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Starman the Blaziken

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About Starman the Blaziken

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  1. I was playing in a Zandronum server with the same issue as the user above. At least since they did not respond (At least in a comment anyways) I can confirm with a change in a copy file and some testing that this simple line addition works. Would think to upload a simple file with just the decoration as a patch here, unless you probably want to silently update the link yourself since it is one extra line to rid an annoying issue for Zandronum users and the online servers hosting it.
  2. This... Is a very interesting mod! I just saw this mod when someone shown off their video in a Discord server, and it intrigued me quite a bit. I find this one to be quite a fun mod, despite some things I am probably having to figure out but I might as well say. One thing I can tell is that Proxy bombs must have a short range and it is kind of not so strong but I do not use them a whole bunch. This one might be some bind, but is their some bind that just ends up having you barrel roll round and round endlessly? Because when I check the map only to get out, I end up spinning and spinning and not too sure how to stop it. (Actually nevermind, it happens because the turn bind is also the same bind my follow mode on my map. Not sure if you might be able to do something on that one though.) Another thing I noticed is that backpack replacement items usually do not do anything after once by giving you ammo which still can be kinda helpful though. Although for this last one I probably want to mention that when I use say, a gun weapon... It seems to not trigger any hitscan-esk trigger lines, and even ones without any decoration in the way so I most likely have to use mdk in the console. Not sure if you might be able to do something about that though but that is all I have to say about the little issues of sorts I seen around in the mod, but I quite like where this has been going. :)
  3. Yeah... It stinks... I plan to get a desktop some time soon when the computer chips stock up again and I already had to wait quite a bit before that to... And only was it recently though I seen how bad Intel kinda is along with laptops themselves although I had to confirm it with the 2nd thing by someone.
  4. If it releases sooner than later... I was gonna say myself if their is something about that annoying debug spam since I was trying it out to see if it can run okay on my Intel laptop. It is a good laptop if not a few years old... But the only thing I have a problem is that they cannot fix a problem that might relate to how Intel computers have bad rendering and will randomly only freeze my screen in the middle of a game at random, but the game itself still plays. It works fine on LZ and Zandronum, and I dunno if it is because of how heavy GZD runs everything.
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