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About Wilster_Wonkels

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  1. Rockets. I've got three wads in heliocentric orbit as we speak, not to mention the additional wads orbiting pluto, neptune, and jupiter. Only costs 3 billion a pop.
  2. Yeah giong down was a mistake for me too. I actually suffer from vertigo so when my significant other asked me to do it I got into this huge dizzy spell and couldn't think straight for hours. Oh, you mean the mapset.
  3. Just updated this again after realizing that I forgot to give it a proper idgames upload, so this will hopefully be the last update before getting on to that step.
  4. I'm listening to my neighbors through the wall right now as they argue over whether or not to get the abortion. They've already got two kids that still live with them so I don't know what the deal about a third one is.
  5. There's a few things I can't get up anymore...
  6. using slaves is always bad, regardless of context. Humans deserves freedom and basic decency.
  7. How else am I supposed to obtain world record speedruns?
  8. Thanks for pointing that out, I updated the link with with a new version that has the file extension.
  9. I'm just uploading a zip file with 109 midis in it that I wrote if anyone wants to check them out and use them. They're semi organized with tags to denote the style of music for each midi, and where I've used them myself (if I have). https://www.mediafire.com/file/wfgfx3ki4elqpvw/2000s%282%29.zip/file
  10. I'm thinking ego might have had something to do with it. Even though they did include it, they wrote the most dismissive review possible, didn't even include it's actual name, and also didn't include a screenshot. Petty and dismissive in my opinion for easily the most popular project of the year, and I haven't even played it.
  11. This franchise has been stuck in the same three cities since the first game.
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