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About _sink

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  1. I have a few that I really like:
  2. you WILL pistol the cacodemon as penitence for your ammo management
  3. i too am shocked by the e3m1 hate. unholy cathedral is more annoying if we are talking abt 'wtf' things in the first three episodes
  4. this is so cool, cascade!!!
  5. muscle goblin! i think you could differentiate it even more from the kobold if you gave it a big gnarly axe or long spear that it would two-hand rather than a sword and shield, some sort of face covering. something to alter its silhouette both standing still and in motion.
  6. I believe it is the '=' sign between the "states" keyword and the start of the heredoc. here's how I format it in a monster thingdelta. thingdelta { name BaronOfHell spawnhealth 900 translation CROGRE obituary_normal "was burned by an ogre" obituary_melee "was pulverized by an ogre" states @" Missile: BOSS EF 8 FaceTarget BOSS G 8 MissileAttack(OgreShot, normal, 0, 0, "MeleeFrame") goto See MeleeFrame: BOSS G 0 CounterDiceRoll(0, 8, 10, 0, assign, multiplyone) BOSS G 8 Scratch(usecounter, 0, claw) goto See "@ }
  7. i misread the first post as 'if Tom Hall stayed and made all the maps' and lol'd
  8. It is so cute!!! the little face is awesome and the texture of the fur and the bloody teeth are so gritty it looks digitized. very neat
  9. This map has inspired use of the vanilla textures!! The vehicles, computers, lights, they are simple and striking and cute. The level of detail isn't obstructive even though I dont typically enjoy tight indoor maps. but the monster use was reserved and didnt make me frustrated. I appreciate the level of detail very much because it gestures in the right way to communicate a great horror atmosphere without doing too much
  10. They are textures either made with screengrabs from, or based off of, the Username 666 youtube video by nana825763. its a classic scary internet video
  11. this is some cruel and unusual dooming but its really neat and the atmosphere is oppressive and the midi is awesome. idk if i can finish this though
  12. that is really cool! it looks a lot like the original clay model
  13. remarkable title, and the actual map is very cute. a good first effort, the baseline level of detail makes me happy. i hope the author makes more and maybe with more office drones to shoot.
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