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About Trashlord

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  1. I am missing one file, assimp32.dll and i cant find it anywhere. The website files dont have it. I cant find it on any dll page and one person on steam uploaded a version of winrott to dropbox with it and now its been deleted (by the way people, if you are going to upload necessary files or photos or what have you to external sites when solving someones computer problem, STOP FUCKING DELETING THEM! I AM SO SICK OF THAT SHIT) So now im SOL. Does anyone know of a way of a way to get assimp32.dll or should i just put up with dosbox?
  2. Unfortunately that real source port isn't available on Switch and I'm not lugging my laptop around just to play doom on the go.
  3. Would they have to first get permission from Disney to put an Aliens themed wad into an official release of Doom even if the wad itself was free? I would love to play arguably the only good adaptation of Aliens on the go but the issue with that is rights issues are a bitch and even if kevin fisher agreed to it, would Bethesda need to seek approval from disney?
  4. Ok so i downloaded the "updated version" wad file from this link http://www.doomwadstation.net/main/aliens.html and it is running but given that the original release was in two seperate parts and it doesn't seem like it was all meant to be one wad, and using the Kill Monsters cheat in GZdoom, i noticed the dead monsters in the second level we're all pinkies and summoning an imp with the console just spawns a regular imp which is meant to be replaced with a xenomorph according to the Doom wiki. The weapons havent changed at all, the only thing that seems to be working are the level layouts and graphics. So am i running the TC right or am i missing something? If i am then writing a short (if possible) tutorial on how to get Aliens TC to work right in Ultimate Doom using GZDoom would be MASSIVELY appreciated thanks.
  5. Ok I couldnt fiind a forum to discuss doomworld itself so im throwing it into here. I get thats its a beta feature but of all the features to be missing, why is searching by keyword one of them. Surely that would be the very first thing you add into the downloads tab even if its not even finished. Why the hell is it not there? If it was i would gladly stop using the legacy idgames database.
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