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Everything posted by AmethystViper

  1. Is it possible to implement the ability to disable the lookspeed speed up when holding down the Sprint button/key? I'm glad for the analog looking support but when trying to run and accurately shoot things the sudden speed up kind of throws my aim off because of how much faster the player turns when Sprint is held, not to mention I've been used to source ports and the more modern official ports like BFG Edition and Unity ports true analog turning on controller.
  2. My first purist/semi-purist souce port was Chocolate Doom followed by PrBoom+, but Woof! has quickly become my go-to vanilla Doom source port since it has controller support and many of the benefits that Crispy Doom and PrBoom+ provides to suit my needs.
  3. The classic cheat input method via keyboard (e.g. IDDQD, IDKFA) does not work in the GOG (and presumably Epic Games Store) release since it was updated to a newer version of Unity (2020.3) compared to Steam and Bethesda.net, and the add-ons menus have a problem where you can't scroll down the menu descriptions of the mods since this engine update for GOG. The Steam and Bethesda.net versions aren't affected since they're still uisng Unity 2018.
  4. Thank you for finally making this happen. I'm hoping that the GOG releases of Doom I and II gets their Enhanced versions fixed too.
  5. I wish the Doom Unity ports had this kind of ability to download unofficial add-ons through a server like this via the in-game menus.
  6. Not to mention GOG brought the Unity ports of Doom I and II earlier this year as free updates to existing owners of The Ultimate Doom and Doom II + Final Doom release along with the store listing changes two years after Steam got them, but somebody also broke the original cheats input method via keyboad with the newer build of the Unity ports (the Steam version hasn't been affected since it didn't get the newer Unity 2020.3 build) and nobody — not the GOG staff despite being notified about this problem, and not the dev team of the Unity ports despite that I and many others on and off this site have been reporting this problem — ever patched the issue and some problems that has reported for months.
  7. I'm getting a hold of it the Epic Games version of Quake Remastered with the help of my older brother's Amazon Prime account. I'll see if this version is DRM'd or not... Update: Apart from needing the Epic Games launcher for multiplayer and a Bethesda.net account to download the add-ons (if you haven't already downloaded and activate them), it is playable without needing the launcher and can be launched directly from the executable. Screw GOG for lying to customers about the remaster of Quake coming to their store, may as well make my Epic Games copy the "DRM-free" build.
  8. I find it more baffling that Quake's remaster gets more support with quality-of-life updates and accessibility features than the Unity ports of Doom does...
  9. Quake Remastered is available for free on Amazing Prime Gaming redeemable via Epic Games Store for a limited time.
  10. The GOG version of the Doom Unity ports uses a newer version of Unity than what the Steam version uses (presumably the GOG and Epic version are based on Unity 2020 whereas the Steam version is based on Unity 2018), which appears to have better frame pacing but apparently someone broke the classic cheat code inputs via keyboard and never bothered to fix it (among other issues and inconsistencies between all available PC versions) for all this time. If I recall correctly, Doom 64 also got a slightly newer build on GOG as well though some of its updates went back to the Steam version. Quake, on the other hand, never got its updated enhanced version released over there and it doesn't seem likely it will ever show up over there and it seems like one of the GOG forum moderators lied in order to get people's hopes up for nothing unless something changes.
  11. Seeing how not even Steam has gotten the newer builds from GOG/Epic Games Store and the issues being ignored with the latter storefront's version of these ports for months since reporting these issues, I'm beginning to doubt they'll ever be fixed, much less updated with some quality-of-life suggestions on this thread and elsewhere... Even the BloodRayne 1 & 2 remasters recently got Achievements support on Steam while the Doom Unity ports none of that outside of the Microsoft Store/Gamepass version for those who want Achievements.
  12. Me too, I've been worried about the state of this project because of the radio silence.
  13. Is it alright if I can use the widescreen assets featured in this thread in a set of *.bps patches I've been creating with Floating IPS for the WADs used in the Unity ports and their available add-ons? Credit will be of course given to the respective authors.
  14. Thank you for including the re-centered copyrights screen I sent your way! Also if you're wondering about repairing patched versions of the game's files, while I don't have Doom 64 in my Xbox library, I do have some other games on the Xbox App and installed games have a Verify and Repair function by clicking the vertical dots button next to the desired game and selecting Manage → Files.
  15. Thank you! I've been waiting for a consistent widescreen experience with ConsolUX and other mods I was thinking of trying it out on and the results looks pretty good!
  16. Ah, that was problem the I wasn't seeing; I thought it was using the same palette as the original version because I was using the original Harmony palette that SLADE shipped with when converting the sprite from PNG back to Doom format. Thank you very much, and your HUD is much better than what I was editing. Edit: I tried it out on the Unity port and it works great (screenshot)! Thank you once again NightFright!
  17. I'm trying import and edit NightFright's widescreen HUD for Harmony into the Unity port's add-on version of it but I'm having some problems with editing it with Aseprite. I exported the HUD graphic as a PNG via SLADE, take the PNG and load it into Aseprite and crop/edit it to work in the Unity port, save the changes, import it into the Unity port's Harmony WAD, convert it as a Doom format lump, save the changes to the WAD and load it into the game, and the colors don't match with what it should look like when I was editing it or viewing it in SLADE. Here's an example: I've been also having a similar problem when I was trying to edit sprites for REKKR.
  18. The only thing I ever got was "it has been reported to the GOG team" yet nothing has changed since. Either GOG didn't get the memo or GOG version's of the Unity ports are going to be stuck with these problems like Doom 64 did with it's issues on release day.
  19. There are other issues too that I pointed out a page or two (i.e. months) ago that still hasn't been addressed like the scroll bar being broken in add-on menus in the GOG version.
  20. Congrats! I've been meaning to revisit Harmony after falling out of it years ago but I want to try it out on the Unity port!
  21. A Steam user made a guide for the PC versions of Doom I and II Unity ports on how to get the Buckethead soundtrack into the SIGIL add-on WAD. The guide can be found here if anyone wants to try it out.
  22. Nice! I'm curious, is the widescreen graphic for Master Levels based on the PWAD version of the mod or it can be loaded into Doom II's Unity port?
  23. Damn, I gotta try this out, especially since there's a ROM hack that actually fixes the awful lack of circle strafing the vanilla version of Doom on the Super Nintendo had to deal with.
  24. It has been almost a month since I brought the issue up here and that problem still hasn't been fixed in the GOG version (or other problems I reported a few posts above), nor has the Steam version has been updated with the newer builds from the GOG/Epic Games Store version...
  25. I was wondering about that too with the mod's name missing an E in "ConsoleUX". This worked, thank you. I hope a version that uses widescreen graphics for the UI can become available for this mod.
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