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Everything posted by CBM

  1. ahh yes, you are correct.. sorry bout that please do that.. let me know if you need pin numbers I've added the ability for users to add their own map slots now... its internal counter is messed up so you may have to manually tell it that its map 18 your adding - let me know if you run into issues
  2. I can't take credit for the models themselves.. they are all downloaded from various sources online but some of the models have been modified by me, for example... I removed some details on the ork gun geometry before converting it from a regular 3d object in to a quake 3 compatible weapon that can be merged to quake 3 compatible player models the ork in power armor is made from the upper+lower part of a space marine i downloaded and the head is a head from a goblin model where I modified the head geometry and the head texture to make it a proper ork head
  3. model inventory 40k




    imperial guard leman russ

    space marine rhino

    space marine predator

    chaos rhino

    chaos predator

    looted ork leman russ???




    ork with slugga (zombieman - drops ammo)

    ork with shoota (drops ammo)

    ork with shoota and bolt-on choppa (drops ammo)

    ork with shotgun (sergeant - drops shotgun)

    ork with double barrel shotgun (drops double barrel shotgun)

    ork with machine gun (chaingunner - drops machine gun)

    ork with rocket launcher (drops rocket launcher)

    ork with plasma gun (drops plasma gun)

    ork with heavy magnum (wolfensteinss - drops heavy magnum)

    ork with railgun (drops railgun)

    ork with hyperblaster (drops hyperblaster)

    ork with BFG (drops BFG)

    ork with odd plasma weapon (drops ammo)

    ork with yet another odd plasma weapon (imp - no drops)

    warcraft ork with shotgun (drops ammo)

    ork nob in looted power armour with slugga (drops ammo)

    ork nob in looted power armour with shoota (drops ammo)

    ork nob in looted power armour with shoota and bolt-on choppa (drops ammo)

    ork nob in looted power armour with deffgun (drops ammo)

    ork nob in looted power armour with plasmacannon (mancubus? no drops)

    ork nob in looted power armour with rocket launcher (revenant? no drops)

    gigantuan squiggoth

    space marine in power armour with boltpistol (no drops)

    space marine in power armour with plasmapistol (no drops)

    space marine in power armour with bolter (no drops)

    space marine in power armour with heavy bolter (no drops)

    space marine in power armour with lascannon (no drops)

    space marine in power armour with autocannon (no drops)

    space marine sergeant in power armour with boltgun (no drops)

    space marine sergeant in power armour with bolter (no drops)

    space marine sergeant in power armour with heavy bolter (no drops)

    space marine librarian

    space marine dreadnought

    space marine terminator

    space marine traitor in power armour with boltpistol (no drops)

    space marine traitor in power armour with plasmapistol (no drops)

    space marine traitor in power armour with bolter (no drops)

    space marine traitor in power armour with heavy bolter (no drops)

    space marine traitor in power armour with lascannon (no drops)

    space marine traitor in power armour with autocannon (no drops)

    space marine traitor sergeant in power armour with boltgun (no drops)

    space marine traitor sergeant in power armour with bolter (no drops)

    space marine traitor sergeant in power armour with heavy bolter (no drops)

    space marine traitor librarian
    space marine traitor marine dreadnought

    space marine traitor terminator

    chaos space marine with chaos bolt gun

    necron warrior (actually just a cyberdyne terminator model but close enough)

    hive tyrant

    eldar warpspider with fusion gun

    eldar warpspider with claw

    eldar warpspider with eldar brightlance

    eldar warpspider with eldar starcannon

    eldar warpspider with eldar missile launcher

    eldar warpspider with eldar shuriken
    eldar wraithguard with fusion gun

    eldar wraithguard with claw

    eldar wraithguard with eldar brightlance

    eldar wraithguard with eldar starcannon

    eldar wraithguard with eldar missile launcher

    eldar wraithguard with eldar shuriken




    various chaos, eldar, necron and tau buildings that I have yet to sort out

    various tau hover tanks that I have yet to fully fix up

    necron stuff - monolith and stuff???

    imperial bunker

    imperial space marine HQ

    imperial space marine drop pod

    imperial valkyrie aircraft

    ork barricade 1

    ork barricade 2

    ork fighta bomma


  4. pretty fun map with unusual ideers.. always a plus I had to play it several times and I had to watch anothers playthrough in order to find out how to get to the last exit switch room but fun map nonetheless.. I played on easiest difficulty
  5. after I removed all the empty slots then there is no slot 17/map 17 anymore slot 15/map 15 is the next one that can become available if you want to make a map for it
  6. I could give you a map slot if you need one you can always start to make the map and post some screenshots in this thread and then I'd have a slot ready for you soon
  7. Thanks :) I need to get my stuff together and make a version with just the 40k stuff in it soon and then I'd need to make some levels I've learned to use null skins to cut down on the number of model variations as well as how to do dummy sprites for models along the way so far to for a shooting frame they will have texture on both the gun and the flash, regular frames will use null for the flash texture and death frames will use null for both flash and gun since most will be dropping their guns (unless they are armed with a weapon that the player can't use) I haven't learned how to use the flash state yet so I just use the ranged state
  8. its full res, that why imgbb just link to their main site
  9. not a wad, but I found an ork shoota that I could convert to a quake 3 weapon and make a shoota armed variant of my deathskull nob in eavy armour (looted powerarmor) he will be part of an upcoming mod (if I ever finish it) my deathskull nobz so far: nob with slugga nob with deffgun (or multi melta) nob with shoota (with bolted on choppa) possible new nob: nob with plasma deffgun (or plasma cannon, I have the model already but haven't done the nessecery work to it yet)
  10. Pretty cool. Powerslave/exhumed (all versions) have always had a special place in my hearth! I did play the PC version mostly though.
  11. ha ha.. yes, that would be kind of awesome but it would be a lot of work... first I'd need to make another colored caco and then I'd need to manually merge them to a third for each frame but it could be done btw... here is a forest caco DEH file (dehacked) it makes it slightly tougher (600 hp vs 400) and faster (speed 10 vs 8) plus renames it as forest caco forest caco dehacked file its my first time using whacked and it seems pretty easy to use compared to that dos abomination editor I once tried to use back in the 90s... it didnt make deh files but it made a new doom2.exe file
  12. I could do that I guess, but I'd need to learn more about making alternate vanilla monsters then since its meant for vanilla. I could give it new sprite names by renaming the sprites. It might be fun to give it a green poison ball shot or something hm, that will be more complicated since it would also make its blood darker (unless I start to manually edit each sprite) - but interesting --- off topic It puzzles me that we dont have something like realm 667 for 3d models for GZDoom? I have made several 3D versions of realm 667 stuff as well as imported many 3D monsters in to GZDoom
  13. Forest caco demon & Water demon Both now use the exact offsets as the monsters they replace... Thanks to @Doomkid for helping me solve a technical bug in this release! The DEH for these two just redirects the sprites to the new sprites so they are now once again identical to the caco and baron as I originally intended! forest caco demon replaces the caco demon, it is green, has red blood and has red energy inside water demon replaces the baron of hell, it is blue and has red blood video download dualpack.rar
  14. I have the opposite problem... lots of reasons to map but no ability to get it done... I just stare at the blank map editor
  15. just looked at my fixed version and it DOES have ceiling and floor at 90 in my fixed version (it also has an empty e1m1 for some reason but that should just be ignored) see my post with my 2022 fix of my e4m4 level and then try that one there is nothing additional for me to fix
  16. thanks for the feedback and I will make a fix soon
  17. hm yearh, such a db could be pretty cool but it would be nice to have variations in the db as well... like the ones shown on the zdoom wiki along with how they might fit in with the existing monster roster maybe also the monsters from say heretic and/or hexen it would be interesting to see if monsters from several games used in a single mod for doom2 for example would be able to fill different roles and supplement each other or if they just end up filling the same roles or maybe a mix it would end up as an exhustive monster DB maybe also with some stuff to help put those monsters in to doom, heretic, hexen, etc... like decorate definitions, etc...
  18. very cool notes! yes a db could be cool but I have no idea what to type in it just yet
  19. OT: I really need to be better at using monsters so even if I am not totally new to mapping then Id still benefit greatly from this :-) I am not sure I have the knowledge to make such a guide on my own so I am hoping we as a community could make this enormous unwieldly mess together :-) but an analysis of each standard doom monster along with usefull custom derivatives could be a start I guess then a definition of the roles that monsters should fill, then the encounter types, then something about placement (high, low, caged, ...), then how to build up encounters, then tons of examples, then charts and more charts ? maybe a chart along these lines... role - monsters sacrificial - demon in cage at ground level, lost soul in cage, ... sniper - imp on ledge, revenant on ledge, ... guntower - arachnotron on platform, ... ... off-topic: I just edited the chaingunner and shotgun guy from enjays genetech so that they arent carrying weapons during their death animations, making them perfect for use as 3d representations of doom2's chaingunner and sergeant monsters as they both drop a weapon upon dying
  20. Thanks for the link I like the part about custom monsters as well, but now I feel like I need a guide on how to make worthwile custom monsters... I suppose one could just clone decorate stuff from realm667 for decorate definitions for custom monsters I do think that if you like me, wants 3d monsters, then it CAN make sense to make a "custom monster" that is just one of the regular doom monsters but with different visuals... for example.. a 3d model of a rocket weilding soldier girl as a standin for a revenant but with the same stats as a revenant I've made Orion skins for some of the monsters in Enjays Genetech for example and I plan on using the rocket girl as an orion soldier that takes on the role of the vanilla revenant however, it will be tough to explain why a humaniod has all those hitpoints... maybe she should be an imp replacement instead? same with guards that have pistols, guards with shotguns and guards with machineguns etc.. so...something like this rocket girl -> revenant pistol guy -> zombie shotgun guy -> sergeant machinegun guy -> chaingunner heavy machine gunner -> ss guy worker -> demon (unarmed) scientist -> maybe imp if given a fireball attack? giant spider -> maybe arachnotron if given a plasma attack? OR rocket girl -> imp (fireball becomes a rocket instead) pistol guy -> zombie shotgun guy -> sergeant machinegun guy -> chaingunner heavy machine gunner -> ss guy attack dog -> demon and spectre? giant spider -> maybe arachnotron if given a plasma attack? some kind of robot maybe? enjay has a big robot in genetech that might fit the bill -> revenant then there are all the other monsters like spider master mind, cyberdemon, baron, hellknight, ... then there are the guys that are different, like soldiers with super shotguns, soldiers riding animals or robot animals, strogg, space marines, etc some doom monsters drops weapons, what is the deal on that? a monster can drop weapons or ammo or supplies or nothing... but its hard to decide what mosnters should drop what and when for example an imp doesnt drop anything a zombie drops a clip and a sergeant drops a shotgun
  21. Im hoping some kind of system could become of all this, so that all can benefit from knowledge about how to use the monsters
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