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Dr. DiegO

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About Dr. DiegO

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    I hate the Anti-Christ I hate the Anti-Christ I hate the Anti-C
    Green Marine

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  1. Half-Life was my very first videogame and my first violent one I ever play.
  2. Many people hate her due to be an companion NPC and mostly HL1 fans, but the "Zombine" joke is one of the main examples people Brought, yet, I still don't get the hate?
  3. After having the idea of making a Doom map in my head for so long, I have finally decided to open Ultimate Doom Builder and do this little test. Right now It's not a full map, the elevator door is the only functional thing and it leads to nowhere, for now.
  4. Me agrada ver un proyecto del lado hispano. un solido trabajo, pero tiene sus baches y partes sin pulir. eso si, me impresiona lo tanto que le dieron a la presentación del wad, exprimiendo todo lo que Boom puede hacer. ¡Buen trabajo!
  5. A very good looking WAD you have and It plays nice to. the ambiance really work and the combat is pretty tense. It could been a bit longer, but it's good nonetheless. Good Job!
  6. I know how to draw, but right now I don't have a lot of Doom/ID Software related artwork right now. only this old drawings I posted on my status profile I believe? anyways I'm gonna post them here to show my stuffs. These are old drawings and sketches but I still like them. This last one is a original artwork inspired by Doom You can share your artworks too.
  7. Right now I'm with AceCorp Launcher, I'm too lazy to make batch files.
  8. Alyx Vance - Half-Life 2: many people hate her for one dumb joke In Episode One, but the rest of that game is pretty good despite being a short game in a failed development strategy. She's capable of fend for herself and actively you work with her without being an annoyance like the rest of game with an NPC companion, being the chapter Lowlife my example. Samus Aran - Metroid: This is a VERY basic choice, but I find her a very compelling character, reading the mangas and the story from Zero Mission up to Fusion is pretty great, being independent, strong, and fighting her demons to keep the galaxy safe. I fucking hate what Other M did to her. Verónica - Fallout New Vegas: she's one of my favorite companions and I like her story, being an optimistic girl in a hopeless world, capable to beat down an enemy with her own fists and her tinkering skill thanks to be raised by a group of isolated technocrat elitist playing to be knights.
  9. Now, the game I think they don't deserve their status: Halo 2: The Last of Us Part 1 and 2: You know this is the games perpetuate the meme "PlayStation has no games", I literally don't understand how this game is so massively praise? It's just a shallow 7gen third person shooter with a preachy and pretentions story mashed with the Zombie trend of the 2010's. Fortnite: This game was born dead, an amalgama of the trends of the last decade with a questionable monetization system. at the beginning it was more than clear that people didn't liked this until a game born as a ARMA 2 mod took a gamemode that wasn't even good and make it mainstream, now, I should not hate when a mod innovate, but If you told me that Epic not only rescue this trash game by turning it into the new trend, grow and seize the market and turn into another amalgama, this time being a deform corporative mess that somehow dominates the market and the culture I wouldn't believed you, but here we now! And all of you knows what Epic did to Unreal, so no further details there. I don't like that Fortnite is popular thing because like i said, it's just an corporative amalgama of stuffs that somehow dominates the market and culture. BioShock: a very clunky FPS that doesn't make justice to it's name's legacy by giving you the most insultingly bad level design I ever see in a FPS and just like Rudolph pointed out about the story of this game, tries to satirize the ideas of a whole political sector and unintentionally glorifies it and when it's failing to make a critique, it's failing with it philosophical dilema about the individual's freedom via the gameplay, which is actually a very cool use of videogame narrative, but Half-Life and Marathon handleled this theme of the player's freedom and the meaning of this concept in real life WAY BETTER than BioShock and years later by The Stanley Parable. yet people still calling this game a deep influencia and flawless masterpiece? I really don't understand this?
  10. This is exactly what i think about the first BioShock in general. I did like BioShock 2 though, even with its flaws, it's DLC is worth the shot! unlike the actual "sequel"... everything mentioned about the first game gets worst with BioShock Infinite.
  11. Hello there! I'm a Windows user, and i can't run the port. a error message appears and it says: "The code execution cannot proceed because zlib.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem." I don't know what's happening here. :(
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