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Everything posted by CBM

  1. the boss map sounds fun, what would it need to do or have? a cyber demon? icon of sin?
  2. I am still very new to mapping so I wish to join in, just give me any map slot that is still free
  3. I struggle to find any positives in having aspergers. But I am trying to stay alive... I guess I have my wife and kid to live for
  4. @RastaManGames @PeceMan I can't seem to get monster closets working... I don't know what I am doing wrong flesh.wad
  5. I want to say that I am glad that this DOOM community exists.

    I also want to say that you did all you could and should not feel guilty in any way in case I end up killing myself.


    I just lost my car due to economic distress and I will likely soon have to sell the house I inherited from my parents and that has been in my family forever. I will bear the stigma of being the one that lost it and werent able to pass it on to my son, the next generation.


    I will also have to part with tons of stuff since I will no longer have the space for it.


    I suffer from severe depression, anxiety, aspergers and an extremely powerfull urge to kill myself.


    I am fighting every millisecond to NOT just end it all and take my own life.


    My wifes nerves are hanging by a thread and I continue to be forced to rely more and more on her for everything.


    The best thing for me and everybody else, would be for me to just die peacefully and as painless as possible.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CBM


      I doubt it

    3. Naarok0fkor
    4. DuckReconMajor


      Are you in the US? If you can't access mental health services, maybe try calling something like a warmline. Everyone deserves help.

  6. Sad to hear this. I fell your pain. I too am struggling. I suffer from severe depression, anxiety, aspergers and an extremely powerfull urge to kill myself. I am fighting every millisecond to NOT just end it all and take my own life.
  7. The time may come where I will need somebody to take this project over for me. I am battling some extremely severe mental issues.
  8. I like maps that are chill and easy
  9. I would love a small example map that displays all the doom mapping tricks that you know! Btw. have you made other levels that you can recommend to me? I really liked your entry for this CP and I want to play more of your maps!
  10. @RastaManGames How did you do the scripting for example, with the spikes and the chaingunner that emerged? How did the voodoo dolls and monster closets work? btw. I just played v4 and it is awesome! And if I enable jumping then I can 100% the items
  11. Perfection! Except for some cases where ammo and weapons dropped by enemies can't be picked up (shotgunner on ledge and spawning in zombieman when in the cargo bay) also maybe add a medikit on easy difficulty to the red room since a baron of hell is a pretty tough enemy
  12. the red room has a scripting error on the easiest difficulty, the wall no longer lowers to reveal the teleporter that exits the room (despite killing the revenant) but everything up to collecting the 3 keys works fine
  13. @RastaManGames pretty cool map, I wish I could map like this... But did you implement difficulty settings? I think the barons and hellknights would be better off not being present on the lowest difficulty
  14. - doortrak and doorstop are nice but alternatives can be used - not having lower-unpegged can be usefull for stuff like chains used as alternative to doortrak and doorstop to make it look like the chains are lifting the door - that one I must agree with and I have been guilty of this sometimes sadly - I agree however, all rules have exceptions -unmarked doors can be fine if they are opened by a switch -I agree ... no pit should be inescapeable unless its meant to kill the player -I agree and I have been guilty of this, one should be able to 100% a level -I think it can be ok and give a certain effect to a level -I agree, unless its part of some theme for the level -I agree, mandatory secrets are a big no no -I agree mostly, but sometimes a map needs a little cramped space -I think it depends on the map if door combat is a problem -I agree, it looks better with variation if possible -I agree, however, those rectangular rooms makes texturing much easier
  15. Thanks! I made a little test and compblue and compred works very well in the final result, doorred and doorblue are great for aligning doorlite while building it but afterwards it can look odd if doorred or doorblue are the background (the grey in doorblue and doorred can be seen at an angle even with 1u sectors). I have a small 1u sectors with 1 second blinking lights on the other hand, they did include doorglow a shame the pack doesnt have a door1a with yellow highlights...
  16. How did you manage to make this effect? also How did you make the animated gif?
  17. I played it and I really like it, especially the first 2 levels. All the levels have stunning architecture!
  18. The original Doom -1 thread was Posted July 18, 2020 This thread is posted the 11th of April 2022 Total development time = (14 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31) + 365 + 101 = 633 days = 1.7 years :-) original thread that started it all:
  19. I can't find a version of mordeth with 7+ full maps, do you have a link by any chance?
  20. Yes, your right... thanks for the heads up! @Doomkid here is a version with a wall that blocks LOS to the staircase plus I added another wall to block LOS to a room... and now its visplane overflow free NB! I am not planning to write my own readme for this level unless you really need me to do that... download here: 1world v.1.6 visplane explorer with open doors:
  21. Well I didn't get any HOM (Hall Of Mirrors) when playing the level with doom2.exe via dosbox. I didn't get any HOM with modern sourceports either. I ran it again on the same map and got a different result:
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