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Everything posted by CBM

  1. As a european I am watching this war with disgust and fear. I really hope Putin gets to pay for this in this life and in the afterlife. My hearth and prayers goes out to all victims of this horrible war.
  2. the hiccup could also be an invalid frame index, also sometimes it seems GZDoom doesnt like using XYZ ie. HYDA X, HYDA Y, HYDA Z
  3. I actually prefer 2016 instead of ethernal
  4. what is the current status of the new resurrected doom-2, how many maps and what is the overall status? even though they are still working on doom-1, I would hate for the formula to die with doom-1 so I am rooting for doom-2
  5. We would need a doom remake but done by iD software... the problem is that they would need to somehow pull off a magic trick to combine all the id tech engines and as GrafZ has told me many times, it can't be done due to technical limitations and differences between iD Tech engines. I think DOOM has already BEEN mastered... by @Graf Zahl, with his GZDoom source port. No other source port is as advanced as GZDoom, as far as I know. Not even k8vavoom.
  6. Ahh yes... the itching one gets after... ...but okay, sometimes those WADs can be interesting I guess, in much the same way as lewd WADs can be interesting. Its like... you can't watch... but you can't NOT watch at the same time :-)
  7. @DavidN & @Clippy & @Doomkid & @game & @Major Arlene & @TheMagicMushroomMan & @rd. & @Redneckerz & @Walter confetti & @Biodegradable & @Austinado & @Murdoc & @Naarok0fkor & @Sergeant_Mark_IV & @Enjay & @xvertigox & @skaarjman & @MFG38 & @ViolentBeetle & @MidnightMage plus all the others I forgot to mention... for being awesome, helpfull and cool people --- also... I'm a huge fan of sergeant mark iv, doomkid, enjay and davidn
  8. my preferred monster count is 69 and my preferred difficulty level is that I like bikinis? On a more serious note, I didn't vote since it depends on the map parameters such as size for example
  9. C sector version 1.6 - now with actual umapinfo (music doesnt work any longer in gzdoom???) renamed music to circusga (circusgalop) and referenced it in umapinfo lump c sector version 1.6
  10. I did have grey marble for the walls earlier actually Yes I am considering adding torches I am hoping it will end up as a successor to my aztek map at some point
  11. Ok, erm.. I'm not sure how to do that @game very cool map! I am especially impressed by that "doomcute" picture on the floor. Makes we wish I had spend more time making my map LOL :-) @lunchlunch sadly most of my maps are kino
  12. pretty cool, but no. it was a side scroller and you had to collect spinning CDs while avoiding enemies and I'm almost certain some Sony branding was present
  13. I remember some odd shareware game that had a sony cdman collecting cd's or something, but I can't find any trace of it anywhere
  14. CBM


    layout is very nice but the texture alignment and the door textures are awfull... plays very nice overall.
  15. CBM

    Micro Machines ][

    what can I say? likely ok? as a DM map... I wouldn't know as I have played very little DM... there are a few pretty pictures on the walls... but nothing about this map makes me think about micro machines
  16. Well we had a HORRIBLE map editor than ran in MS-DOS known as EDMAP I can't recall any tools similar to SLADE and dehacked stuff was made with an old dodgy DOS EXE editor called something along the lines of dehacked and it modified the doom exe file directly most of my 90s levels used startan textures, I remastered them once I returned to mapping and found the gem called doom builder pre-historic EDMAP:
  17. CBM

    Doom 1 or 2?

    I think of the doom 1 levels as being more iconic than the doom 2 levels but I love both
  18. Oddly enough... yes, yes I did! :-)
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