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About jariditumim

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  1. New repaired version, unlike previous versions, it's tested in crispy doom. What's this map about. The main arena is a small room where the four halls are leading to. You have pile of rockets at your disposal and you must prevent monsters to enter central room (step on the marble floor). If you fail, four archviles teleport in; and good luck with that. You can leave when you kill all Mancubi and Arachnotrons (it's map 07). I strongly recommend HMP difficulty, it's difficult enough. IsolationV4.zip
  2. 1. Unknown Pleasures (Joy Division) 2. Closer (Joy Division) 3. Pornography (The Cure) 4. Faith (The Cure) 5. From the Lions Mouth (The Sound)
  3. I revisited this map for decino's viewer submissions. Cosmetic changes. One secret added. Some fights slightely modified. Cyberdemon can no longer rocket you in the back when he teleports. Automap cleanup. Lines you're not supposed to see are now hidden. InterzoneV10.zip
  4. Latest, probably final version. Archvile arena reworked - less archviles - less tedious More rockets dispersed throughout the level Final arena widened which makes it less random Number of monsters slightly reduced Exit reworked ... idea comes from Kama Sutra map 13 InterzoneV5.zip
  5. I admit I should have put Supercharge or Megasphere inside the arena not into the secret in front of it. With 30% health it's almost imposibile. If you enter in a good shape it's not more difficult than arenas from Sunlust ... at least in my opinion. Also adding two annoying archviles on pillars turned out to be very bad idea. My estimation of what is in the neighbouring arena, was very wrong.
  6. Thank you very much for feedback. I've reworked the map taking your advices into concideration. - nukage and piping theme removed (the Caco / Lost Soul arena will be used in another map) - two new rooms, now it's much easier to navigate through map and progression shouldn't be so obscure, I hope. - 93 less enemies (including lost souls) - Tested in CrispyDoom. - Computer panels are always interactive. This might be confusing for someone but for me they are switches, probably because as a kid I knew only Doom2. They are used only in Chasm but, always as switches. InterzoneV2.zip
  7. Interesting, GZDoom has no problem with this. Fixed version: Interzone v2 <- removed hanging corpses. Interzone v2.zip
  8. Title: Interzone.wad Map Format: Doom 2 (limit removing) Ports Tested: GZDoom (Doom strict compatibility) IWAD: Doom 2 Map: MAP01 Gameplay: Single play Difficulty Settings: Yes Multiplayer Placement: No Requirements: None Par (UV Max): 30 min My first creation that resembles conventional map, setpiece-oriented. Please enjoy and share feedback. Old version (gzdoom only) Interzone.rar Latest version (limit removing vanilla) InterzoneV5
  9. You are supposed to not cross the skull floors and also not let monsters cross them - it's called isolation accordingly. If you manage this, archviles will be killed in crushers and never released. Nevertheless with luck and secret weapon you can survive archvile wave. Regarding textures, I tried to create explicit transition between two realities, as intermission screen says: "The mosters have brought their own reality with them."
  10. Title: Isolation.wad Map Format: Doom 2 (limit removing) Ports Tested: GZDoom IWAD: Doom 2 Map: MAP07 Gameplay: Single play Difficulty Settings: Yes Multiplayer Placement: No Requirements: None Par: 6 min Isolate yourself from the monsters, keep safe distance and win just like in the pandemic times. Core of the map comes from the april. It's my interpretation of the intermission story predecesing 7th map. UV is not recommended for the first try. Please enjoy and share feedback. Isolation.zip IsolationV4.zip
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