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About Kebab_Hill12

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    Doom EsQue! Developer
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  1. Tbh, I find this as an annoying experience rather than something painful, which is also why i usually change the music and maybe even play the "Sign of Evil" if i want to, or simply just muting the whole thing but I think that makes the gameplay experience more creepy.
  2. I honestly think it would be the whole Episode 4, i haven't finished it yet (yes even after 4 years of being in this community i still haven't finished the franchise) but the 2 levels are already painful already.
  3. Here's something probably rare: The Philippines
  4. I was very curious if i was ever a part of Data Breach before, so i went to Have I Ever Been Pwned? I found out that i did on my first email (the email that uses this account) which says that i've been in a part of the October 2022 leak, now, i logged into this forum via Login with Google and i tried to change the password, and i couldn't since DOOMWORLD requires to add the current password but this was a password i added almost 5 years ago, i couldn't remember it, now, i tried doing the Forgot your Password? by logging out and i still haven't gotten an email Also the screenshot about the leak on Twitter seems familiar to me, i knew i have went into the site just 2 months right before the leak happened.
  5. What are your thoughts about this? To me, i hate the change, a singular letter on a website is really stupid and a shit decision, especially every changes they made after buying Twitter is stupid.
  6. It would possibly return the cut weapons such as the Rifle, Unmaker, etc. and it would be a major improvement within the game and could possibly introduce more monsters, or more maps, and it would be a great idea if the engine limitation didn't exist.
  7. Apparently old 3D games are mostly not actually 3D so... when i was watching this "creepy" game i thought to myself, is the game really 3D? i asked that first on one of the other discord servers (turned into if doom is 3d argument) so i wonder, is it really 3D?
  8. A sprite that was based on the wad called UAC LABS (uhhhh) apparently i was bored so i edited the sprites and i posted it on the Official DOOM Server, idk if this causes me trouble but there you go
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