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Everything posted by CBM

  1. GZDoom for most things. prboom or crispy for extreme non zdoom maps or for testing when making non zdoom maps. k8vavoom for maps that require that engine. Thought: I wonder if vavoom could use something like md2modeldef but modified to write vavoom data files instead? ...since it doesnt support md3 models. Just being curious, what official add-ons are you thinking about?
  2. In my opinion, I think that UDMF maps are fine as long as they use atleast one UDMF feature. I think it is possible to make a city map using default resources that can play in the original dos doom2.exe that looks way better than the original doom city levels. However... Adding custom resources like trees and/or custom textures to even dos doom would make the task easier... same with modern map formats. But I'd also say making a city map is more fun in UDMF than in the original doom map format due to the added functionality.
  3. this is the map list from rampart, with my comments added: map MAP01 "Attack of the 8 flying tomatos V2" { author = "xScavengerWolfx" levelnum = 1 sky1 = RSKY1 music = MUS1 NoJump NoCrouch next = MAP02 secretnext = MAP02 } correct map MAP02 "Wood Crawl" { author = "CBM" levelnum = 2 sky1 = MSKY2 music = MUS2 AllowJump AllowCrouch next = MAP03 secretnext = MAP03 } this map is actually: feared space pyramid by Greenjay map MAP03 "Resurrecting Lucifer" { author = "Scrappy McDoogerton" levelnum = 3 sky1 = RSKY1 music = D_RUNNIN NoJump NoCrouch next = MAP04 secretnext = MAP04 } this map is actually: my woodcrawl map map MAP04 "Purified UAC Refinery" { author = "Rhhe82" levelnum = 4 sky1 = OSKY25 music = MUS4 NoJump NoCrouch next = MAP05 secretnext = MAP05 } this map is actually: resurrecting lucifer by scrappy mcdoogerton map MAP05 "Reveal No Reaper" { author = "egap98" levelnum = 5 sky1 = MSKY5 music = MUS5 NoJump NoCrouch next = MAP06 secretnext = MAP06 } this map is actually: the question of hearing by engired map MAP06 "Electrified Bleeding" { author = "Knifeworld" levelnum = 6 sky1 = MSKY6 music = MUS6 NoJump NoCrouch next = MAP07 secretnext = MAP07 } this map is actually: purified uac refinery by rhhe82 map MAP07 "Bloody Devils" { author = "Origamyde" levelnum = 7 sky1 = RSKY1 music = MUS7 AllowJump AllowCrouch next = MAP08 secretnext = MAP08 } this map is actually: Bone Ward by RileyXY1 map MAP08 "Beneath a Timeless Cathedral" { author = "Demondice" levelnum = 8 sky1 = RSKY1 music = MUS8 NoJump NoCrouch next = MAP09 secretnext = MAP09 } this map is actually: Robot Hell by RileyXY1 map MAP09 "Revealing Zombie" { author = "Obake" levelnum = 9 sky1 = MSKY9 music = MUS9 AllowJump AllowCrouch next = MAP10 secretnext = MAP10 } this map is empty (no map data) map MAP10 "The Prison of Burning" { author = "Briche" levelnum = 10 sky1 = RSKY1 music = MUS10 AllowJump AllowCrouch next = MAP11 secretnext = MAP11 } this map is unknown map MAP11 "Nordic Island" { author = "evilscientist42" levelnum = 11 sky1 = RSKY1 music = MUS11 NoJump NoCrouch next = MAP12 secretnext = MAP12 } this map is actually: deadcity by rileyxy map MAP12 "Wasting a Pain Elemental" { author = "Bloodbath Giraffe" levelnum = 12 sky1 = RSKY1 music = D_RUNNIN NoJump NoCrouch next = MAP13 secretnext = MAP13 } this is a map with a room with the text "no map" on the floor map MAP13 "Feared Space Pyramid" { author = "SynDoom" levelnum = 13 sky1 = RSKY1 music = D_RUNNIN NoJump NoCrouch next = MAP14 secretnext = MAP14 } this map is actually: the prison of burning by briøche map MAP14 "The Question Of Hearing" { author = "Engired" levelnum = 14 sky1 = RSKY1 music = MUS14 NoJump NoCrouch next = MAP15 secretnext = MAP15 } this map is actually: electrified bleeding by knifeworld map MAP15 "Bone Ward" { author = "RileyXY1" levelnum = 15 sky1 = RSKY1 music = MUS15 AllowJump AllowCrouch next = MAP16 secretnext = MAP16 } this map is actually: bloody devils by origamyde map MAP16 "Robot Hell" { author = "RileyXY1" levelnum = 16 sky1 = OSKY39 music = MUS16 AllowJump AllowCrouch next = MAP17 secretnext = MAP17 } this map is actually: beneath a timeless cathedral by demondice map MAP17 "Dead City" { author = "RileyXY1" levelnum = 17 sky1 = OSKY18 music = MUS17 AllowJump AllowCrouch next = MAP01 secretnext = MAP01 } this map is actually: Revealing Zombie by Obake map MAP18 "Every Haunting of the Cyberdemon" { author = "RileyXY1" levelnum = 18 sky1 = RSKY1 music = MUS18 AllowJump AllowCrouch } this map is actually an older? version of: Bone Ward by RileyXY1 @RileyXY1 are both maps 7 and 18 versions of bone ward? pictures of maps 7 and 18: its quite the detective work after the maps got out of sync in rampart
  4. ok. I just hope I can figure out that identity of the last map as well
  5. True. But for some reason I had just hoped for something more from the orville
  6. I totally agree. Still Lower Decks, while being closer to 'real' Star Trek, it is still not quite there. The whole "captains daughter can do anything she wants" is one example. However, its close enough to be watchable I guess... since it somehow makes it easier (atleast for me) that it is a cartoon. Also USS Equinox was quite messed up, so not all ships are as tightly run as the USS Enterprise so that goes a long way to make Lower Decks closer to 'real' Star Trek I guess. Enterprise is more 'real' Star Trek than Lower Decks but it is still a bit off somehow. I do like Enterprise however. The true Trek for me will always be TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY though. I really really like The Orville but I think the Kaylons look could have been a bit less cheap homemade kids halloween robot custome.
  7. @Bloodbath Giraffe Did you have a link to your map "wasting a pain elemental"?
  8. oh man... wont give spoilers but first season of picard is extremely bad... second season started out promising and then quickly went straight to hell.... pure garbage... Im surprised all the TNG actors would want to take part in it
  9. ok. Yes your videos was a great help in identifying maps. But I havent found anything that can tell me what those 3 mystery maps are. I will add in your map, I cut it because I found a post that claimed it had a bug that prevented it from being completeable... but if it is fully functional then I will add it back in. But I will need you to provide me with a download link to your map since I havent found it in either ramparts booked site or as a standalone file anywhere.
  10. @Bloodbath Giraffe @egap98 @Greenjay @RileyXY1 also I am looking for "evilscientist42" I am looking for the authors and the map names of the following maps:
  11. @Greenjay Can you confirm that "feared space pyramid" has bugs and thus can't be completed? I want to include it when its verified to be completeable. @RileyXY1 Can you confirm that "dead city" and "Every Haunting of the Cyberdemon" has bugs and thus can't be completed? I want to include it when its verified to be completeable.
  12. I have been trying to identify the maps still in the project and I have selected these 12 as the final maps that will be in the project: Attack of the 8 flying tomatoes - xScavengerWolfx woodcrawl - cbm resurrecting lucifer - scrappy mcdoogerton the question of hearing - engired purified uac refinery - rhhe82 Bone Ward [slot given to RileyXY1] Robot Hell [slot given to RileyXY1] the prison of burning - bricea (briøche) electrified bleeding - knifeworld bloody devils - origamyde beneath a timeless cathedral - demondice Revealing Zombie - Obake some of the maps I werent sure was beatable, but from recent'ish youtube videos of them I saw that they indeed were (I just wasnt able to finish them)... some of the maps I thought needed fixes, but from recent'ish youtube videos of them I saw that they didn't (I just wasnt able to finish them)... there was one map though that had a bug that made me decide to scrap it.. and it was feared space pyramid I was unable to identify MAP10.wad, MAP11.wad and MAP18.wad, so those are out as well deadcity and every haunting of the cyberdemon werent in the booked pk3 file on rampart so they are also out so I will try to manually compile a pk3 file with the maps that has been identified and hopefully still works I still need to talk to David in order to find out if there is something that can be done... a total wipe may be needed and then I'd have to reupload all 12 maps... if that happens and you want your cut map included, then post the map in this thread along with a youtube video of you or someone else completing it as proof of completion and then I will try to add it back in to the project maps that I am hoping will rejoin this project that way are: dead city every haunting of the cyberdemon feared space pyramid (when fixed) the three maps in the booked.pk3 snapshot that I couldn't identify stand by for more info later...
  13. I am truly sorry that this project went as it did and I feel I must apologize to all who was involved.
  14. I went through the first 5 so far, and so far I have corrections for maps 1, 2 and 5 ODDLY enough MAP02 is not woodcrawl??? right now Im trying to figure out if map6 is beatable... edit... can't figure it out but I'm assuming it is map 9 doesnt exists hoping map 14 is beatable hoping map 15 is beatable ok so thats all of them ---- so I need to figure out what maps that MAP01 MAP02 MAP05 and MAP09 actually are I don't know how to fix this ...
  15. I am currently going through all the maps and making any changes I think are needed in order for the maps to be completeable... I will then update the maps via rampart when I'm done
  16. hm, then it would need to be something like needing to switch it on to cross at one point and switch it off to cross at a higher point ah yes, thanks
  17. Just thought of something myself as well... maybe conveur belts and security cam monitors?
  18. Thanks... but I am afraid that this project is dead and I see no way of making sure that it gets completed. Maybe someone can help me with this, I just don't know.
  19. I need some advice on ideal situations for using toggle switches (a switch you can toggle back and fourth between on and off) in a doom map. I was thinking that maybe a door.... like having it raise when the switch is active and then lower when inactive.... so the player walks up to the door... activates the switch and raises the door... walks through and can then just leave the door open or use a switch on the other side of the door to close it again... ? Or maybe a lift, a switch to make it raise when active and lower when inactive... But if its on the lift itself then it would need to be made so that the lift is the only way down again... otherwise there would need to be a switch at the top and the buttom of the lift to call the lift from both directions... ? anything else where this kind of on or off toggle switch is usefull?
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