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About TheWolfman00001

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  1. Heya everyone, just here to let you know that soonish I'll probably release another light patch to fix up some small things that I feel could be designed better. I'm also writing this up to request that this mod post be moved to the "Mods and Resources" subforum since I feel there would be a much better place for Wolfman's Gameplay Modifications going forward. I hope you all have a great day!
  2. I know this page has been dormant for a while now, but in the past few days, I've been wanting to ask if Minicharge will ever receive another update? Out of both Mini and Super I've always preferred Mini on account of the simplicity of gameplay compared to Super as well as Mini using MBF dehacked rather than zscript (which is just awesome). This mod has always been a favourite of mine and given that I'm planning on going back to playing Doom in the coming months, this has been something that is on my mind.
  3. This source port is a godsend. I have always been really interested in a DOS source port and this seems to be right up my alley. I will try it ASAP and get my thoughts out afterwards, in the meantime I hope that this thread gets more steam since I am very sure that there are many out there like myself who would absolutely love this :D
  4. I have been playing through the PS4 port of Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 and overall I have been having a amazing time with it (especially with the controls, which I feel are perfect) but I have been experiencing a bug involving vsync. If I turn vsync off, naturally the controls are much more responsive, but whenever I get to a intermission text screen the next level refuses to load. I am not sure if this happens with Ultimate Doom but it definitely happens with Doom 2 and I hope there is some way to fix this bug. Just in case it helps, I am going to mention that I have been playing this port using the PS5, which is PS4 compatible but it could potentially be causing this issue for some reason.
  5. Oh look, it's the guy who placed 422 revenants in the plutonia experiment. For real though, welcome back to the community man <3
  6. Put out a minor update to Wolfman's Gameplay Modifications: Revamped. The changes are as follows: -Removed perfectly accurate tap-firing from the chaingun (This change was made so that the machine pistol stays relevant in the long term) -Further rebalanced guardsphere (increased duration from 45 seconds to 60 seconds, I can't seem to decide where I want to go with this thing) I was also going to rebalance the difficulty scaling in this update but after much playtesting I decided against it, as it did more harm than good. Hopefully I can implement some of the ideas I had in another project in the near future. Once again, I have updated the changes and credits documentation to reflect these changes as well as updated the download link. I hope you are all enjoying my mod and I hope that you have a great day! <3
  7. Put out a major update to Wolfman's Gameplay Modifications: Revamped. The changes are as follows: -Implemented a new weapon called the Machine Pistol: it replaces the regular pistol and works very similarly to it but has a higher rate of fire and less recovery frames after shooting it. Further details about the weapon can be found in the changes and credits documentation in the main post. -Further rebalanced guardsphere (decreased duration from 60 seconds to 45 seconds, decided it was too overpowered in the state I left it in.) I wanted to implement more weapons but I ultimately decided against it. I feel that after the implementation of the machine pistol that the mod is in a good state overall and that I shouldn't tamper with anything else or add anymore unnecessary elements. Once again, I have updated the changes and credits documentation to reflect these changes as well as updated the download link. I hope you are all enjoying my mod and I hope that you have a great day! <3
  8. Hello everyone. I apologize about the lack of updates, I have been taking a break for the past few weeks after working on the mod for the better part of 2 months. During that break I got around to thinking about something: what if I added some new weapons to flesh out the arsenal a bit more? It would require the use of random spawners and it would make the experience less consistent but I think it might be a positive change. Do you all think it would be a good idea to go in this direction?
  9. Put out a minor update to Wolfman's Gameplay Modifications: Revamped. The changes are as follows: -Buffed chaingunner (increased health from 60 to 80) -Buffed arch-vile (increased health from 700 to 800) -Buffed icon of sin (increased health from 250 to 300) I have updated the changes and credits documentation to reflect these changes as well as updated the download link. I hope you are all enjoying my mod and I hope that you have a great day! <3
  10. Heya, thanks for the comment. Unfortunately I already tested it out to see if it was zandronum compatible a week or so ago and it doesn't work. My guess is that the decorate code that's supported by zandronum is out of date and as such some of the code used isn't registered as valid. Apologies for the inconvenience
  11. Put out a minor update to Wolfman's Gameplay Modifications: Revamped. The changes are as follows: -Further nerfed arch-vile pain chance (increased from 5.47% to 12.89%, actual values are from 20 to 40) I have updated the changes and credits documentation to reflect these changes as well as updated the download link. I hope you are all enjoying my mod and I hope that you have a great day! <3
  12. I did some playtesting with increased enemy HP and I ultimately decided that the HP values won't be changed from what they are currently as they made the overall gameplay much less fast paced and fun. My apologies @whybmonotacrab
  13. Heya, Thanks for the comment! I can definitely see what I can do in regards to monster health, though I will say that if you want a more difficult experience you can play on ultra-violence or nightmare since enemies come in larger quantities and deal much more damage than on hurt me plenty or the lower difficulties. Thank you for playing! <3
  14. Heya, thanks for the comment! I hope you enjoy the mod and the changes it brings! <3
  15. Hello everyone, I just put out a version of Wolfman's Gameplay Modifications: Revamped that is compatible with The Ultimate Doom. Since the mod was primarily balanced around Doom 2, this version of the mod might be a bit unbalanced, but I hope you all enjoy it! You can find the link to this version of the mod in the main post or you can download it using the link below. Download (Ultimate Doom Version): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lionSAMyUPNaF9BtNMkJGQ44l1yee-ue/view?usp=sharing
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