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Everything posted by CBM

  1. my favorite ferengi episode is when they make the prisoner exchange with the dominion on terok nor
  2. I successfully transplanted the first borg md3 model from raven softwares elite force in to GZDoom... he is wearing the latest in borg assimilation technology and his arm is a modified railgun from quake 2
  3. ok well I just renamed it D_RUNNIN but if I need to do something else then let me know, but for now, the map atleast has custom circus themed music
  4. new version of my map, now with music - circusgalop, composed by Marc-André Hamelin (a.k.a. DA DOC) c sector vesion 1.5
  5. I guess the OP will make sure it works as intended if I just use map slot 01 and rename it D_RUNNIN then, once he assembles the project
  6. If I were to add a midi to my map in this project then how should I do it? I downloaded a midi with a circus theme that I'd like to use as the music for my level
  7. behold... the caconotron (my unholy union of a q3 cacodemon and a q3 arachnotron - sadly1 the cacohead is without animations) in-game it is likely the unholy result of an indecent encounter between a lonely cacodemon and a weird arachnotron! EDIT just made his distant relative... the revanotron in-game... ? well... I DON'T want to know how something like this could happen!!!
  8. idea for star trek 'ish themed TC...


    use extracted md3 models from elite force combined with other quake 3 player models from other universes such as 40k, starwars, terminator, robocop and others...


    using my gzdoom enhanced freedoom levels (when done) as the levels but the story then goes that Q tests starfleet on 32 levels where the enemies can be from different universes... maybe also multiple... such as terminators and borg in one level, doom monsters (mainly revenant, cacodemon, imp and arachnotron) plus misc non doom monsters in another


    with each level having a team consisting of the player and several friendly fellow crewmembers

    using the weaponry mainly from after dawn and giving some of the enemies that same weaponry such that when killed they can drop useable weapons


    so... using Q to explain why they encounter things not native to the star trek universe, might be interesting?

    1. CBM


      I just extracted 18 borg MD3 enemy models from elite force...

      8 unarmed (needs a regular weapon), 7 unequipped (needs an integrated weapon), an unarmed drone former starfleet officer, the borg queen unarmed and drone seven of nine unarmed


      now I need to find out what weapons and equipment they should have


      I already have a phaser rifle and I have the ability to turn any 3d model in to a quake 3 weapon, I must look inside the data files of elite force to see if I can find some quake 3 weapons there as well


      the unequipped drones could be demons and spectres when equipped while the unarmed drones could be zombiemen and shotgun guys when armed


      each with 3 or 4 variations




      a group of pirates could also be interesting as opponents in one of the levels



  9. Happy birthday and Nice caco demon cake
  10. This looks very cool and a ZDoom adaption (slopes?) of the old game files would be so cool!
  11. Lara Croft, open for raiding of her Tomb?
  12. I think they just didnt think the name through. Still... I hope they keep the name regardless.
  13. I'm curious what your opinion will be on those review videos TBH :-)
  14. I am curious about what you make of those review videos I have a hard time believing the universe could change that much
  15. very nice. All this will provide much needed sprite updates to freedoom! :-)
  16. From what I've seen in the way of clips on youtube and reviews on youtube... I really really doubt I could bring myself to watch a show designed to be political as well as designed to belittle Picard and all of Star Trek. Its made to mock Star Trek by people who knows NOTHING about Star Trek and none of the charecters behave as they should. In addition, the universe is very different from the next generation universe despite using the charecters and actors from that universe. Its more like some dark twisted peverted hell created by Q in order to torment Picard and his fans where Q prances around in disguise as the obligatory Mary Sue that all modern franchise deconstructions suffers from. Frankly it feels like an alternate universe designed for torment... maybe it is the punishment that Q alluded would hit humanity all along. His way of ensuring humanity never gets to surpass the Q. my favorite review of picard part 1 part 2
  17. "OpenLara" <-- part of me really really like that name!
  18. Archer was a damn good captain, but I'm not sure if I would call him second best. My personal list is: Captain Picard Captain Sisko Captain Kirk Captain Janeway Captain Jon Archer I do agree that Enterprise is an underrated show though
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