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Everything posted by iddq_tea

  1. I'm going to share some designs from a scrapped project of mine (which is currently being reworked so some of these designs may yet be reused): More under a spoiler:
  2. Looking forward to try some of these. Love what looks like the Dark Forces gun in Heretic, with text in the Doom font, that just looks trippy.
  3. When you're low on health, every zombieman a thousand map units away will know.
  4. @Lutz Absolutely, would like to get some feedback first and do that with a more polished release. @BeefGee Yeah, go ahead and suggest a track and a custom name for your map if you want something changed, it'll be done for the next update! Sorry for the late reply btw, I've been on vacation and haven't had time to check on Doomworld. @spineapple tea Perfectly reasonable, I had just updated the thread title to announce that the first version of the wad was out. I would've named the release thread something very similar if not the exact same had there been one, so would it have made a big difference?
  5. @Spectere I swear I caught that, why didn't I correct it?? Thanks for letting me know! @spineapple tea I figured I'd reuse this one since it probably has tons of people following it for updates, besides if I did make a new one, the old one would be completely abandoned, it served its purpose.
  6. And 1.0 is out! I decided to release it early, the final text file will be added later, if it still exists (let's hope so!) If you find any issues, please report them here, and if you feel like a map feels out of place or unfair in terms of difficulty progression, tell us what you think can be done to improve it! Happy dooming!
  7. I will postpone until I have the final text file, then the wad is going up (unless it takes too long, in which case I will just include it later). Sorry for the delay!
  8. @Anarkzie Hey! Please (re)send the text file containing the GPT descriptions, it's the only one I'm missing. Update for everyone: version 1.0 is going public tomorrow, just making some final corrections and prettying up the text files!
  9. I have found the CD again, now I just need to obtain an external drive to create an image of it. The current download will remain up for those who only want the files and not the whole CD.
  10. I no longer possess a CD drive (those files were copied in 2017, I still had my old laptop) so it take some time for me to create an ISO. I don't remember if I ever tried launching a wad through MENU.EXE, I probably only checked that it boots up at all (not getting any crashes though, what did you do to trigger it?) But I see what the problem is, I think it expects a specific directory structure, and I don't remember the exact CD structure anymore since I unzipped all the files and separated them 6 years ago. When I find the CD and get my hands on a portable disc drive, I'll make a new rip and write down the steps needed to use the MENU executable.
  11. I will take a look later today, remind me if I forget. More than likely it's anonymous, but it's worth taking a closer look just in case. EDIT: I have no idea where the CD currently is, it has a tendency to get lost before turning up again months (or even years) later. I'm currently quite sick and it's difficult to comprehend things, I can try searching for it more thoroughly some other day.
  12. Oh, absolutely! I will add the link to my original post if you do.
  13. I had stated this on the original post, but since then, I did in fact come across one source containing a bunch of shovelware Doom CDs (and some floppies)! The original site is now gone, but here is a webarchive link - https://web.archive.org/web/20160310200714/http://addoncollector.spielepedia.de/doomde.html My CD indeed appears on the list! :) Also, please take a moment to appreciate those retro CD covers. Here are some of my favorites: I don't know how many of these CDs have been preserved online, but I hope this link can stir up some old memories. Share it around, and let me know if you recognize any of these! I'd be happy to add a section onto this thread containing links to other such add-on dumps. -- Btw, thanks for the fascinating info, @deathz0r! Would it even be possible to get this onto /idgames? I'm not sure how the process goes, but if they are obliged to check every file for malicious or offensive content, this would take a decade, rofl (besides, I haven't even looked through all of these myself yet, for all I know there could actually be some offensive crap hidden inside...)
  14. Added you two! I will likely have the beta wad together tomorrow. I have about a week before my studying begins, so I will try to be as productive as I can in that duration.
  15. Already noted you! The PM will be created soon. Korni will be helping out with the beta wad because I'm very busy with life stuff right now.
  16. All those who want to beta test the wad, let me know now! You will be added to a group PM.
  17. Would anyone like to finish LOD42's map? If someone picks it up instead of starting over from scratch, both mappers get credited.
  18. The map was already remade by Raith and Korni, but if you do decide to finish your version of it, we will leave it to the playtesters to decide which one they like more. It looked cool from the 2D preview you posted, but ultimately it's up to you whether or not you want to continue working on it.
  19. Sorry for the inactivity, I am going away for another week to study for my entry exams for college. I will also be taking courses simultaneously when September begins, so more than likely I will be inactive in the community, which means the project's beta release will be put on hold for a bit. I will lift the deadline entirely for now, which means everyone has extra time to finish their maps. @mr-around Do you still have your MAP30 file? It seemed like you had quite a lot of progress done, but if you don't wish to continue working on it, send it over anyway, someone else might pick it up. @LOD42 Same goes for you; have you worked on your map since your last message here, or did you end up handing it over to someone? Now... it seems like @RubyAurora has been inactive since July 4th. I'll give them about a week to respond, but if they don't, I will assume they've gone inactive and hand their slot over to someone else. The beta WAD will be compiled when all of the maps are done, that's when quality control will begin. I hope by then I will have a stable schedule to focus on the project again.
  20. The first version of Doom I played was 1.2, and 1.666 for Doom 2, which has not changed its demos throughout the following releases, unlike the original Doom, which changed them every update. But I want to focus on this one particular demo... It's the first demo that plays when you launch Doom 1.2 and it features E2M4. I was very young when I started playing Doom, a literal toddler, and it was very easy to keep me busy - just put on the Pipes/Maze screensaver, or give me Doom, and I would watch those demos on repeat so much that I would be able to replicate Romero's exact movement from memory, with the exception that I used keyboard-only controls. One thing about this demo has always felt strange to me: when Doomguy approaches this door halfway, he decides to leave it for later and explore elsewhere, but the moment he turns around, the baron opens the door and lets out a mighty roar (which back then I heard through the PC speakers). It was only fairly recently that I got the idea to extract the demo using SLADE and play it back in DSDA Doom to spectate the area and find out what caused the baron to open the door as soon as Doomguy stepped into that room. By all logic, it should not be possible. Image spam ahead! I sincerely hope you guys find this just as amusing as I did, and maybe you know some funny off-camera shenanigans in the official IWAD demos that have gone unnoticed for years, too :)
  21. I love playing with vertical mouse movement and a capped framerate of 35 City maps are my favorite part of Doom 2 OG plasma gun sound is fun, as is playing Doom with PC speaker emulation Knee-Deep in the Dead is the most boring Doom 1 episode Doom 64 is meh Doom 2016 > Doom Eternal
  22. @Individualised Once the beta wad is out, these issues will be easier to spot and take care of, I will likely postpone the release date to autumn or even further since the final submissions are taking a while to come and there are certain issues that need to be ironed out first, like you said. The completely out-of-place maps will be replaced if they have to, it all depends on the overall D2All experience and feedback from the testers. I'm definitely trying my best to make this wad a fun experience, albeit a weird one, but that's to be expected when it's been instructed by an AI chatbot!
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