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About DavitosanX

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  1. Now it's only a matter of time before ZeroMaster beats/speedruns it.
  2. Hello! For some time I've been wanting to bring my programming skills to the next level by participating in an open source project. After seeing the skill progression thread that's popular in these forums, I thought it could be cool to adapt the ZDoom launcher to keep track of which wads and which levels of those wads have been completed and on what difficulty. It could be a fun way to mark your progress through the list. Perhaps users could share a screenshot of their progress on the forums. I went over to github to take a look at the source code for ZDoom, but it is pretty extense, and I was wondering if anyone knows if there is any documentation that describes how the project is structured, and where I may find the data I'd need to make the extension work. I would need to know how the launcher works, and what libraries are used for the GUI in order to extend it, and also how to retrieve level number and difficulty when the player finishes a level. I tried looking at different documents, but I don't know where to start. Any help would be appreciated!
  3. @SaladBadger That was pretty awesome, I can't deny it. But was the preparation time worth it? I suppose it was to the creator of the video, but I can't see myself doing all that work just for that result.
  4. So, basically an extreme form of delayed gratification. Got it. When you describe it like that, of course not, but what about reasonably challenged by the task the character faces? I don't find things like "I have been grinding for 12 hours so I can breeze through the rest of the game" very satisfying either. But to each his own, of course.
  5. I was thinking of a similar enemy, but I would kinda nerf it a little. Make it faster, and able to revive enemies, but without the ability to cast its spell (at most give him a decent melee attack). You could release some after a big fight, and you'd first have to understand where they are, and try to hit them in spite of their fast movement.
  6. I recently started playing Final Fantasy II on mobile (the older version, not the pixel remaster), and remembered how so many people describe the battle and experience system as horribly broken. Granted, it's not by any means perfect, but it is a good first approximation of something we would see in games like Elder Scrolls, and I find it interesting, as it allows you to build the characters as you want them to be. You can argue whether or not you find the system good or not, and that's fine, but one of the usual arguments states that you have to hit your own party members to gain HP. And yes, you can do that (which I always thought you could role play as sparring anyway), but you would only do it if you wished to speed up the process. You would also increase your HP by getting hit by monsters, and if they're not hitting you hard enough, then you don't need the HP, do you? So why go the unfun route the get the HP? Isn't having fun the whole point of playing the game? I also see this in Final Fantasy VIII, where players say they *have* to draw 99 of each spell to make the most of the junctioning system, and some people complain that the summon animations take too long, but they *have* to use them because they are the most powerful attacks. Why do they feel they have to do this? It seems to me that the point of making the system tedious to abuse, is so you don't feel compelled to abuse it. Draw the spells you need, balance the ones you want to junction but also want to use, and use summons sparingly. Why do they keep going the unfun, grindy route just so they can get the best stats in a game that isn't that hard to begin with? I have seen similar issues pop up in other games, but these are the ones that I'm more familiar with. I'd love to hear your thoughts. P.S. Of course I understand the allure of a power fantasy, being an unstoppable force that destroys everything that comes in its path (we all love Doom, don't we?), but my point is, why spend hours of not having fun to get there?
  7. I'm currently going through TNT: Revilution in GZDoom, and it's kicking my ass on HMP. I'm trying to build my skill at Doom, and I've checked out the wad progression recommendations, but stuff like Base Ganymede or even Memento Mori are not as interesting as Revilution. Maybe I should just drop to HNTR... On Switch I'm playing OG Doom 2 (HMP) and BTSX Ep 1 (ITYTD, but maybe I overestimated it and might be able to survive on HNTR continuous)
  8. I was recently playing Doom Zero and regular Doom II on the switch, and also a bit of Doom Eternal. On all three experiences, platforming made the experience worse. I was wondering if anyone ever enjoyed the platforming segments in either the old games or the newer ones. Maybe speedrunners enjoy the challenge or something...
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