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About thewormofautumn

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  1. Davoth isn’t the “G”od of this universe. Martin already implied there are others. And the World Spear is the first hint
  2. Mars Core was a fun map. Very excited to see a Master Level based on it
  3. Yeah it’s confusing. Hugo once said it’s not a multiverse, then said he might have a different definition on multiverse https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/jf1l3c/comment/g9hvef4/ so who knows
  4. Man, Hugo comes across as a dude you just want to have a beer with
  5. Doomworld’s small size is what saves it from being like the other sites. Thank your lucky stars for that. it’s not a Doom phenomenon, it’s a scale problem. Once you have a large enough mass of people, a group of them will gravitate towards and idea and protect that idea at all costs because they tie their identity to it....and then that idea begins to infect all around it. Just like everything else in life. Religion, sports clubs, computer hardware, politics. It’s humans being humans.
  6. Nice. That actually puts my mind at rest.... I like it when people own up to mistakes and are honest about where they dropped the ball. cool with me. I still have questions but now I know the answers are just because they didn’t think everything through clearly enough
  7. But I do also want to know why the Dark Lord was such a C U Next Tuesday. I mean he wanted what was best for his people. He was a god. Had his toys taken away then did everything possible to torture beings to death and beyond across all the dimensions. Even complete innocents.... People who had no idea about what had happened. Why? They should have called him Edge Lord
  8. Just give me more horror in the next game, please. not body horror/torture. That’s boring. Give me Cosmic level Lovecraftian shit. I want to be a gibbering mess when done
  9. Meathook, glory kills, ice bomb, triple rocket blast, beast of a chain gun, weapon mods, enemy weak points, double dash, in air control, verticality of combat These are the things I like about New Doom (not all apply to 2016 obviously)
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