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About DwarfCleric

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  1. Testing lasting binary linked in the thread (page 32) Enabling Launcher prevents game from loading. Something that for me is one of the major reasons of using Prboom in the first place, the convenient launcher for mods. I don't think command-lines are anywhere near acceptable for anyone as far as 2021. Even Windows 3.11 programs had GUI interface launchers. It's becoming a bit embarassing. And no, nobody should use a 3rd party executable to do the same thing as the main executable could do the entire time. (gzdoom people, don't even start typing, I will ignore you) Also, mouse movement. It seems like DSDA is plagued by the HORRID mouse movement that (for whatever reason) SDL 2.0 brings to the table. (Zandronum users always complaining about this in their forum, and also being ignored...) I just went into my prboom directory to check, and yes, that Prboom (last functional "old" version before people start messing with it) still uses SDL 1, Mouse movement behaves as normal in that one. Instant mouse, raw_input, as it should be (even after suffering layers of software interference being that I use Prboom inside of Wine on Linux, X screen server controls the mouse to some extent even if you disable acceleration) No issues there, in SDL 1. I don't have Chocolate Doom installed here in order to check if that one uses SLD 1 or 2 (I think it updated to SDL 2 at some point) I only know that mouse movement is also HORRID in that port. (it was so horrid I didn't even kept the files in the folder, damn, that was surprising even to me) I don't think you will see masses of people converting to your port unless you provide functioning mouse movement. I really wish that we would FINALLY have an alternative for playing Heretic and Hexen games, thus not depending on gzdoom anymore. This mouse movement won't cut it. Even my Doom Legacy 1.40 (2004) executable that I have here has decent mouse movement, among all the other problems it has to run in modern systems, at least that's not a problem there. (OK I think the dead horse is properly beaten at this point) On the positive side, IDDQD for resurrecting is insanely useful. :\ Also, don't waste precious amounts of your free time and energy answering to paragraphs by the "gzdoom guy" trying to convince you to do things the way he does. You are absolutely right when you say an exclusive channel for bug reporting is not needed and an additional layer of login/accounts most people won't bother with. That guy always does that, he sucks people in with the vast paragraphs of whatever points he's trying to make, and in the other end of it you always feel like you have wasted your time with something that didn't achieve anything of real value. It's about time someone starts to shame that kind of behavior, because people like that never stopped these things until you shame them. It's enough "diplomacy", for diplomacy to work it has to come from two ends, not just from you.
  2. Just a reminder that the modified version of it to run in slower computers is ready since December 2019: LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cy4b3dvu7k7clzp/AAA5Aju7NeDa6vZoVruhXDpJa?dl=0 Other modified mods are inside the "Other Butchering Projects" directory. It will run without framerate drops on a core2duo laptop 1.20 GHz (that's not a typo, it's 1.20 indeed) It's probable that you'll have to play it with LZdoom if gzdoom doesn't start up for you. (gzdoom will not start up on this older GPU despite if being fully OpenGL 3.30 compatible) Gameplay preserved, only aesthetic changes for impact on performance. The only substantial change between this and the original is the fact of being possible to Auto-Fire if you keep the mouse button pressed down (significantly better to play that way on laptop touchpads) Map39 (the last final boss) will still run slow at certain points, due to the lots of portals and other things I wasn't able to track down. (this map would run fine if I opened an editor and deleted all Things, leading me to believe there's some object causing the slowdown, it's not only the size of the map this time) No need to put my name on the credits, I'm not a "worthy" name for the community. Excuse me while I play this great mod for the 11th time.
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