Actually, you right because first with the sergents and the Commando, you can just kill the sergent with no gun so you just take the shotgun and after kill the Commando so after your ammo is full and you can continue the massacre.
For the spectre yeah thats fucking annoying but like the worst is with Brutal Doom mod so they have those glowing eyes and makes you fucking jumpscares, damn.
The Arachatron is maybe the coolest monster in a certain way because he can make an army with the others Arachantrons and beat your ass lol.
Just like the Spectres, the Arch Vile is FUCKING annoying but very funny to fight with it like he mabye block you where you hide but thats the type of monster in Doom what i hate but what i still love.
Personally, the Mancubus is the best monster to kill with the arch vile, thats so funny to kill them.
"Three Hell Knights are funnier to fight than two Barons" FACTS !
Revenants are those type of snipers shooting you with their rockets coming from nowhere so you start having God like reflexes haha, pretty funny.
Pain Elementals throw some much chaos in the area i you don't kill them fast, it litrerally makes a whole army !
Cacodemons are legendary, those big ass balls coming for kill you bruh.
Cyberdemons and the Spider Mastermind are one of the best monster in the Doom trilogy like just how you say it the fucking trap you with their fat ass tank type body lmao.
But man, the formers humans are the most simple monster to kill in this game.
Actually i like the Spectre because its one of those annoying ass who make your anxiety in a whole other level like they are so hard to kill in those blue room wher they clearly invisble, fuck those shit.