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Everything posted by CBM

  1. 3 of my most deliberatly cursed monsters
  2. I did not check in the editor but a midtex "that bleeds" is also a possible explanation. It happens to me on a regular basis when I map in MBF because I am so used to it not being a problem in UDMF
  3. GZDoom is not good for testing, it hides slimetrails and many other issues that other ports do not. I used dsda doom v.0.27.5 for testing
  4. ok, I found the following bugs whengiving this a quick spin @Artinum @SuyaSSS @Beubeu
  5. 3 hover cars now done for my wip diy city map for paint it doom
  6. so I decided today to join this project and I just started today making "diy city" and here are some screenshots... the map is very work in progress still though
  7. Thanks :) yes that is exactly what I was going for :)
  8. Pictures/highlights from the latest CBM CIty version from DOOM 2 in City only (going to be available in the next RC) :
  9. Its not in any wad ready for release just yet. I just plopped them in to a city map I made because I needed somewhere to place them while working on them. They wont be part of the final version of the city map they are in atm because they require custom textures. The textures I am using are based on the same textures you are using, but most of them are different than the original set at this point. I still use the door though and the wheel textures are the ones from the original set but with 3 sets of rims from streetrod 1 instead and I also added a camo version of the textures in the texture set I am working on. The textures originate from doom minus one also, cool truck
  10. I have been practicing my texture and doomcute skills and made these sector cars. The map they are in is an MBF21 map:
  11. I have no idea how @MFG38 is going to rule on that but in the old community project, merged sectors counted as a single sector. In my most recent map I just have 10 sectors and no merged sectors.
  12. Thanks but the map is also heavily marked by its restrictions lol. I am very curious regarding what you come up with.
  13. Map name: Restricted. Author: CBM. Music: fuel by ad_79. Restrictions: 100 lines or less, 10 sectors or less, 3 textures and 3 flats, 1024x1024, No orthogonal lines, Only 1 monster type, Grid size of 64 Hitscan enemies only, A bunch of explosive barrels, Sector special 10 Difficulty settings: Yes Notes: My third map for this project! A speedmap. Download: https://doomshack.org/uploads/cbm-restricted.wad
  14. ok so the math definition, I have been reading the following definitions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthogonality http://www.creativeglossary.com/art-perspective/orthogonal-lines.html in this image both a and b can be considered to be orthogonal lines .. but as I understand it, the restriction refers to a only? or does it refer to lines not being able to meet at a 90 degree angle?
  15. @MFG38 when I search for orthogonal lines then I get conflicting information... what do you consider to be orthogonal lines? lines a and c or line b? _ also you should consider adding a restriction that require the mapper to only use orthogonal lines because being limited to either line type is a challenge.. something like "oops all orthogonal lines" or "orthogonal lines only" or similar
  16. Map name: Figure it out. Author: CBM. Music: workhorse by ad_79. Restrictions: 1024x1024, grid size 64, Sector special 10 and some barrels. Difficulty settings: Yes Notes: My second map for this project! A speedmap with several ways to complete it. Download: https://doomshack.org/uploads/figure-it-out.wad
  17. ok cool... I will probably do something similar to what ar_e_en did.. I played all the maps once already to become familiar with the maps and I intend to play them again soon and take notes along the way for each map.... let me know if I should make more unlisted playthrough videos of each map as I play them
  18. how did you deliver the reports if I may ask? unlisted videos? text? or?
  19. it was fun making a map for this and I am hoping to see some gameplay videos of the maps at some point. So many amazing maps in this.
  20. ITYTD is my default... I will never be an ace doom player and thats fine. As long as I can play Doom 2 stuff and chill at the same time, then its all good. I am not a fan of getting stuck in maps due to not knowing how to progress though.
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