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About Murdoch

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    Who Does Not Fight Has Already Lost
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  1. Should probably tag him for when he hopefully returns. @Doomkid.
  2. Doomkid's not been online much lately. Guess he's busy with real life stuff, and he's just lost track of the fact that the secure certificate has expired.
  3. On point. Therapists are human. There's good ones, and bad ones, and sometimes it's about finding the right one for you.
  4. 100% this. It's natural to get down at times, and feel like the struggle isn't worth it. And I can absolutely understand younger people being more prone to feeling this way in the current world climate. There's such a cycle of wars, pandemics, not ideal economic conditions etc that it all seems a bit hopeless. But there's nothing new here. We are not currently experiencing anything that hasn't happened before (even climate change has happened, albeit by more natural means), and yet we always seem to muddle through somehow. Nothing and no one is going to hand you a sense of purpose. You have to find it. You have to fight for it.
  5. It's actually not. You may not think you're being dismissive, but your comment can be interpreted quite easily as being tactless due to it's tone. If you don't really understand, you're quite free to simply move onto another thread and let a discussion lie.
  6. Got to agree with this. It's why I mostly avoid multiplayer games because the bottom line is they all have a potential "use by date". Sooner or later, something usually breaks and it's unreasonable to expect companies to keep pumping money into old online games and their infrastructure ad infinitum.
  7. I'd have to disagree with him on this point. It was one of the few things that really pissed me off in the original game, usually when getting meleed by a monster I couldn't see. I actually hacked a fix for it into an early Doom port back in the day (probably MBF). I was never more than an amateurish hacker, and it really wasn't difficult.
  8. Depends on how far you want to go. Heretic isn't just Doom in tights, though it is somewhat close. There is a lot of unique behaviour in Heretic that simply isn't replicable in Doom. Not to mention Heretic generally has a much higher enemy count than Doom, and that would make a SNES melt. You could bludgeon in some Heretic elements to SNES Doom in theory but it would be a pale imitation of the real thing.
  9. Sounds like a complete sleezebag. And that's being polite. But it's good to hear you like your job @act; I do too. Would that everyone were so fortunate.
  10. id isn't id. The indies making retro-styled FPS games have far more in common with old id than id itself does. The id that made Wolfenstein, Doom and Quake is long dead.
  11. I'm not worried because a game being good or not in no way affects my life. I have enough games and mods to play to keep me busy till 20 years after my death. If it's bad, I don't buy and move on. Quite simple.
  12. I watch a lot of random documentaries on YouTube, mostly history and archaeology. In terms of actual shows, The Repair Shop is my favourite currently. People bring in broken stuff to a bunch of experts in various crafts and get them fixed up. Some neat historical curiosities and wonderful displays of craft skill. The only show I cared about recently was Fallout, which was about as good as one could hope for. Easily the best video game show or movie ever for my money. It's not really an adaptation since it's set in the same universe as the games and carries the story forward, rather than presenting it's own version of it.
  13. Exactly. It reminds me of my favourite Transformers review guy taking the piss out of G1 purists. In comic whinning voice: "Bring back G1!" Regular voice: "Bitch, G1 never left." Classic Doom has not gone anywhere for 3 decades. It is physically impossible for one person to play every new bit of new classic Doom content released over the last 3 decades. You can mix and match any number of things to roll your own perfect classic Doom experience. Clearly, this new game isn't for everyone. If you hated the new games, it's improbable it is going to make you a convert. But I think it looks entertainingly daft. I like the shield and the skull gun, and the environments look stunning. Will see else comes to light over the coming months before release.
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