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Everything posted by iddq_tea

  1. @stochastic Nope, MAP30 is a regular map, 40 will be IoS.
  2. Slight updates were made to the wording on the main post and an official deadline has been chosen. Also, two slots are open! @Stupid Bunny Are you still interested?
  3. @Stupid Bunny No more slots are planned at the moment, but keep an eye out for any slots that may open up :)
  4. Yeah, it might be worth reporting then. I'll look into it when I'm able, currently away from home and don't have a lot of time.
  5. You say you tested this in GZDoom and I don't know how different the experience there is, but the map is unbeatable on vanilla sourceports. The exit in particular: it's completely invisible, it's as pitch black as any other wall in the map (I'm guessing GZ lights up the walls and things with dynamic lights?) but in vanilla everything is pitch black, only the light sources and firing monsters are fullbright. Some sourceports have a colored exit line in the automap but since I tested it on Woof, I didn't even have that luxury so I had to check UDB to find out which wall was the exit switch. But once I got to it, it was unreachable - the hanging corpses are the blocking kind and in non-GZ ports you cannot walk under them, so the exit is literally blocked off. The corpses aren't even visible to begin with so there's really no point in having any sort of hanging decorations in a map like this... It's a neat concept and thank you for not making the fights super difficult, I managed to get through without dying, but I was constantly using the automap to navigate and even turned on IDDT when I was missing a kill to make sure it wasn't stuck in one of the closets (it wasn't). My eyes feel very tired after this, lol, I assume the experience is much nicer on GZ but it was just not fun in vanilla, sorry. Can you test the wad in something like DSDA Doom or Woof and make the necessary fixes? Oh and P.S: testing these maps in GZDoom might not be a good idea for another reason, this wad might end up being incompatible with GZDoom due to some Boom hacks we used in other maps, which don't work in GZDoom. We may add some GZ-specific scripts to at least make the maps beatable, but nothing's certain yet, it all depends on the amount of incompatible maps. I will put this warning on the main thread, too.
  6. @DynamiteKaitorn Just a heads up that you can upload zip files directly onto the thread, it's more convenient that way :)
  7. @rita remton Interesting, I had no idea! The deadline will be decided very soon now that the project structure is more or less finalized, the summer season I had in mind ranges from June to August!
  8. @Forgotten Soul You got it! @NinthBurn Only internally, the Level 30 slot displayed on the thread will not be an Icon of Sin map. All slots now gone for now, if anyone wanted to participate but was too late, you can keep an eye on this thread in case a slot opens up!
  9. @BeachThunder No worries, GL with your other project!
  10. @Pistoolkip The map was made by @NinthBurn, not me, so you might want to credit properly :) Nice video though! - EDIT: (sorry about a few false pings, I misread two whole posts on the last page)
  11. @stridertech Both are open! Gave you 24
  12. The thread has been updated with the slots and some additional info.
  13. @Phoenyx Ohh, you wanted it to be a secret map, I will move it up to slot 43 then since that's the last secret map slot (41-43). In that case nothing needs to be changed, it fits well :) I'll update the thread soon and the wad structure will make more sense!
  14. @BeachThunder @Phoenyx I got 100% kills Very evil map. My only remark is that the all-custom textures make it stick out a little too much compared to the other submissions so far, which use mostly vanilla textures and only some custom ones. If we introduce more similar textures to the 30+ slot maps, then it could work, but otherwise I would probably make a few visual alterations. I wouldn't mind the last episode being a bit more abstract and twisted :) - Speaking of which, myself and a team of people over on the Discord server were discussing the structure of the wad and settled on 43 total maps, where the multiples of 12 will have secret exits (so 3 total secret maps). I shuffled some slots around, the thread will be updated accordingly soon. Nothing is set in stone yet, but this will most likely be the final decision on the wad length. Everyone who had previously picked the secret map slots or Map15 will have their slots updated accordingly, since 15, 31, and 32 are now just normal maps. Full discussion as well as the current up-to-date slot list are available on the server!
  15. @Phoenyx Gave you slot 33, let me know if you'd like that changed! Also shifted a few other maps around since Bobby wanted three of his maps to come in a row. If anyone wants their map slot changed, let me know! More slots will be shifted around once a better secret map/exit structure is agreed upon. If you already submitted your map, you don't need to change anything, I will make the final slot adjustments myself.
  16. Just played through this, top tier amazing! :) Starts off looking impossible but once I found all the "secrets", I was able to consistently beat it in one go.
  17. @Phoenyx I'll reserve you a slot! The decision to increase total slots has pretty much been finalized, the question now is how to re-order the maps and how many there should be. I have this proposal: Every 10th map has a secret exit, so if we aim for 44 total maps, 4 of them will be secret and MAP40 will be the last. Everyone who's claimed a secret map slot so far will get to keep it, it will just be shifted to another slot. Same goes for maps with secret exits.
  18. I like the vol. I + II idea but I guess we can have a vote. If we end up settling for more than 32 maps, we may also want to re-order the secret maps or do something more with them (like have more than two). We could have a secret exit once every 10 maps for example. The current MAP30 slot would be pushed to the actual last map slot, but we'll need to decide on a fixed number of slots first. UMAPINFO is definitely planned, but the exact extent of usage is up for discussion, depending on several factors (like the map count).
  19. Only secret map slot 31 is remaining. If there are more people interested in contributing, I will increase the total slot count for this project, which is fine because the maps are mostly 1-3 minutes long, but it will break backwards compatibility with the older and more faithful sourceports which was something I planned to preserve originally. What would you guys think?
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