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About sgtcrispy

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  1. Looks like the folks at Flat Rock Software have released the source code of id's games from their time at Softdisk, which includes the various Catacomb games and Hovertank 3D. FRS apparently owns the rights to the games. Read more at Phoronix.
  2. ...achieved.

    I remember whining about turning 25 in a episode of doomradio ten years ago. Cripes man...

    "Keep on Doom'n."

    1. geekmarine


      Congrats, man... Five laps ahead of me and still running proud. Just be sure not to sidestrafe when running those laps - we run fast enough as it is when it comes to reaching that final destination.

    2. Obsidian


      It's 2 in the morning and I probably should be asleep, but screw it: have a speedmap. Happy birthday dude. :)

    3. sgtcrispy


      Obsidian said:

      It's 2 in the morning and I probably should be asleep, but screw it: have a speedmap. Happy birthday dude. :)

      Yay! \^_^/
      Tough little map, I love it!

      EDIT: I just noticed you used my avatar as the exit flat, hehe kick ass!

  3. Well, seems like John Carmack, "Our Fearless Leader", has decided to leave id for greener pastures. I wanted to remain a technical adviser for Id, but it just didn't work out. Probably for the best, as the divided focus was challenging. Right before the 20th anniversary of Doom. Kinda sad. Good luck John! Story via Kotaku.
  4. Here's a little teaser trailer for my current game in development.
    Zombie Tomato Attack!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. geo


      I'm happy with that actually. So my mind just envisions a few stationary player gun turret and aiming the turret at things. I see the crosshairs now. This could work.

      Are there points? I think a game like this needs points and a time. You completed the stage / wave in 30 seconds can you beat your time? Even Doom had percentage :-)

      I'll give this a whirl when it becomes available.

    3. sgtcrispy


      geo said:

      Are there points? I think a game like this needs points and a time. You completed the stage / wave in 30 seconds can you beat your time? Even Doom had percentage :-)

      Currently there is a wave progression type mode and an endless mode among the three stages and you will be able to choose between the fixed and moving "cannon".
      Points and achievements as well.
      There would have been four stages but in the sake of hoping for a release before halloween, it's at three. Future updates will bring more stuff in of course.

    4. Coopersville


      Now the Plants are zombies too? I can't even begin to fully realize the horror.

  5. Original post:

    Well I've finished rebuilding it Gamemaker: Studio and gave it a bit more spit and polish.

    Gez: I actually did rename it to Duck Rush. Kept the original price though. ;)

    Still nothing to overly excited about but hey it's better than it was before.
    Plus here's the last of the promo codes for 3.0. They should still work. if not, I can whip up a few more if demand calls for it.... hahaaaaaa...


    I learned a lot making that damn thing. Granted it was made using GML and not a proper language at least I can say I coded something. Hopefully by the time I'm done with the two I'm working on right now, I'll have learned enough from studying to move on to python at the very least.

  6. It would appear that El Presidente of id has decided to leave the company. To quote from Shacknews: After many years with the studio, Todd Hollenshead decided to leave id Software to pursue other personal interests," Bethesda VP Pete Hines told IGN. "While Todd was not part of the development teams, he was an integral part of id Software's success as the business head of the studio and we wish him the very best in his future endeavors. Good luck!
  7. My Grandmother, survivor of Stalins purges, Dachau, and the challenges of making a new land her home, passed away early this morning.


    Edit: Parents came back from the hospital and said it was this morning.
    Tuesday is the funeral, so yeah. I'll probably re-edit with thoughts, ect.

    1. Lizardcommando


      I'm sorry for your loss. :(

  8. And now for something completely different.

    Welp, I've been slowly tinkering away at game creation over the last year or so, and final got a little something up over at Apple and wanted to give it a share.

    Duck Rush, just a simple little game I hammered out in about a week or so. Just got an update approved so yay there.
    Give it a look if you are so inclined for something non complicated.


    It's no doom clone or even whatever the genre of the week is, but it's something floating out in that vast ocean of apps from which one can be plucked.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Gez


      AndrewB said:

      Based on what you wrote, you're obscenely overcharging for this.

      It's on the Apple store. If anything, he's obscenely undercharging for this, and robbing the customers from their true money-spending experience.

      Rename it iDuckRush and treble the price, so that it is more worthy of being an app for an Apple platform.

    3. sgtcrispy


      An android version won't be possible since I lack an android phone. Hell, I don't even have an iphone for that matter. $10 Trac-phone for the win!
      Just a 3rd and 4th gen ipod touch and an ipad 1.

      It was originally made in about week with Stencyl, which says leaps about ones coding skills. But you have to start again somewhere. Doesn't matter anyway, I've jumped off the ship and swam over to gamemaker and learning real languages as well.

      As far as putting on Cydia or whatever there is now, no thanks. For me anyway jailbreaking offers me nothing I want or need. For that matter neither does having a android or iphone either. Just more bills and headaches I'd rather not deal with.

      This was a testing of the app store process more than anything, so I'm not worried about what platforms it is on. Besides, why not?

      And yes if you want your stuff to be on and stay on the app store it's $100 a year.
      Unless there is some magical way that I've never heard of. :P

      If you want to give to a free look see anyway here's a few promo codes.


    4. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      Looks cool, I think my kid will like this.

      OK, so I just ponied up the ¥85 to DL it. Is there any chance you can do an update with a "kid mode"? Where everything is really slow?

  9. two days away. eeek.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Platinum Shell

      Platinum Shell

      Obsidian said:

      Hehe, get an admin to put the Post Hell theme on the forum. X-D

      I second this. But you know, only for the day.

    3. RestlessRodent


      Obsidian said:

      Hehe, get an admin to put the Post Hell theme on the forum. X-D


    4. Use


      that cake...

  10. ...fuck.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. sgtcrispy


      Oh it's not a bad thing so don't get me wrong.

      I'm just still processing/numb/whatever this information.

    3. Hellbent


      I just got a new niece a few weeks ago. It's not really a big deal. It's fun during the cute years.

    4. printz


      DoomUK said:

      Do you have any siblings or half-siblings? That might narrow down the search a little.

      Obviously I looked through my sister and my cousins.

  11. I was wondering if anybody (mostly likely old-schoolers) might have a couple of my old wads stashed away somewhere. In particular I am looking for my old Rhea1 and Rhea2 wads.

    I've been digging around the house looking for some old backup disks and have turned up nil. I think I have copies on my old comp but that's buried deep in storage so nuts to that.

    Might give 'em a spit and polish for the hell of it.

    Maybe a shellacking for good measure.

    1. GreyGhost


      Can't find them in my collection, maybe Grazza will have better luck.

  12. The fellows behind the FreeDoom port Doomsday: Hellraiser have released the classic Doom TC HacX for the iPhone/iPod and iPad, both for free.
  13. It was a good year.

    Plus randomly bumped into Dave Taylor and heard a interesting story about Trent Reznor and John Carmack.

    Yeah, it was a good year.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. sgtcrispy


      Okey dokey...

      I was looking for someone at a camp (Fandango!!!!) and wandered into the bar they had set up and kinda crashed there for a hour or so. When one of the bartenders was at the bar, I asked if so-and-so had arrived yet, he didn't know so I got a drink and chilled for a bit while he continued talking to another patron.

      I can't remember the conversation that had drawn me over to them but we started chatting about what they did and the bartender (Matt) mentioned he had worked in the games industry for a bit and then the person he was talking too said he was in the industry. We asked what he had worked on and he said "doom and quake"

      Ok, so now my eyes grew wide as tires and then I asked his name and had to turn around and take a breath to avoid hyperventilating. I tried my best not to go all fanboy on him.

      I won't repeat the story he told about Trent and John, but it involved a party and beautiful woman.

      He did say he was working a new version of Karateka, and talked about some of the things were were doing with it and it sounded damn cool.

      Then a stable tightly packed dust devil formed outside the camp and Matt and Dave giddily ran out to stand inside in arms waving like kids. I never saw him again, but I assume he used his super powers to ride the cyclone off to another part of the playa.

      Now if I had only taken a picture with him.... ARAARGH!!!!

      Matt did take a couple pictures which might pop up sooner or later.

      Very interesting and laid back guy.

      Also by good year I meant it was a good burn. my bad.

      Deathbringer said:
      Isn't that like some cod-religious rave where they burn a big wicker man as a vaguely "pagan" guesture "because that right thurs mah dang cult-yoo-ral HYURR-tage y'all" while stoned and all jabber about how it was "intense, man"?[/B]


      Danarchy said:

      It used to be such. Now it's just a very commercialized version of that, if you can believe the ramblings you hear on the internet.

      Not even close...

    3. Shaikoten


      deathbringer said:

      they burn a big wicker man


  14. One of my cousins had his wedding today and volunteered to help out in the kitchen with food prep and what not. So that went well and tasty eats were had by all. After the that was all done, I decided to head out and hopping in my jeep.

    I noticed that the cord from the cassette deck adapter was strung across the passenger seat. That odd I though also noticing the Belkin charger was missing from the power port. "Hmmm" I thought to myself as I opened the center armrest and saw my iPod was also missing.


    Called the police and one promptly pulled up. Gave my info and yada yada yada.

    I of course hold no high hopes of ever seeing my precious 60gb 5th gen iPod Video ever again, but one can dream.

    At the least the woman in charge of the kitchen was a smoking hottie, so that helps I guess.
    /end calm voice/


    EDIT: So how's your weekend going so far? :)

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. geo


      Wait wait wait... let me PM you something about ipod. It has anti theft.

    3. sgtcrispy


      geo said:

      Wait wait wait... let me PM you something about ipod. It has anti theft.

      Thanks man! :)

    4. geo


      Hey any time, hope I helped in some way. The community helps me :-)


    > source terminal location: UNKNOWN
    > source terminal identity: UNAVAILABLE
    > source login information: ENCRYPTED
    > message begins

    the post you are now reading is designed to dull your senses to THE TRUTH. do not live the life of the worker bee, the cog, the well-oiled piston in the MACHINE OF DECEIT!

    there is a grand CONSPIRACY afoot. you have been taught to believe that you are UNIQUE, one of a kind. THIS IS NOT TRUE. long ago, a cabal of scientists created technologies to ensure that ANYONE'S MIND AND BODY can be duplicated.

    human cloning isn't NEAR. it's already HERE. discover the truth at http://JCHutchins.net

    you are being DECEIVED. break free from the cogs, flee the hive, become A PROPHET OF THE TRUTH!

    kilroy2. was here ... kilroy2.0 is everywhere


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. exp(x)


      That's how your mom like to grip it.

    3. Technician


      sgtcrispy said:

      human cloning isn't NEAR. it's already HERE.

      It's been around forever.

    4. sgtcrispy
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