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Everything posted by iddq_tea

  1. @Grizzly Old B I actually had a person already snatch that one, but they are in the middle of creating a Doomworld account so I didn't get to close up the slot yet. My bad for not reserving it anyway :p Are you maybe interested in a different one?
  2. Seems like all are taken, I could have someone pick another slot or you can pick a non-Fibonacci number. I'm curious though, why such a seemingly random preference?
  3. @plums Oh, that's very nice, thanks for the info! I think it's worth replacing the two linked wads with the combined wad then.
  4. @plums Nice find, but I'm afraid the extra animated fall textures will break backwards compatibility which I was hoping to preserve in this wad (for example, if someone uses sky transfers in their map, there would still be default agreed upon sky textures that will appear in sourceports with no sky transfer support). Or is there a way to add new animated textures into Boom maps that I'm unaware of? Gothic is already credited in my personal notes alongside the midi artists :)
  5. @plums Good suggestion! Doom 1 textures for Doom 2 should also be among the permitted texture packs. I will link both on the main thread. The guideline is a bit unclear, I'll reword that too, but the idea is to not overuse non-vanilla (also the vanilla patches and Doom 1) textures as they would make the map look like it was taken out of a completely different project. This was what I'd originally written but then I decided to shorten it, in hindsight not a good idea.
  6. @NinthBurn If that's to avoid the line of sight bug, it does not prevent that, I checked, but if you have other tricks in mind, I'd be curious to see what you've got so sure, go ahead.
  7. New thread has been made, this one will no longer be maintained as the original creator abandoned it.
  8. Original thread by bobstremglav Discord server -- (Not even UDB was ready for this!) How far can Doom mapping be pushed? In this project, one sector is all you get to work with, so put your knowledge to a test and make the most of it! The idea of this project is to keep the limitations very strict to encourage creative solutions. You will get lots of use out of middle textures, which allow for fake elevations, hidden passageways, and more! Screenshots: Restrictions: - CL9 (Boom v2.02) - Texture pack to use freely: onesectortex (Contents: Patched up Textures, Doom 1 textures for Doom 2) - Custom textures outside the linked packs are allowed, but avoid over-usage so your map does not feel too out of place (secret maps are an exception) - Joined sectors are allowed, since the engine counts them as one - Vanilla monsters and decorations only - Custom midi is allowed: if you do not include a track with your map, one will be picked or created for you (feel free to make suggestions!) - Max. 4 maps per person - Test your maps in software mode before submitting to ensure compatibility - UMAPINFO is up for discussion (defaults will exist for backwards compatibility with older sourceports)- Any possible exceptions to these rules can be discussed here or on the Discord server Important notice: Due to an engine quirk, the game does not properly initialize the reject table in a map with only one sector, which causes a rather odd line of sight bug where the player is invisible to all monsters. I recommend using the ZDBSP nodebuilder to avoid this issue. Deadline for submissions is August 1st. Participants/slots taken: What happened to the original thread?
  9. @Shepardus It happens with ZenNode too, but I found a workaround for it. The rules on that will be updated. Sorry about the mess, everyone, I talked to Bobby and he agreed to let me take control of this project. There will be a new thread with clearer rules, and every map and claimed slot will be brought over.
  10. Yeah, that was my original proposal, until I accidentally found out that deleting the second sector after the reject table has already been initialized does not break the map. Bobby included that in the original post but it's easy to miss, I should rewrite the post myself and send it to him to update it to that, it's quite a mess at the moment. So the conclusion is that you CAN have a true one-sector map in vanilla! :)
  11. @Xaser This project was originally going to be vanilla but I convinced Bobby to bump it up to Boom, which already feels like overkill for a project that is supposed to be all about working around extreme limitations. There is a certain beauty to making creative designs with the bare minimum features. This project will remain restricted to Boom, unless the entire Doomworld community riots. :p
  12. I'd like to also claim one more slot, maybe MAP20. Also, important discovery (will bother Bobby to update the thread with this information later): once the reject table has been created, there is no need for the extra sector anymore - it can be safely deleted. This can be a true one-sector project.
  13. @Walter confetti Middle textures. Gotta make sure they don't form a sector though, so leave a one-pixel-wide gap somewhere in there. This also explains why the collision is janky, impassable linedefs don't reset your velocity. I had to add 64-unit tall custom textures to my map because you can't lower a 128-unit tall texture into the floor on the software renderer, it will "bleed" into the sector unless you create a second sector behind it and change its brightness or texture, which is not allowed in this project. @bobstremglav Any slot is fine, but you can move it to MAP08 for now.
  14. Not sure about GZDoom but vanilla has issues with one-sector maps due to some odd line of sight bug causing all monsters to become passive (presumably the game thinks they cannot see the player), so the maps should contain a tiny extra sector somewhere within the main one to initialize the reject table properly. I put mine near the start door. EDIT: Also, larger res examples of my map:
  15. (for god's sake, doomworld, why do you keep doing this?) Thanks for playing the wad! Surprised you found the rocket jump secret faster than the intended progression, haha. GZDoom really allows you to cheese that jump, the intended way was to rocket against the crate :) Edit: Yeah, I see now how many of the sections can be cheesed with GZ's rocket jumping :p This wad really wasn't built with GZDoom physics in mind, lol
  16. Bobby has access to a secret Doom archive... looks like it's been hosted by demons, rather than humans.
  17. Ooh, got a download for the wad, or is it yet to be released as part of a bigger project? I tried recreating a car from a screenshot once as the person who originally used it said they couldn't remember where they got it from. It looks very similar to yours :)
  18. @BeefGee Sorry for the delay but it's been done! I like your midi, it's very fitting indeed :) The thread has been updated with version 1.2!
  19. @BeefGee Sure, go ahead and reupload the fixed map, I'll update the thread with both your changes then! :)
  20. Evolution of the Doomputer! (spoilered for being image-heavy) All are CL2/vanilla.
  21. @TMMMS Ah, classic OpenGL screwing up textures again. It appears completely fine on the software renderer (which was what I originally tested it on), sadly I'm not sure what causes it nor how to fix it, but I will ask around. Thanks for reporting! EDIT: I fixed it by removing the tiny sector behind it, I don't know what the significance of that sector was so let's hope I didn't break the map :p
  22. I am unable to find the missing texture, can you please take a screenshot? --- Also the WAD has been updated! There is now a changelog to keep track of changes. @BeefGee You didn't respond last time, but if you still want to pick a different track or name for your map, go ahead! I'm free for the following two weeks and can update it quickly if requested.
  23. Another problem I need to fix is the broken images on the main thread.. should be done soon! I am away from home and don't have too much time to gather screenshots at the moment.
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