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Everything posted by CBM

  1. these are just notes so far on an idea for a quick little startrek UDMF map


    startrek ...


    ncc 1701-d?:



    captain janeway has been captured by the borg and made the new borg queen, her borg name is...

    jade of borg


    she has invaded a federation starship on a survey mission and all personnel has been injected with borg nanoprobes


    that federation ship was carrying a top secret document about the omega particle that could make the borg much more powerfull if they can harness this knowledge - you must stop them before it is too late - if you can neutralize jade of borg, then the borg will not be able to make use of the document


    you have been smuggled aboard by section 31 by a man named sloan... your secondary objective is to neutralize the entire crew and obtain the secret document about omega


    rooms on a map...

    engineering - one

    medical bay plus office - one

    cargo bays - two?

    shuttle bays - two?

    crew quarters - ten?

    captains quarters - one

    transport room - two?

    ten forward aka mess hall - one

    kitchen? - one?

    weapons room? - two?

    detention cells? - one with multiple cells?

    conference rooms - two?

    captains ready room - one

    bridge - one

    battle bridge? - one?

    holo suites - two?

    rooms taken over by the borg- ten ?


    3d models...

    captain janeway

    generic starfleet crewman

    borg drone



    captains chair



    comm badge





    medical shell

    various small decorative objects


  2. CBM


    I tried it years ago and was impressed... its actually made in EDMAP! The ancient map editor from hell itself. But we really need an updated UDMF version of this The 'other' startrek wad of old is also very good for its time we need more startrek in doom
  3. ok, I will make a note of that... I will either free up your slot, remove it alltogether or maybe take over your slot then
  4. yes so cool are you using voxels for the cars and have them as non agressove npc actors that follow a path? the while 5th element/cyberpunk vibe is great
  5. from the description I like the monster changes but not the fading of sprites
  6. CBM

    dead gtx 1080

    well that other system I tried the gtx1080 in still works... I think... it has an rx5700xt in it but when playing outer worlds I have to limit the game to 60 fps now to avoid random crash to desktop... Im not sure what that is about though
  7. CBM

    dead gtx 1080

    it has intel integrated graphics, its a 6700k
  8. CBM

    dead gtx 1080

    well ... I dont have that kind of cash for pc gear right now anyways... I've been unable to find stable employment for almost 2 years now
  9. sounds good, and I know you have a map since it was posted to this thread, it just needs to be posted to the rampart uploader as well... let me know if you need the pin code and I will send you a PM with it
  10. CBM

    dead gtx 1080

    it already refused to work in any other PC about a year ago so it has been acting up for a while.
  11. UPDATE only 12 maps have been submitted... We are missing RAMPART map submissions from the following people: @NeedHealth MAP 02 - Spirit Mines [slot given to NeedHealth] @plankguy_89 MAP 05 - Imp Barons [slot given to Plank_Guy_89] MAP 19 - The Lost Lair [slot given to Plank_Guy_89] @PBeGood4 MAP 07 - Romero's Church [slot given to pbegood4] @Weird Sandwich MAP 08 - UAC Platform of Motorphobia [slot given to Weird Sandwich] @SynDoom MAP 09 - Feared Space Pyramid [slot given to SynDoom] @minichibisart MAP 10 - Flesh Flayed [slot given to miniscibisart] @MFG38 MAP 12 - Plague Alter [slot given to MFG38] @ʞnifeworld MAP 14 - Electrified Bleeding [slot given to ʞnifeworld] I can't seem to get the system to highlight his username? @Engired MAP 20 - Every Haunting Of The Cyberdemon [slot given to Engired] MAP 32 - The Question Of Hearing [slot given to Engired] @RedBoule MAP 22 - Space Caverns [slot given to RedBoule] @Astro X MAP 23 - Anubis Silos [slot given to Astro X] @Bobby “lolmcswagger” MAP 24 - The Wasted Imp [slot given to Bobby "lolmcswagger"] @SilverMiner MAP 25 - Dead City [slot given to SilverMiner and special dispensation to use DOOM or ZDOOM format] @Bob is Zack MAP 26 - Carmack's Powerplant [slot given to Bob is Zack] @RileyXY1 MAP 28 - Robot Hell [slot given to RileyXY1] @Shibainumaster MAP 29 - Void of Cacodemons [slot given to shibainumaster] MAP 30 - Secret UAC Operation [slot given to shibainumaster] @lokbustam257 MAP 31 - The Unknown Volcano [slot given to lokbustam257] I decided that I will close for new map submissions on december 20 2021... after that I will take whatever maps that are left and rearrange them to fit however many map slots that they can - after that, the rest of the time limit will be for map changes and fixes and whatnot
  12. CBM

    dead gtx 1080

    I accidentally fried the mobo and gfx card from the pc I had when I first moved away from my parents back in 2001 (screwdriver slipped when trying to power it on).. Not my best day that day either... I would have liked to have held on to that one. It was an athlon xp with some asus geforce card of sorts
  13. CBM

    dead gtx 1080

    pallit geforce gtx 1080 that happended to 4 of my harddrives (2x 512 GB and 2x 1TB) and 4 of my SSDs (128 GB ones) with a faulty powersupply that fried the logic boards by sending 12v on the 5v line I threw out the faulty PSU when I finally realised what was going on
  14. CBM

    dead gtx 1080

    I could try that the latest drivers from pallit and the ones from nvidia doesnt work properly and causes artifacting... any attempt at starting games results in error messages
  15. CBM

    dead gtx 1080

    hm I guess I could try that but its never been overheating or anything like that and its always had more than sufficient cooling also it worked just fine yesterday???
  16. CBM

    dead gtx 1080

    I've never had a graphics card die like that and certainly never after only 5 years my ancient agp riva tnt 2 card still works fine to this day for example
  17. CBM

    dead gtx 1080

    indeed hopefully things will return to normal and then I will hopefully have money at that point to run something other than a potato rig
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