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About Steve88

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    the 88th steve maybe?

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1953 profile views
  1. I'm milling about in Clippy's old vids again and found your thread on Friday speedmapping back in 2020. Good times. Hope all is well!

  2. That hot dog needs some chili, onions, and a bit of mustard
  3. Map Name: Quarantine Zone Author: Steve88 Music: "E1M2 -MFG38 -Dread Factory" From "Ultimate Doom Midi"Set Episode: E2 maybe a little E3 Difficulty Settings: Yes, only tested in UV Comments:This is map takes a LOT of themes from E2M2as well as other E1/E2/E3 vibes Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xq_jQP6CpaobVYtNqVq9DC2S6GTugDow/view?usp=sharing Screenshots:
  4. Updated Link to the Beta has been posted, here it is again :) for some reason it had broken https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U7e8JTw-UNritRkYRzkgLJBHSjmazE_x/view?usp=share_link
  5. Map Name: Depths of Eternal Despair and Disorder Author: Steve88 Music: Aorta - By Tristan Clark Sky: Various Dis Skys Format: boom Difficulties - Implemented, but only tested in UV Build Time: 6 Hours on the layout + a lot of testing & detailing time I spent a lot of time testing to get the ammo balance tight Hope its Dis-Worthy https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gSVhuX58BlwKDqidXIhtQVbkuYUAkOi_/view?usp=share_link<<< Get it Here
  6. Ah man this looks like it's going to be amazing 👏. I didn't plan on mapping this month but I might have to force some time for it
  7. @Austinado Did you find the Spider mastermind room straight forward from where you enter the hitscan areana? The switch is behind the mastermind, this releases a cyber, kill him and it lowers the yellow key, though i am changing this to a timer in the next update, and changing the door texture.
  8. If anyone has map updates to make please have them to me in the next 3 weeks Thanks again to everyone who submitted a map!
  9. Beta build 1 is up for grabs, Let me know if you see any bugs! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GoRCokmnkHCHjojxsAZf9lNvZ7dg0bLe/view?usp=sharing
  10. @horselessheadsman Hey buddy played your map, had a lot of fun, the portal end hallways were wild I messed up when stating your username the first time..... I got it right at the end tho!
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