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Everything posted by AmethystViper

  1. Thank you for the patch! One minor problem that still persists: the game defaults Use to L-Trigger and A does nothing when Use should be mapped to A and L-Trigger should be the Sprint/Speed button.
  2. Apparently some people on GOG forums that the GOG staff have lied about Quake enhanced coming over there since last month and they never got in touch with Bethesda at all regarding the situation of the game's enhanced not ever coming.
  3. What about Quakespasm/Spiked or vkQuake? I remember the latter does support the updated models when I messed around with it using the remaster's data files.
  4. Yeah, I can confirm on the PC version it was doing that too at Slipgate Complex with the Quake 64 add-on, and E1M2 itself was playing the Reznor's introduction music for the game.
  5. I'm looking forward to Honey and the new PvE mode! I do want to point that despite the new update mentioning that add-ons can be played offline, sadly the add-ons themselves still have to be "activated" first while connected to Bethesda.net before they can be played offline. Kind of annoying to do this first despite having them downloaded already but I guess it's a start. Also, is it just me or does the Quake 64 add-on not play the Aubrey Hodges soundtrack anymore?
  6. It's normal since the PS1 version of Doom (and many other PS1 games at the time) came out before the advent of the DualShock controller for the PlayStation (Doom PS1 year of release: 1995; the DualShock's year of release: 1997).
  7. So much for "games preservation" on LRG's part... Then again selling physical versions of digitally released games in limited quantities already defeats that purpose.
  8. I have a feeling it might be related to which display mode the game was launched in. Here's the title bar on my end when I launched initially in exclusive fullscreen mode then switched to windowed mode: Then here it is when I launch the game with just windowed mode: And here's another screenshot to prove it was running in Vulkan (even used the +r_rhirenderfamily "vulkan" parameter to ensure it was running in Vulkan): EDIT: Forgot to mention this issue also happens when switch in and out of exclusive fullscreen with Vulkan.
  9. I'm not sure if it's my PC or something the recent update did, but I'm now seeing these texture filtering artifacts on the GUI whenever I have texture smoothing enabled while using the Vulkan API. The GUI normally doesn't get filtered from what I remembered even with texture smoothing was enabled in-game, then again I mainly use the DirectX 11 API with this game.
  10. I hate to bring this to this Steam thread's attention, but I think someone moderating the Quake Steam forums should do something about these douchebags getting triggered over Bethesda's name whenever they see their name with Doom or Quake. It's like these idiots are still bent over the Doom I and II DRM incident despite that has been ancient history now. https://steamcommunity.com/app/2310/discussions/0/5064850575739468557/
  11. I'm glad this issue is being looked into, it was one of the things that threw me off with this new remaster among other issues I have and reported to Kaiser hoping they can be rectified plus a few things that could be added or fixed. Other than these issues, I'm really liking this remaster and appreciate the work that went into it, it feels really nice to play Quake on a controller with rumble, runs fairly well even on my mediocre PC, and the mutliplayer has been for the most part been pretty smooth even with most of the enhanced visual settings cranked up. I'm hoping to try the GOG version too after picking the original Quake during the Bethesda sale. Any chance these issues I also noticed can be passed onto the dev team? • The inconsistency with the gibbed enhanced models reverting back to the original modes. • The enhanced enemy models sometimes appear to have their feet clipping into the ground at times. • Falling at fast velocity appears to case the player's gun model to not keep up with the player falling.
  12. I was thinking of revisiting this mod, then you made it better. Thank you Scuba Steve, looking forward to playing the Reloaded version!
  13. I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this issue, but apparently there's some microstutter issue report going around on Steam claiming that the game is microstutter while strafing using the Strafe Left/Right keys or controller during gameplay. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed frame-rate dips while strafing on PC or consoles with the Unity port. Something I did notice, however, is that the V-sync option overrides the frame-rate limit option based on the hertz of the display (e.g. setting to 30 FPS with V-sync enabled forces to lock it at 60 FPS on a 60 Hz display).
  14. I remember seeing (formally) Happy Video Game Nerd's review on the PlayStation version of Doom and it was what got me into that version, and as someone who admittingly got into Doom by Doom 3 on the Xbox, the PlayStation version to me was the right marriage of Doom's classic gameplay with a horror atmosphere on top of being a solid version of Doom. The music by Aubrey Hodges really drew me into the hellish landscape and great use of colored lighting. Happy 25th Anniversary, PlayStation Doom!
  15. Holy crap, this is amazing! I was not at all expecting this! I can't wait to see where this goes now that the source code is available!
  16. Someone reported the add-on endings doesn't seem to work, and from this user's experience, the ending screen for TNT: Evilution didn't show after the ending text screen, it just boots him back to the main menu and that was it. I tried this earlier myself and had the same thing happen, no ending screen appeared after beating TNT's final level, even after letting the ending text screen stay for a few minutes.
  17. For anyone possibly having issues with the Unity port on PC with the menus not working or something, someone has confirmed to be a lack of certain Visual C++ Redistributable dependencies the Unity port requires mentioned here. @sponge I think this is be mentioned for the Unity port's minimum requirements should the actual minimum requirements of the Unity port do come to light.
  18. @sponge This player on Steam seems to be having some odd issues with Right Shift causing controls to not work properly (detailed here), and while I couldn't exactly reproduce the issue, I do notice my mouse cursor stops working properly when pressing Right Shift during gameplay or in menus, and holding down Right Shift while pressing keys on the Numpad stops the Numpad from switching weapons.
  19. Someone did mention early the downloadable add-on WADs in the Unity port don't sadly auto-update whenever they get patched, so manually updating them hopefully should fix the issue.
  20. @sponge Another missing feature I hope that can be brought back in the Unity port is the Follow Mode for the automap and the ability to add/clear marks because it appears you can't do that anymore in the Unity port when it was possible in the original DOS version, along with the ability to use the Y and N keys to quit to main menu/desktop like in the original as well.
  21. Doomguy in this shoddy hack's version of I'm Too Young to Die is gonna be like: "Where did everybody go? Bingle?"
  22. I ran into this issue one time even before the new update that came out today, sadly.
  23. Okay, we got a patch note about half an hour ago and it seems like they fixed the mouse sensitivity issue with high frame-rates and V-sync. So far the sensenitivy on my end with the PC version feels more consistent regardless of framer-rate and whether or not V-sync is enabled. https://steamcommunity.com/games/2280/announcements/detail/2864810353842265853
  24. I just got an update for the game on Steam but no patch notes (yet) from what I can tell.
  25. That's strange because I don't see a level named The Spirit World in the original Back to Saturn X: Episode 2 or in the PC version's BTSX 2 downloaded from Bethesda-net within Doom II Classic and I can't seem to replicate the issue on PC. so there must be some weird conflict with Doom II and BTSX 2 going on here with the Switch version. Another thing I found strange that in the gif of the October 23, 2019 Update of the Unity ports, the .gif showing off how downloadable add-ons work showed these: So multiple WAD loading was apparent at one point with the Unity port on PC (and possibly mobile versions) but scrapped? Could something like this be possible to re-implement this feature in a later update? Because one of things hurting the modding support for PC players along with mods that are sadly going to crash the Unity port is the lack of multi-WAD loading. While on the subject of the add-on menu's UI, when I plugged a DualShock 4 controller with he PC version, I can remember it showed Xbox prompts instead of PlayStation ones.
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