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Everything posted by CBM

  1. I decided to take some more screenshots of the latest update to my map and share them here:
  2. any example wads that demonstrate the current capabilities of dsda? I am intrigued to see another port that has UDMF features. I hope for 3D floors, slopes, line + sector portals and decorate support in the future.
  3. @SteveTheSpaceJanitor I can take a second map slot if you need it... I have been working on a UDMF map that uses vanilla resources to test the viability of sector based trains in doom and I was planning on making it a short but complete map anyway
  4. its very refreshing with pineapple on a pizza... combine with scrimp and tuna
  5. you forgot to include the credits text file from the fistfull of doom mod. Cool stuff though.
  6. Hi. I put the midi in the map, you can download it here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e964gusiqp9fqbn/npd2023_gazebo_cbm.wad/file You can post my map now if you want. And thanks for the kind words. ---- Title: Gazebo 23 Artist/Author: CBM Music and Author: "Today Is A-OK" by Mtpain27 Sky: blue sky texture made by me Mapping format: Doom 2/limit-removing (tested in GZdoom) Estimated playtime: 4 minutes Notes/Comments: As you are out hunting and sawing down trees you see this small area of the forest that has a gazebo, a hunting lodge, a hunting tower and some small hills ... turns out to be crawling with baddies...
  7. I want to put the song in first. But how many of the maps are UDMF? The ones I have downloaded are all limit removing from what I have seen, thats why I made mine limit removing as well.
  8. ok cool! where can I find it? Also I could talk to Amiga Angel and see if I can talk him into taking the last map slot?
  9. ok cool. Sorry that I forgot to check what maps were already claimed but it worked out in the end anyway.
  10. I just talked to Amiga Angel on discord and he gave me permission to take the map slot if I want it and if its ok with you, because he wont have time to make a map. Is that ok?
  11. oh sorry.. I wanted to reserve a slot and thought shotgun and chainsaw was available, do you have any other slot I could use instead
  12. I made an update to the map since the version I just posted, it has a blueish sky texture I made myself... still needs music so when music is found then I could post an update... still need help finding music edit, decided to update my above post with what I have so far... added real forest like edge to map plus plenty stand alone trees.. more baddies, more ammo, more health, more cover
  13. Here's my submission! It supports co-op and its basically a repurposed version of a map I made in 2021. Title: Gazebo 23 Artist/Author: CBM Music and Author: pending, need suggestions, default for now Sky: blue sky texture made by me Mapping format: Doom 2/limit-removing (tested in GZdoom) Estimated playtime: 4 minutes Notes/Comments: As you are out hunting and sawing down trees you see this small area of the forest that has a gazebo, a hunting lodge, a hunting tower and some small hills ... turns out to be crawling with baddies... Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6u166rfd5ba8ezc/npd2023_gazebo_cbm_sgcsx.wad/file Screenshots: https://imgur.com/pHBkruQ edit... updated download link
  14. I have been trying to use decorate to add custom monsters to a map for use in helion but they never appear, also any mod I tried that uses decorate to replace standard doom 2 monsters doesnt work how do I utilize decorate in helion? does anyone have an example wad I can try? also, is it supposed to make it possible to combine boom and decorate in the same wad and does ultimate doom builder support that? thanks in advance for any help, I think I could grow to really like this port
  15. that is a pretty weird choice to change the name from twitter to x
  16. Sidenote to the quacking cyberdemon... in the discord under shared resources.. a cyberdemon with squeky duck shoes can be downloaded and if you guys look closely.. there are atleast 2 maps in ramp 2023 that use this cyberdemon or variations of him ;-)
  17. map I am working on for ramp 2023 (NB: the texture alignment issues has been resolved after these screenshots were taken) :
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