics 1" argument to have much higher aiming precision.
  6. Did you manage to extract other graphics, like textures and enemies?
  7. My text files are like sheets from my diary xD
  8. Hello, fafling! Are you working on the next version of the fix? Is there anything else to fix the way you did it?
  9. Category: 1 Difficulty: UV Dead on: Map 2 Time of death: 14:35 Kills: oh, God, I had to remember it too? Consider it zero, because I deleted the wad as soon I quit it. You'll see why. kmega1uv.zip Well, if every map is that weird, I'd shut off the game around map 8
  10. Not all game series have to come out at the rate of FIFA or Call of Duty
  11. I recognise this pattern. You expect empathy. That's not a good desire, if you actually want to achieve something.
  12. Pig Cop is closer to Heavy Weapon Dude by vitality and the amount of trouble it can cause.
  13. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (original, not remaster)
  14. 60 fps (interpolation), a resolution higher than 640x400
  15. It's a new era! We now have demo rewinds =)
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