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Everything posted by CBM

  1. That actually sounds like a good idea... if I ever get back to work as a developer, then I might just use this method.
  2. same here, but there is no rush (just wanted to tweak some cosmetic stuff in the fleshy baron fort, since the access to square 14 is now a lift it seems) @Walter confetti I like the exit in square 16, very cool :-)
  3. I have no issue with that, however I am looking forward to v16 where the final square is added
  4. Thanks. Its up to you, but I think it works as is. The gate can be reached and used by walking on the small ledge (wall?) and the hole in the wall can be used if following the entrace point that was marked with an arrow in v14. The hole in the wall was made where the arrow was previously. I think this quilt will be even better than the previous one... all the squares are just so awesome. I can't wait to see the final square being done as well
  5. trying once again.. discovered the issue now - I should've been aware that some of the neighboring sectors were affected.. sorry about that EDIT, EDIT 2 ... fixed some textures in my square should be fine now, link: ok, finally ready.. here it is... AngryQuilt2v15repasted.rar pic:
  6. I often order both pineapple and corn on the pizzas that I eat along with lots of meat
  7. maybe I can learn how to use lightmaps by studying this
  8. if the player can only teleport to square 13, then how does the player exit square 13 again?
  9. sure no problem done... download link: AngryQuilt2v15.rar
  10. its part of the challenge my fort of flesh is also getting a slight makeover now since the entrance to the square became different than what I anticipated but I am working on getting my square ready and making sure its testet
  11. full blown beard here.... it seems the default when I look at my new coworkers, now that I am a craftsman instead of the academic office rat I used to be (where beards where almost never full beards)
  12. @DavidN cool and very inspiring... and thanks for showing some examples of advanced zscript. as a developer and doom fan I would love to be as good with zscript as you are one day. but what if the fight arena was not the same one each time? could even be their actual location on the map but with limited movement area centered on where the encounter begins? would it be possible to do a third party 3d pack for this with objects, pickups, monsters and maybe even weapons and more?
  13. ok ( using "doom: doom (doom format)" in ultimate doom builder) I have discovered something odd though when testing... in the editor the 4 crater images looks ok, but ingame they have some very distinct lines all around them?
  14. questions... so just regular old doom map format then ( or as UDoomBuilder calls it... doom: doom 2 (doom format) )? "Aesthetic of the episode - floating city, lots open space, not just with sky ceiling, but also sky floor and open space to a horizon. Corruption on medium level, otherwise city/techbase design. Lots of environmental hazards, crushers and damaging floors." so a crater, with some buildings perhaps and a sky floor in patches? like f_sky1? also a sky ceiling, f_sky1? what is meant by "Corruption on medium level" ? this crater, is it the result of a missile impact or is it created centuries ago by a large meteor colliding with the planet? (assuming its a meteor) humble beginning: so I need to add buildings, caves, "curruption?", hazards
  15. I think I would like to try my hand at E4M8 Episode 4 M8: Impact Site so it will be in a crater on a planet, with a city inside... it will likely not be a floating city per say but I will include a spider master mind and I will try to avoid too much overdetailing dont expect any boom tricks, mainly because I don't know any boom tricks I have little time but since this has no official time limit, then I can just slowly work on the map when time allows it
  16. well its about youtube, so as the thread creator I think it is sufficiently relevant :-)
  17. thanks, just verified my channel. hopefully I will have more options now. :-)
  18. LTT's floatplane is the only alternative I have heard of and that is subscription based IIRC I have no intentional monetization on my videos and I have certainly never received any type of payment from youtube, so I dont know why I am restricted to such short videos.. are there some youtube settings I should change somewhere?
  19. I hope a free alternative with forum support will emerge at some point
  20. just a reminder... link to rampart uploader for the booked tc: https://booked.teamouse.net/upload.php if anybody is missing a pin for their map slot(s) then let me know and I will try to send you a PM with the pin(s) finally...... i have a video of resurrecting lucifer... now youtube doesnt want long videos so I had to be quick (the map has a bit to many monsters and a few misaligned textures but is otherwise a fun slaughter map) :
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