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Everything posted by CBM

  1. they took in too many people. I am getting interviews here and there so hopefully something will turn up eventually, either in support, development or devops.
  2. maybe it should inherit from rocket You havent specified a custom version of rocket ammo from what I can see here ACTOR rocklaunchmiss : Rocket 20031 { projectile height 16 radius 6 speed 25 damage 9999999 states { spawn: MISL A -1 bright // rock is the default ammo sprite, misl is the default rocket projectile sprite stop death: MISL B 1 a_playsound("weapons/rocketboom", 1, 1) // MISB would need to be a custom sprite MISL B 1 a_explode(9999999, 15) MISL B 5 bright MISL CD 5 bright stop } } ACTOR CustomMissileLauncher : Rocketlauncher 20029 //inherit to get the missing states, also removes the need for some states { weapon.ammogive 1 weapon.ammouse 1 weapon.ammotype "RocketAmmo" weapon.slotnumber 9 states { spawn: LAUN A -1 // this is the correct sprite for a rockeetlauncher pickup that looks like the default rocketlauncher stop ready: MISG A 1 a_weaponready // LAUG would need to be a custom defined sprite loop select: MISG A 1 a_raise loop deselect: MISG A 1 a_lower loop fire: MISG B 1 a_playsound("weapons/rocklauncher", 1, 1) MISG B 1 a_firecustommissile("rocklaunchmiss", 0, 2, 0, -8) MISG B 1 a_refire("fire") goto ready } } // there is no special ammo defined, but you could do this maybe actor customrocketammo : RocketAmmo {} // then you'd need to replace weapon.ammotype "RocketAmmo" with weapon.ammotype "customrocketammo" this is how the default rocket ammo looks like // default ACTOR RocketAmmo : Ammo { Inventory.PickupMessage "$GOTROCKET" // "Picked up a rocket." Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 50 Ammo.BackpackAmount 1 Ammo.BackpackMaxAmount 100 Inventory.Icon "ROCKA0" States { Spawn: ROCK A -1 Stop } } // maybe you could do this... remember we already inherit everything from the base definition above, // therefore we do not specify the code above this line since it is already specified.... // but in customrocketammo we are modding some of the stuff... (pickupmessage and max inventory amount) ACTOR CustomRocketAmmo : RocketAmmo { Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up a custom rocket." Inventory.MaxAmount 100 }
  3. that would be interesting and it would also be nice to see what solution you went with for each game it seems for windows games there are some that will be requiring a real retro rig with a real win 98 se and/or xp: https://www.pcworld.com/article/423102/windows-10-wont-run-some-older-cd-rom-games-thanks-to-drm.html there are likely many 98 se and xp games that will run on linux as well but I suspect there will still be some that can't in addition to the ones in the above link, just like windows 10 cant run all older windows games nice, so after creating zscript scripts then the ACS compiler must be run before putting it all in a zip file and renaming it as pk3?
  4. that would be so cool and if slade works too then the main stuff is already there. Slade apparently isnt running to well in the linux version but then maybe wine could run the windows version of slade @ducon pretty cool. I think eureka will be a fine editor for vanilla and limit removing maps and I think I will try and make some limit removing maps with it just to see if I can get used to it.
  5. That is pretty cool. You ought to do a tutorial on that at some point. It would be pretty cool if Gibbon was able to do a native Linux version of UDB though. I guess I should check out Slackware. Does it run with all the bells and stuff like lutris, wine and whatever else that Linux can use to run Linux and Windows games?
  6. Cool, more and more job listings seems to wish for Linux experience. I kind of like Linux distributions that doesnt have SystemD (antix and similar), however it seems that for highend gaming rigs it is nessecery to go with a systemd based distribution (manjaro and pop os) I hope to one day master all te config files that are needed to configure linux :-) I have actually coded some c for something embedded using linux, some canbus stuff... but otherwise it has been bare metal or some RTOS like Nucleus.
  7. Nice. Doom Builder is by far the superior level editor. No offence to Eureka, but it just doesnt have all the same features. I guess I could try to install FreeBSD in a VM in order to try and get to know it. Is it very similar to Linux or is it something completely different like Windows is? I am a software developer (on windows) and I guess it would be a very good thing for me to become well versed in both Linux and BSD. I really dislike C# and I am very bad at coding in C# and ASP. I'm better at PHP, JS, C, C++ and Delphi. Despite all this I am also having trouble to get going in zscript for Doom modding.
  8. Thanks. I have only a basic knowledge of Linux as I haven't used it all that much.. yet. I hope the tech channels are right that Linux will be the future for gaming, since I am really getting sick and tired of Windows and I am not interested in jumping over to Mac. That leaves Linux and BSD. And it seems BSD is mostly for servers.
  9. 1.27 I tried to open UDMF maps Heres to hoping slade and doom builder will someday see linux versions in the various packedge managers It would seem that it is still needed to run Windows for Doom modding. Hopefully that wont be the case forever.
  10. I'd rather go full on linux. I've dual booted before but my goal is to completely ditch windows 10. Windows 10 and now 11 was the last straws I've never tried to build anything on Linux but I guess if I could find some tutorials and stuff then it shouldnt be to bad I guess
  11. cool. Hopefully Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, Noesis and Maverick can work fine too this way. And IFAIK Blender is already well supported in Linux. What about batch files? I use them quite heavily on windows to launch GZDoom with all kinds of crazy mods and stuff also I guess adding some sort of icon on the desktop and/or menu to launch something like "wine ./udb.exe" or something would be cool
  12. Thanks. I will have to try Eureka. I am planning on installing Manjaro on a Ryzen 3 2200G system and Pop OS on a Ryzen 3 3200G system, both with 8 GB of DDR4 2666 memory and both using their iGPU. And I want to try and see if both of them can handle my modern doom needs. It seems that Pop OS might have an advantage because there is a precompiled Ubuntu version of GZDoom. But I need to dig up a lot of information to make it happen. For example how to just launch a windows program sitting in a folder on a Linux computer. Eventually I would want to migrate my Ryzen 5 3600 + RX5700XT + 32 GB DDR4 3200 and my i7-6700K + GTX1080 + 16 GB DDR4 2666 to Linux as well. EDIT tried Eureka and it seems to only support the vanilla doom map format
  13. Hi. I was wondering what the state of DOOM gaming is on Linux? I really really really want to dump Windows 10 (and 11) badly... But I don't want to do without modern DOOM and associated tools I know GZDoom has a version for Ubuntu and otherwise just provides the sourcecode. Ultimate DOOM Builder doesnt seem to have a Linux precompiled version, just the source code? Slade has what they call a flat pack? From Slade's website ( http://slade.mancubus.net/index.php?page=downloads ) I guess SLADE, UDB and GZDoom are the 3 most important pieces of software for modern DOOMING... Noesis is only for windows, any linux alternative? Maverick has no Linux binary but has the source code Anything I've missed? And any signs of DOOM gaming and editing on Linux will become easier in the future? I likely missed a few essential tools for modding in my list... It seems a "complete precompiled packedge" for Debian/Ubuntu/Pop OS and one for Arch/Manjaro is missing
  14. yes limit removing might be the best choice since alot are still not confident with all the udmf stuff despite it being much easier than the boom stuff
  15. I didn't try the first Ray Mohawk, but just played the first level of that now as well and I love that one too! Good old fashioned DOOM fun! I can see the article in the monster gazette now... Ray Mohawk returns to our monster resort and starts killing for the second year in a row and this time he has stolen some magic gauntlets that he now uses for killing instead of a chainsaw. Imps dressed in vacation outfits all claim that their vacation has been ruined for the second year in a row. But this year, they upgraded their cyberdemon in an attempt to stop Ray.
  16. wouldnt 512 x 512 be to small? with 1024 x 1024 there is more room to move
  17. tried the first level and I love it... I've always been drawn to the whole holiday theme in doom wads and the hula imps are just awesome!
  18. sounds good, but if you need more time then its not a problem since I have extended the deadline due to the vast amount of rampart map slots that are yet to recieve a map
  19. What kind of monsters and weapons would you like to see used in each level in a 32 level megawad for it to be able to slowly ramp up the challenge? What changes could have been made specifically to the monsters and weapons used in each level of Plutonia for it to give that sense of progression and increased difficulty?
  20. cool, man we have a vast amount of ceramic halloween pumpkins... we rarely carve real ones because they quickly decay
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