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I get home from work the other day, and smack my keyboard with my hand as per usual, waking my computer up from its 8 hour nap. I toss my keys on the desk and my vid card fan goes to 100%, my display doesn't initialize and in a panic I flick the power off on my PSU. Shit.
Turns out my voltage regulators are fucked and my computer won't post unless I squeeze the rear of the card (where the VRMs are) against the main heatsink, bending the pcb. In GPU-Z my VDDC Phases are off, sometimes showing #1 and #3 as working fine, with #2 conspicuously absent of any reading. Sometimes #2 is working but the others are gone. When I bend the card toward the heatsink all 3 show up as normal...
Freakin' weird, man. So I got a Sapphire 6870 on the way, should materialize tuesday.- Show previous comments 3 more
Planky said:
The planets must have misaligned on you
Planky, get your head out of the aether: Astrology isn't real and neither are you.
It's a Radeon 4870, Exl.
I don't know a thing about reflow soldering, but it might be a cool project after I get my new card.
Hellbent said:mercury is no longer retrograde, tho.
Cool! Here's a guide for reflowing a laptop gpu using a heatgun:
And here's one for oven baking a 'dead' 8800GTX
Gonna try this once I get the new card up and running :D
This is an example of the defensive stupidity you can have with what might be the typical linux user...or just these two psychos.
DISCLAIMER: I (iori) am just making up random shit here. These guys are feeding off of it.
17:15] * Acid1x has joined #Legacy
[17:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Acid1x
[17:16] <iori_> tox, when you submit a wad to WIP, is it always in RED for the owner of the wad, or just when its in the approving process>
[17:18] <toxicfluff> Just for the approving process.
[17:18] <toxicfluff> It took 2 days for my wad to get up there.
[17:18] <toxicfluff> But I did submit it on a friday or something.
[17:18] <toxicfluff> Hello, windows lover.
[17:19] * Acid1x gives tox the finger
[17:19] <toxicfluff> hehe
[17:20] <iori_> hehe
[17:20] <iori_> I love windows
[17:20] <toxicfluff> I don't have time to make a fool out of you today, I'm afraid.
[17:20] <iori_> Especially windowsME, its almost FUN to use!
[17:20] <toxicfluff> haha
[17:20] <toxicfluff> ME blows.
[17:20] <Acid1x> make a fool of me?
[17:20] <toxicfluff> I thought you were on 2k now?
[17:20] <iori_> I like the random crashes, it keeps you on edge!
[17:20] <iori_> I am on 2k
[17:21] <Acid1x> I'd say XP now sucks more then ME
[17:21] <iori_> And I just love it when windowsME decides ive spent too much time on the computer, and shuts down! YAY!
[17:21] <iori_> Now I wonder if it can cook...
[17:21] <iori_> XP is marginally better than ME
[17:21] <iori_> 2k and 98 rule them all though
[17:22] <iori_> And Linux is just MacOS with a fancy name
[17:22] <Acid1x> Fedora Core 2 owns all of them
[17:22] <Acid1x> what?
[17:22] <iori_> look at me, I habe a mac on the PC
[17:22] <iori_> have*
[17:22] -toxicfluff- You go, me buddy :P
[17:22] <Acid1x> Linux is completely diff from mac
[17:22] <iori_> Nope
[17:22] <iori_> theyre the same
[17:22] <iori_> Like carrots and turnips
[17:22] <Acid1x> it wasnt until MacOS 10 that mac started to use Linux technology
[17:24] <iori_> No, I read in my MAC ATTACK magazine that Linux was just a cheap rip off. And franky, I believe them. They sure know their stuff
[17:24] <Acid1x> no it isnt
[17:24] <iori_> Yes, it is
[17:24] <Acid1x> mac and Linux have two completely different goals
[17:24] <Acid1x> Mac is a desktop OS
[17:24] <Acid1x> Linux is for server and programming professionals
[17:24] <iori_> Macs have the power of a small nuke in every tower, so says 'mac attack'
[17:24] <Acid1x> they cant be different
[17:25] -toxicfluff- MAC ATTACK ahahaah, you rule.
[17:25] <Acid1x> G5s are overrated
[17:25] <Acid1x> the Athlon 64 FX-53 is just if not more powerful
[17:25] <toxicfluff> Programming professionals.
[17:25] <toxicfluff> pah
[17:25] <iori_> Well macs treat their users like royalty, and come bundled with AOL! Sweet Deal!
[17:25] <iori_> I love the 24 hour tech support
[17:25] <iori_> because when I didnt know how to print my essay, Tech Support was there!
[17:25] <iori_> I love them to bits
[17:26] <iori_> Seriously, If it wasnt for AOL, the internet would be a mystery to EVERYONE
[17:26] <iori_> AOL opened the doors, and made all things possible. Theyre almost like God!
[17:27] -> -toxicfluff- I think hes tired of it.
[17:27] -> -toxicfluff- Too bad, I was having fun
[17:27]* crazyman has joined #legacy
[17:27] <crazyman> hey mofos
[17:27] <iori_> and who art thou?
[17:27] <Acid1x> mac is not a rip off of Linux
[17:27] <Acid1x> period
[17:27] <iori_> Yes it is!
[17:28] <Acid1x> err other way around
[17:28] <toxicfluff> Exactly
[17:28] <toxicfluff> It isn't a rip off.
[17:28] <toxicfluff> Freudian slip.
[17:28] <iori_> Macs came before linux
[17:28] <Acid1x> Linux and Mac are two different OS with two different goals
[17:28] <Acid1x> Linux came out before windows
[17:28] <iori_> Quicktime, AOL, macs have it all
[17:28] <Acid1x> so did DOS 5.0
[17:28] <crazyman> wow whats the argument in here
[17:28] <Acid1x> they are ripped off of Linux too then?
[17:28] <iori_> Dos 5..is that like windows 2 or something>
[17:29] <Acid1x> well these idiots think Linux ripped mac off
[17:29] -toxicfluff- Honestly, he is proof against his own arguments.
[17:29] <crazyman> lol dos 5
[17:29] <Acid1x> no its not
[17:29] <crazyman> lol your dumb iori
[17:29] <Acid1x> lol
[17:29] <iori_> ..IM NOT DUMB
[17:29] <crazyman> LOL
[17:29] <crazyman> this is funny guys
[17:29] <Acid1x> Windows and DOS are two different OSs
[17:29] -toxicfluff- I mean, that there is no dumb linux users. Heh, programming professionals and server stuff.
[17:29] <crazyman> yea
[17:29] <iori_> No theyre not
[17:29] <crazyman> completley different
[17:29] <Acid1x> and Windows didn become an OS until like 2000
[17:29] -toxicfluff- He's too dumb to even realise he's being led on for the SECOND time.]
[17:29] <Acid1x> because it ran out of dos
[17:29] <iori_> and MacOS is better than linux, and linux 3 as well
[17:29] <crazyman> wtf
[17:30] <crazyman> linux 3?!
[17:30] <iori_> My friend has linux 3
[17:30] <crazyman> you have no fucking clue what your takling about
[17:30] <iori_> he said so
[17:30] <Acid1x> I can feel the stupidity
[17:30] <crazyman> dude do yourself a favor and stfu
[17:30] <Acid1x> Linux 3 doesnt exist yet
[17:30] <iori_> My friend works in a library. HE KNOWS THIS STUFF
[17:30] <crazyman> nothing is better then gentoo (linux)
[17:30] <iori_> lozers
[17:30] -toxicfluff- When should we blow them out?
[17:30] <crazyman> LIBRARY
[17:30] <crazyman> OMFG
[17:30] <crazyman> where they use winblows
[17:30] -> -toxicfluff- im having too much fun
[17:30] <crazyman> winblows Xetra Penis addition
[17:31] -toxicfluff- Ok, keep going heh. But tell me when you're ready to tell them what dumb cunts they are, so I can join in.
[17:31] -toxicfluff- MAC ATTACK!
[17:31] <crazyman> yea...you have no clue what your fucking talking about iori
[17:31] <crazyman> or your friend for that matter
[17:31] <toxicfluff> MAC ATTACK
[17:31] <iori_> Hey, My dad knows bill gates ex-secretary! I can gat bill gates to shut off linux forever!!
[17:31] <Acid1x> Linux is only at 2.6
[17:31] <Acid1x> yeah right
[17:31] <Acid1x> Linux isnt a company
[17:31] <crazyman> oh yea....shut off linux
[17:31] <Acid1x> its a community
[17:31] <iori_> yes it is stupid
[17:31] <Acid1x> so if u want to shut it off
[17:31] <iori_> Linux is a company
[17:32] <crazyman> linux does not make proffit , no money involved
[17:32] <Acid1x> you'd ahve to assassinate around 30 million people
[17:32] <Acid1x> no its not
[17:32] <crazyman> linux is not a company
[17:32] <crazyman> they dont make MONEY
[17:32] <iori_> Yes it is, Linux Inc.
[17:32] <crazyman> they dont do shit
[17:32] <Acid1x> there is no Linux Inc
[17:32] <crazyman> its a community of developers
[17:32] <crazyman> omg
[17:32] <crazyman> this is great you dubm fuck
[17:32] <iori_> Linux community, Inc
[17:32] <Acid1x> no
[17:32] <crazyman> its not a company
[17:32] <crazyman> go to the websites
[17:32] <Acid1x> there is no Linux *** Inc anything
[17:33] <Acid1x> linux.org
[17:33] <crazyman> there is no corporation or .inc
[17:33] <crazyman> or other shit
[17:33] <crazyman> linux has no money
[17:33] <crazyman> no income
[17:33] <crazyman> nothing
[17:33] <iori_> And all those workers in their little cubicles do is steal ideas from DoS and Macos
[17:33] <crazyman> they dont charge
[17:33] <crazyman> linux is free
[17:33] <crazyman> oh yea
[17:33] <crazyman> DOS WAS SHIT
[17:33] <Acid1x> bull shit
[17:33] <crazyman> if linux was run off of dos
[17:33] <iori_> Are you guys stupid?
[17:33] <Acid1x> DOS was a rip off of Unix
[17:33] <crazyman> then i wouldnt be using it
[17:33] -toxicfluff- I bet crazyman is just an anonymous friend acid1x brought in
[17:33] <crazyman> dos was complete shit you moron
[17:34] <Acid1x> its only ability was executing programs
[17:34] <Demis> I think windows rules.
[17:34] <Acid1x> and if you know anything about OSs thats pretty weak
[17:34] <Demis> linux is just for dumbasses and retards
[17:34] <iori_> Anyways, my aunt had windows3.1 on her computer, and she had AOL. It ran perfectly. She even ordered flowers for her husband ONLINE! BEAT THAT LINUX, INC!
[17:34] <crazyman> no
[17:34] <crazyman> linux is for hackers and other SMART people who like choices
[17:34] -toxicfluff- You are killing me. Stop.
[17:34] <crazyman> windows is for people who like to be taken advantage of
[17:34] -toxicfluff- hehe
[17:34] <crazyman> and dont like to make choices
[17:35] <Demis> yeah, which is why your mother uses windows
[17:35] <Demis> she just loves to be taken advantage of
[17:35] <crazyman> my moms a dumb fuck
[17:35] <Demis> that's how you were born
[17:35] <iori_> FUCKER!, My sister was taken advantage of!
[17:35] <iori_> So dont joke about that with me
[17:35] <Acid1x> it might have been me
[17:35] <iori_> EVER
[17:35] <crazyman> your sister was fucked in the ass by me
[17:35] <iori_> My dad could whip your dad
[17:35] -toxicfluff- You are kidding, right?
[17:35] <crazyman> i fucked her
[17:35] -> -toxicfluff- of course
[17:35] <crazyman> just like windows is fucking you now
[17:35] <iori_> ...
[17:35] <iori_> Seriously, NOT COOL
[17:36] <crazyman> dude then stfu
[17:36] -toxicfluff- heh, thank god for the whisper
[17:36] <crazyman> you have no clue what your talking about
[17:36] <iori_> God, I pray to you. Stop these people from hurting my poor sisters memory
[17:36] <crazyman> your fucking praying?
[17:36] <iori_> ..yes
[17:36] <iori_> so what
[17:36] <crazyman> wth...am i in a cirus?
[17:36] <Demis> Linux users are like the amalgamation of all the down's syndrome chromosomes in the world.
[17:37] <iori_> God will protect me forever
[17:37] <crazyman> lol
[17:37] <Demis> big foreheads, and no brains
[17:37] <crazyman> demis, your dumb
[17:37] <iori_> God is on Windows side
[17:37] <crazyman> your in the matrix
[17:37] <crazyman> linux users are out of the matrix
[17:37] <Acid1x> thats why windows sales are down?
[17:37] <iori_> Linux was made by the evil iraqis
[17:37] <Acid1x> and Linux piracy as at all time highs?
[17:37] <Demis> Linux users are terrorists.
[17:37] <Acid1x> erer Windows piracy
[17:37] <iori_> I bet theyre all teaching you to strap bombs to your chests and pray to allah
[17:38] <crazyman> no...there teaching me how to fuck your sis in the asshole
[17:38] <Acid1x> if God protected Windows it wouldnt crash all the time and be plagued with virus' and worms
[17:38] <toxicfluff> Goddamn you two fuckers are stupid.
[17:38] <iori_> God.. Please forgive these poor, deluded people. They just dont know what's right :/
[17:38] <crazyman> LOL
[17:38] <crazyman> omg
[17:38] <crazyman> this is great acid
[17:38] <toxicfluff> Windows is the most popular OS in the world for a reason.
[17:38] <iori_> I hope all the best for your soul
[17:39] -toxicfluff- this is great iori
[17:39] <toxicfluff> this is great iori
[17:39] <crazyman> windows is the most popular OS in the world yes
[17:39] <toxicfluff> LOL
[17:39] <toxicfluff> omg
[17:39] <crazyman> you wanna know why?
[17:39] <iori_> ...
[17:39] <toxicfluff> Because it's the best.
[17:39] <iori_> great?
[17:39] <crazyman> because you dont have to learn shit
[17:39] <Acid1x> God has blessed me with Linux, thats all I need
[17:39] <iori_> I know
[17:39] <iori_> Im doing a good thing
[17:39] <iori_> and these people cant see that
[17:39] <iori_> Im trying to help people
[17:39] <crazyman> your not doing shit
[17:39] <iori_> and make them go to heavan
[17:39] <toxicfluff> I know Iori.
[17:39] <crazyman> you FUCKERS ARE DUMB
[17:39] <toxicfluff> You are just trying to make them see the light.
[17:40] <toxicfluff> And become better people.
[17:40] * iori_ sings a hymn to help the passage of Acid1x and crazyman's souls...
[17:40] <crazyman> dude, i have winblows on one computer
[17:40] <toxicfluff> These vales of santa need guidance
[17:40] <crazyman> and i have linux on another
[17:40] <iori_> i wish you all the best....
[17:40] <crazyman> i have both
[17:40] <crazyman> ive seen both
[17:40] <crazyman> you havent
[17:40] <crazyman> your dumb
[17:40] <crazyman> your ignorant
[17:40] <toxicfluff> You take it in both holes too, I bet.
[17:40] <crazyman> your assholes
[17:40] <crazyman> your fucking stupid
[17:40] <iori_> ...assholes? ME
[17:40] <toxicfluff> your asshole
[17:40] <crazyman> no you are you dumb shit
[17:40] <crazyman> i hate god
[17:41] <crazyman> so fuck you
[17:41] <iori_> Do you want to burn in the fiery pits of hell!?!
[17:41] <iori_> I DONT THINK SO
[17:41] <crazyman> yea
[17:41] <toxicfluff> He hates you too. That's why he cursed you with linux.
[17:41] <crazyman> actually i do
[17:41] * Acid1x has left #Legacy ("Leaving")
[17:41] * crazyman has left #legacy
Albeit sad, that has to be one of my more humourous IRC chats.
Its kinda cool that in 20 minutes 2 people can get so religeously defensive about an OS. WTF is this world coming to.