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Mystic 256

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About Mystic 256

  • Rank
    Mystical purple fruit raccoon :3

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  1. you don't need to make a post telling us how breedable cacodemons are, we already know this, its common knowledge why did you decide to make this post today?
  2. am having choice paralysis trying to think of what kind of combination I want, I am in a TNT mood, but I'm just having trouble thinking I think I'll need someone to help me come to a choice, there's just too many choices
  3. meh but still a much better state than I was in the 2010s
  4. this is amazing! so many textures in one wad :3 I am gonna mess arround with this later tonight when i'm eating my BDay cake
  5. the one in Map13 of Doom 2 in City Only, going inside just leads to the regular exit of the map but it still looks very amazing
  6. plot is probably doomguy awakens in another version of earth but one in the dark ages, there is a UAC of this world it is a council of wizards and they accidentally open a portal releasing demons, so doomguy has to fight demons in the dark ages now
  7. I've been playing Final Fantasy X for the first time this month
  8. The dark wooden area of E2M6 E2M6 overall is a bit liminal and strange
  9. I really love playing and making Doom maps, I'm a mapping attracted person
  10. Its genuinely fascinating what kind of decor can be done with only things
  11. Here is a basic sector tree, I made one time when I was bored :3
  12. I download all of them, my textures folder is many gb in size theres many great textures resources - OTEX - CC4tex / 32in24-15tex - Jimmytex - Zoontex - Mortiser tex (I like the bricks) - Darkening E2 Tex - Gothic TX - RFHellTX and much more
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