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About Buckshot

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  1. It's clear now that Microsoft owns the Activision realm, this allows id software to utilize Heretic/ Hexen in future releases. I've discussed with a few folks over the years and they stated as badly as some wanted to revisit those games, the IP at the time was held up preventing them from doing so. Now that hurdle has been cleared, seems we might be getting a serpent riders origin story in Dark Ages. Hello again, D'Sparil....
  2. Apparently another DOOM... https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/doom-games-new-bethesda-report/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1oG2VP4wVmOycmsogtpTC_WGnNNnNJKN120jAbqZTsLPOLxqA_72GxNSk_aem_AW6Z8eoxQ4YmH15NmEhW7n5JGQkNLuCgj8N_530Sj3BwfAp8f9DDhm4BQTy1LI73aR_sLDX98PKa9C5BNbVCjoCU
  3. Everyday. There's just a ton of dos-era games and apps that just haven't been remastered or source ports for modern platforms and likely never will be (excluding Internet Archive playable versions which all pretty much run on a dosbox session, that is). Grew up in DOS's prime era, so that was a lot of games from my youth that I'm never going to part with. Dosbox-X is my goto, sometimes dosbox staging.
  4. This is correct. It is considered a form of impairment and you can be charged with operating a vehicle of the influence/intoxication in addition to being charged with possession of a class 1 controlled substance in states where it is not legalized (even in states where it is legalized, it is still illegal to operate a motor vehicle, aircraft, boat or heavy machinery while under the influence thereof). And just because some states have legalized it in certain regards, it's still illegal under federal law (keep that in mind). Why? THC is a psychoactive substance. It alters mental state, memory, reaction time and alertness. It is also more a "depressant" than it is a "stimulant" on the central nervous system (CSN), much like tranquilizers and alcohol. Yes, it has elements of both, but it's weighted more as a depressant above the other in most clinical definitions. And as a psychoactive substance, it also qualifies as a hallucinogen. Even if you're prescribed or have a medial card for marijuana, there are still usage limitations. Just as if you were prescribed a tranquilizer like many are (ex; common benzodiazepines like Xanax, Ativan, Valium, Klonopin, etc). They are all CSN depressants and while benzos aren't "psychoactive substances", they impair mental state and reaction time, and you could be charged with a DUI even with a prescription. Caffeine and nicotine products, however, are mild stimulants that actually increase cognitive abilities, memory and alertness. Also they are not controlled substances, thus... they are not impairing your ability to operate a vehicle, nor are they illegal to be in possession of.
  5. It's a next-gen cancer epidemic waiting to happen for those that smoke. Just like smoking tobacco in traditional flame combustion sense, it comes with the same dangers; tar and all sorts of chemicals when combusted that create all those nitrosamines and other carcinogens. Also carries the same cardiovascular risks (stroke, heart attack, anerysums, blood clots, hypertension, vasoconstriction, etc etc). Given, I don't know if folks out there are smoking it at the rate of a 2 or 3 pack-a-day tobacco smoker, but inhaling and holding it in the lungs for extended duration than compared to the drag/inhale from a cigarette, it probably isn't any less dangerous in comparison. With that said, a steam/cold-cured or edible/logenze form of THC would carry a (far) less cancer and cardio risks overall simply because they aren't being combusted and inhaled. Of course, the potency of a edible would potentially be another factor based on dosage received, which would usually be higher than that received in a combusted form (ie, someone smoking a cigarette is only getting about 1 to 2mg of nicotine, compared to something like snuff or chew that goes upto potentially 20mg or higher per use. same logic applies to edibles or pouches for either) There's also been correlation to potentially reduced mental capacity & memory, along with increased anxiety and panic disorders caused by THC and other compounds within cannabis over long term use. With all this in mind, the biggest threats from cannabis is not the THC, just like the biggest threat from tobacco is not the nicotine. The greatest issues present are chemicals caused as a byproduct from flame-induced combustion (thats the most dangerous method of consumption of either). For example, nicotine by itself isn't the most dangerous aspect of tobacco usage, or too different, from say another CNS stimulant like caffeine (in lesser dosages, that is). That's not saying it's healthy or safe either, but a nicotine pouch or gum doesn't carry the same gravity to cardio health as a smoked cigarette and a even lesser risk of cancer. There's always the possibility of oral cancers from oral consumption of such, but even in non-combustion tobacco usage, the risk of oral cancer statistically far less than any form of cancer from combustion-inhaled usage. Likely the same for non-combusted cannabis cancer risks.
  6. It's been a part of my life since before it even was released (everyone was going crazy waiting) way back in 1993, so it feels like a natural extension of myself whenever i get a chance to play it. In a weird way its like family. I'm surrounded by so much of it intentionally and unintentionally over these past 30 years, either by playing it, reading about it, seeing it discussed, collecting it, etc that hardly a days go by where I don't reminisce about it for at least a few moments. It's more than nostalgiac memories... it's still very much a engaged community, fanbase and coveted as it was way back then, maybe even more so nowadays. It definetley played a major role in how i ended doing what i do for a living, the friends I have and interest in things/lifestyle that I enjoy today (along with early PC computing, tech and gaming in general). Hope that answers your question OP.
  7. A mail order box, manual and addenum in good condition but with shareware disks. My first thought was whoever sold this may have withheld the (4) mail order disks to sell them separately, though that wouldn't make much sense as the complete mail order box with disks, manual and addendum (and sometimes the packing slip) would have fetched more as whole rather than being parted out. There's also the possibility of a franken-build set; composed of various pieces from different mail orders. Box from one place, manual from another, addendum from another, disks from some place else. But thats probably not the case here because everything seems to look the same as far as wear/deterioration goes (aside from the shareware floppies of course). I'd say you have a box/manual/addendum all from the original packaging, and either the seller long ago lost the (4) registered version disks long ago and padded it with the (2) shareware disks in a attempt to make it feel complete, or they bought the set without the (4) registered version disks, padded it with some shareware floppies they had laying around and sold it either to make it feel complete or hope the buyer didn't know the difference. Good find, though! Box and manual in better condition than most these days!
  8. Some interesting observations I've made since this rumor came about. The bulk of DOOM / id software fandom feedback seems, well, less than enthused (for lack of a better term). Surprisingly however, all the Star Wars gaming social media groups that this rumor appeared in are estactic and overjoyed that Id software (and more specifically the creators of the latest DOOM entries) are possibly doing a Mando game. From various comments, they hold id software in very high standards and really want this to be a thing.
  9. It's 80 degrees and raining here. Despite that, It's felt more Christmasy in recent years since my son came along. Been through 41 christmases in my existence. I'd say the first dozen or so we're always the most "christmasy* of Christmases. Snowy cold winters in the Midwest with the family all huddled around the basement fireplace and Christmas tree way back then. Through teenage years (especially post-15), Christmas wasn't as Christmas as it was prior. Through early 20's, Christmas was just any other day. When my sister's started having kids and my nieces and nephews came along, Christmas started feeling more like it use to. When I started dating and got married to my (second) wife in my early 30's, it started feeling even more like Christmas again because she made damn sure I remembered it. When my son was born in my late 30's, obviously now I must play the part of Santa and while it's a different feeling than when I was a kid, I see my son's excitement and happiness and it reminds me of my own at that age. It really brings out that same experience and emotions from all those years ago.
  10. You know what I think they should do? - Lucasarts reverse engineered the DOOM engine to make Dark Forces. - Id software reverse engineers the Dark Forces engine (Jedi) to make a DOOM game. Problem solved. Everybody wins!
  11. Don't you worry now. If history has taught us anything, we can expect to see Joel return Last Of US Episode 9 as a clone hellbent on galactic destruction and then vaporized into oblivion by a force-wielding Ellie. Cordyceps is a path to many abilities that some would consider to be unnatural.
  12. Ahhh, clearly you are referring to Mr. Salacious B Crumb. You know.... the little rat thing that that was laying on Jaba the Hutt for a whopping 30 seconds of screen time in 1983 and snickering at anyone who approached him. Oh Yes! There's an entire backstory and fanfic universe dedicated to this character. Just in case you weren't up to speed, here's some reading material: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Salacious_B._Crumb/Legends https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Salacious_B._Crumb https://www.starwars.com/databank/salacious-crumb
  13. Maybe. Numerous articles popping up today that id software has been summoned by Microsoft to work on a entry in the Star Wars "Mandalorian" universe exclusively for the Xbox. While just a rumor backed by a (questionable) leaker, certainly possible I guess. Though it'd be more likely that its a side-project or perhaps their Frankfurt studio may be focusing on, but also possible it's their next big thing? I'm sure if anyone could pull off a great Mandalorian game that it'd be id software. Though kinda shocked though if it is their next big thing. Would have suspected if Disney was gonna toss IP their way to work on it'd have been "Alien(s)". Personally, was kinda hoping for a new Quake (and still keeping my fingers crossed). Saw this here, and all other articles seem to just echo what this one is saying (or vice versa): https://tech4gamers.com/doom-developer-mandalorian-game-xbox/
  14. It's hard to believe that 30 years ago, I was just a 12-year old kid who was this big computer nerd hiding out in his basement, smashing away at a keyboard and playing DOOM all day.


    Actually, heh.. no it isn't. I'm still a giant computer nerd. Still playing DOOM. Thirty years later.


    There's something interesting about it though. While I've grown older and gray, well... DOOM never has. It's still a mirror image of that very first time I booted it up in eager anticipation, not knowing the path it would pave in life ahead. It can't age.. it's physically impossible. DOOM will always remain untouched by time. It will forever look and play exactly as it did on December 10th, 1993.


    DOOM is more than just a game to many. Almost spiritual in a sense. A portal back into the most exciting era of tech and entertainment of our time. If you trace the steps back and watch how it influenced all of what I know and do today, there would be no denying it was acting as some digital force guiding the way. There are a lot of fans and fellow community members who would proclaim the very same experience and testimonies. This is fact.


    To see a community as strong (if not stronger) for a game thirty years after the release, well, that's a feat so very few games can accomplish. A lot of undeniably amazing years of wads, mods and followups in the franchise. Still so many ways to play and to contribute.


    In writing this, I think of all the folks that we fragged alongside of that didn't make it to today. The memories and good times shared are also untouchable by time. May they rest in peace and know that they are not forgotten.


    What will DOOM and its community be on December 10th, 2053? Or even 2083?


    Well... Exactly what it is today.


    Happy 30th DOOM! I would say 'here's to another thirty'  but we all know so well by now that DOOM is eternal. And as such, the image attached was the first glimpse into the virtual world that awaited us on that historic day. Etched into our minds permanently and rent-free is that first step into E1M1 - 'Hangar'


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