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About Sonik.o.fan

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  1. Commissioned by TiberiumSoul Free to use Rest in peace
  2. Doom Eternal autoshotgun mod Commissioned by Gemini0 No mod version for example Taurus Judge shotgun-revolver spritesheet (no hands yet)
  3. Taurus Judge shotgun revolver
  4. Baron of heck mugshot EDIT: added playable wad that replaces vanilla mugshot uses same D16 sounds like Hell Knight wad i made BaronMugshot32x32.zip
  5. I decided to develop this idea a little more https://imgur.com/tSetlmf
  6. super quick lazy mancub cannon mockup
  7. full sheet https://imgur.com/i9MYWNv straps are separated so you can recolor them any way you want and just paste it upon original layer
  8. some MP40 because why not spriteset soon
  9. Full sheet https://imgur.com/mSkDGL8 Ingame test Hknight_green_red_mugshot.zip EDIT: added some Doom 2016 sounds to replace Doomguy voice should work on every source port, since it's just a simple sprite reskin and sound edit Hknight_red_green_mugshot2.zip
  10. Hellknight mugshot sheet maybe you feel like you want to play as Knight of Heck, who knows
  11. Harpoon launcher that kills sometimes maybe probably perhaps https://imgur.com/i1WKp7h Commissioned by: Kuroji Shit2do
  12. Harpoon gun concept in action Spriteset will be done in future
  13. Mancubus mixed with Tormentor from Wolfenstein RPG don't worry, he doesn't bite
  14. I keep fooling around with Baron some meat on a pole scaled up look
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