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About TravyB

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  1. where'd you go :(

    1. TravyB


      I just completed a butchers apprenticeship, actually. When I'm not working 6-7 days a week I've just been relaxing, picking up Doom every once in a while but not building too much. I tried making a few maps but they didn't go much of anywhere. That said, I've been thinking a bit about voodoo dolls and want to experiment with those.

  2. Got another one for ya. I've always tested it with compatibility set to Doom (strict)
  3. Glad you liked it! :) Yeah, I was hoping people would see the launcher soon after they arrive back at the base but I guess it's a bit too high up to be easily seen, even if you did almost fly right into it and just barely missed lol I have an idea of how that could be fixed, though that would be easier if it was more of a night scene. I like to pop up here and there with something I've been working on, assuming I've had a chance to finish anything lol
  4. I'm back with yet another spooky map that I spent far too much time on lol Play it with GZDoom, it's in UDMF format but that's only because of the scripting I used, there's no lighting or fog effects and such. As ever, I'd recommend you play it with the software renderer. Be sure to let me know what you think! v1.1 - I made the rocket launcher all around easier to see and obtain Screenshots Download SerenityNow.zip SerenityNowv1.1.zip
  5. I use it but my computer doesn't have OpenGL compatibility or whatever :\
  6. i like your pfp

    1. TravyB


      Thanks. I randomly came across it and couldn't pass up saving a Doom x Pink Floyd reference. 

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