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Everything posted by Xaser

  1. ZDaemon supports a different set of ACS features than GZDoom does (same for all "Z-family" ports), and GZDoom is by far the most common so the answers you get are most likely going to be GZDoom-centric, and may not work at all in anything else. Plus, ACS may not even be the right tool for the job -- Boris's post is right on the nose for GZDoom, and the PATCHINF lump that Worst linked looks like the ticket for ZDaemon. A good rule of thumb is: if you're using a "Z-family" feature (e.g. ACS) and targeting something other than GZDoom, be sure to list the target source port, else folks will assume GZDoom.
  2. Be sure to state you're targeting ZDaemon in the opening post -- that drastically changes the answer to the question. Either way, you're far off the map in "here be dragons" territory. You're best off modifying the maps themselves -- distributing "fix patch" wads is pretty common for ZDaemon.
  3. The forum has an upper size limit of some sort for direct image attachments -- the version posted on the ZDoom forums is hosted on imgur, though, which is the full unedited spritesheet in all its glory: https://i.imgur.com/Il8fpO5.png
  4. None of these wads were made by id, they're user-created maps that were presumably downloaded for the purposes of testing out the -file parameter on the port. Of the five wads, NEW.WAD is Deadlock, G50.wad is here, and the other three include textfiles confirming they're user-created PWADs made by a non-id fellow.
  5. Just a follow-up, the DTWID alumni certainly don't hold ownership over the idea or anything -- my musings are from a practical standpoint, just some "here's what worked, here's what didn't" anecdotes that may or may not help. :P e'd maybe scoff a bit if someone tried to name it "DTWID 2" (not to be confused with "D2TWID 2" oh god whAT EVEN ARE NUMBERS), and maybe shake our heads in disappointment if someone tries it out and makes a mess of it, but any sort of "that's my idea I'LL KILL YOU" nonsense would be... well, nonsense. :P
  6. Depends on the map, and also the person playing it I guess :P -- there are a couple of maps in LE that to me are an 11 out of 10 on the nostalgia meter (E2M2: Cooling Towers and E2M3: Infirmary always come to mind), but I was usually the odd one out when it came to judging what did or didn't feel like a proper map, so who knows :P -- I'm not the best source on that front; my focus for LE was always "polish things and make 'em good, authenticity be damned", since they were already released from the shackles of the main project. :P
  7. No worries -- at some point I should probably make a full-on thread about the topic to summarize everything, since there's probably a few spots that I'm doing a rubbish job at explaining when retelling the story. Should cut down a bit on the repetition too. :P
  8. If folks are interested in making something of this sort for Final Doom, the best thing to do is to whip up some maps for FDTWiD-proper to get the ball rolling again. It stalled out due to lack of interest at the time, and the best cure for that is... well, interest. ;) Having been involved in the other two, the reason D2TWID ended up being much more "authentic" to the original than the first DTWID is because a core team of people (not me :P) spent a massive amount of time researching and dissecting IWAD maps to really see what made 'em tick. It was a close-knit team effort, whereas the first project was a free-wheeling avalanche of loose ideas with only a tiny bit of coordination and curation right at the very end (by a few of us dorks that weren't even the original project lead :P ). More true-authentic-TWID projects would be amazing, but don't underestimate the task -- it's not about just making "shitty" or "janky" levels, you really gotta dive in and figure out exactly what sorts of weird shenanigans Sandy and the boys could conceivably pull back in the day, then figure out how to execute those ideas without accidentally ripping off any particular IWAD map. It's much harder than it looks, trust me -- there's a reason NaturalTvventy and I went off and did our own thing with NEIS instead. :P Also related: I'm sitting on a mostly-done "D2TWID-LE" set -- like the first project, there were some really great submissions that just didn't quite make the final cut, but there's a few gaps and I haven't tinkered with it recently for the same reason that FDTWiD is on ice: there hasn't really been a ton of interest... until just now, maybe. :P
  9. @Individualised Did you see Maribo's post (and my second one right after)? We already addressed the points you've raised. Many projects are opting for older tech because they don't know the new stuff exists yet (more often than not I've gotten something like "oh cool I didn't know that existed" as a response), and each of these posts are messages to different people running different projects. I'm not going to stop posting useful information because random passers-by happened to read something similar before (imagine how awful help forums would be if the same answer couldn't be posted more than once. :P )
  10. Bit of a misleading answer-- it leads with "no" but the answer is "yes, with limits", because A_KeenDie indeed works. Swap out the cyb death state's A_BossDeath with A_KeenDie and you'll be able to make a door that opens when both of em die. It won't end the map instantly, but it will force the player to kill them both before proceeding to the exit. Chaotic fancy option: you could try replacing some unused thing (e.g. Dead Lost Soul) with an invisible actor that has A_Look in its spawn state and A_BrainDie in its See state, making it immediately exit the level when it sees or hears the player. Pop one in the map behind a door in the arena that opens via A_KeenDie and you just may be able to get away with it. :P
  11. Took a quick look, and there's an extra comma at the end of the cluster's exittext (highlighted below) that's causing GZDoom to error out -- remove it and it'll work in GZDoom. For the other ports, you'll want to take some time to clean up the WAD lumps a bit with SLADE. There are a few other problems that cancel each other out in ZDoom, but are likely the cause of the "noclip" issues you're seeing in other ports. Firstly, there's a few extra lumps named "MAP02" and "MAP07" that aren't part of an actual map definition; these ought to be deleted so they don't confuse any ports: Next up, each MAPxx lump needs to be followed by THINGS, LINEDEFS, etc. all the way to BLOCKMAP, without any other lumps in between, in order for them to load properly. Both MAP01 and MAP06 have a bunch of resources lumps in the middle, which breaks 'em; those need to be moved elsewhere in the wad (just moving them to the very bottom works in a pinch): (Out of curiosity, was there a tutorial somewhere that you followed for this step? I've never heard of anyone making this mistake until very recently, and I'm wondering if there's a tutorial floating around that's accidentally doing it wrong) Normally, these would prevent the maps from working in all ports, but there's an entire wadfile containing a second copy of all the maps in the "DTHAB111" lump (accidental drag-and-drop maybe?). ZDoom-family ports will load this lump as a wad, which overwrites the broken maps with fixed versions, but Crispy et.al do not (leading to the "noclip" bugs, etc, since some maps have critical lumps missing like BLOCKMAP). Once the above lump stuff is fixed, you can safely delete the DTHAB111 lump -- I did a quick check and all the maps are the same between the wads. Finally, INTERPIC, M_HURT, and ENDTEXTS are PNG graphics, which not all ports support -- ENDTEXTS is only used in ZMAPINFO so you can leave it as-is, but you'll want to convert the other two into Doom graphics (right-click and "Convert To..." in SLADE) so they work elsewhere. Sorry for the big wall of text -- this stuff gets complicated sometimes. :P -- Either way, congrats on the release, and hope this helps a bit!
  12. It's very unusual for a wad to not work with GZDoom but do work in Zandronum/old-ZDoom (unless it's strictly a multiplayer-only thing) -- what's going on there exactly? [Unfortunately, I can't check myself since the site it's hosted on requires an account to download -- may want to host it up on something that doesn't gate content like that.]
  13. Unfortunately not -- it's been too long, the memory banks have since been scrubbed once or twice. :P
  14. Yup, Hacx 1.2's GENMIDI is from Freedoom back in the day, though modern Freedoom has since updated to use DMXOPL, which sounds way better. I'd definitely use it for a v1.3 or an unofficial update or whatnot, 'cause it's fantastic.
  15. I suppose this is relevant: The less you think about it, the more sense it makes.
  16. Definitely go with UDB's 3D Floor Mode rather than do it by hand, especially if you're wanting to do any sort of sloped 3D floor stuff -- those are a royal pain to do by hand and 3D Floor Mode manages most of the ugly bits for you.
  17. For things like this, it's best to share the patch itself rather than post screenshots, that way everyone can see the full context rather than just isolated snippets. In this case it's likely that the bug is that the states for Pain and Death are assigned wrong, but that's configured in the Things editor, which isn't in the screenshot. Better to post the DEH rather than keep going back and forth with screenshots. (This is a message worth spreading in general, I've seen a ton of people lately posting screenshots of SLADE instead of posting the wad, leading to this same sort of problem elsewhere.)
  18. The doom2.wad in that folder isn't proper (the filesize is wrong). From the screenshots it looks like an old or incomplete version of Freedoom -- try replacing that with the doom2.wad from your regular game install directory (e.g. Steam if you have it installed that way) or try a more recent version of Freedoom if you don't have Doom2 purchased (though it's highly recommended to play myhouse with proper doom2.wad, no guarantees it will work well with Freedoom, since it wasn't made for it).
  19. UMAPINFO also supports the "author" field -- same concept. Nope, no issue -- in the pre-mapinfo days it was common to ship projects with multiple types of MAPINFO lumps for basically this reason, and if you want to do some zdoom-specific stuff, adding a ZMAPINFO is the way to go. Though if your target ports are DSDA-Doom and GZDoom, maybe take a look at DSDA's MAPINFO support and go that route. Some fun new things in the works there.
  20. UMAPINFO is the one you want for that particular project -- it works across many different source ports, including dsda-doom, gzdoom, eternity, woof, etc. Basically, if you've got an MBF21 (or Boom) project, that's the one to reach for... at least at the time of writing (see below). "Regular" MAPINFO (a.k.a. ZMAPINFO) is traditionally for ZDoom-based ports (GZDoom, Zandronum, etc.) -- it's originally a Hexen feature that got extended and upgraded a with a new syntax, but historically it's only worked in the Z ports. I say "Historically" though because dsda-doom's latest release just added support for MAPINFO -- it offers a bunch of features that UMAPINFO doesn't, though most of them are really only applicable if you're making a UDMF map (again, at time of writing; this could maybe change in the future). May still be worth taking a look to see if there's anything there that's useful, but UMAPINFO probably covers everything you'd need for a Boom/MBF21 mapset and has wider cross-port coverage, so stick with that for now (if you're able).
  21. This is sort of a cop-out answer to the OP, but skimming through this thread is really just making me think "damn, I love how moddable this game is". Pretty much everything in this thread is something that's either been achieved in a source port or is doable in a mod, so we're not stuck in a world of "what if"s like so many other games.
  22. The wiki is a far better place for these types of lists, since multiple people can contribute to a single page instead of the info being strewn around a bunch of loose posts. (Also good luck finding the thread if it drops off the first page). The wiki could definitely use more gameplay mod coverage in general, so I'd encourage folks to give this a go there.
  23. +1 to Sekaiju -- it's the most user-friendly freeware midi editor I've stumbled across, and a bunch of midi musicians 'round these parts (including myself) use it.
  24. I wanna give a shout-out to @DoomGappy and recommend him for the "most promising newcomer" feature. His account's technically from 2017 but he's only been posting regularly since August, and in less than two months he's released a texture pack, is running multiple community projects, is making some cool maps, has written an excellent beginner's guide on mapping, and is doing a damn good job at all of it. That's an absurd amount of output in such a short time, and he's been regularly contributing to community discussions in a universally positive manner ever since joining (or coming back, I suppose ;). Definitely worth a spotlight.
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