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Everything posted by CBM

  1. I have the same issue. There are many people that will try to get you down and say your maps are a big black spot in whatever CP you contribute to and that they are hitscan hells that are explemplary bad etc but there are also people that will try to cheer you up and get you to keep going I guess the best thing to do is to keep mapping and try not to care to much about what others think.. map like you want to map I just hope I can follow my own advice here I am 41 so I am also very unlikely to ever reach the god-tier in mapping
  2. a level I am working on that uses some prefabs made by lazy gamer... If anyone knows of other prefabs than lazy gamers then let me know.
  3. True enough :-) I've learned that there are still tons and tons of things I still don't know about UDMF map features, not to mention that I need to somehow get started on zscript.. I am still not completely aware of how, where and when coding can be used and how it can interact.. I know you can do decorate scripts and/or zscripts and place them in a pk3 file and I know you can do zscripting? inside a map to do stuff in the map itself
  4. I just wish I would have continued mapping after my first mapping experiences back in the late 90s, then I would have been pretty good at it now
  5. The only way to animate with OBJs is to make a new OBJ model for each frame the model needs, so the MD3 format would be better for animation as the OBJ format doesnt support animation. Avoid the MD2 format since it warps the model during animation, if you check out Genetech by Enjay and then pay close attention to the idle animations of the weapons then you will see the weapon 3d models during animations are almost behaving as if they were being boiled or something. After Dawn is based on many of the resources from Genetech and in After Dawn I don't use the weapon idle animations to avoid this effect. I have in some cases used a single OBJ file to do like a gun flash frame for a model, such that all the movement and stuff is in an MD3 file and then the one frame with the actual firing of the gun has a duplicate as an OBJ file where there is also a gun flash added. I have several mods (gzfreepunk, the gzfreepunk's steampunk'ish robot monsters, after dawn, 3d vehicles, 40k model packs and booked the cp) that are WIP and are going to be WIP for years to come still I think :-) I would love a collab at some point. I am trying to learn blender and through that also learn 3D animation. I have experimented with 3D bone animation in Maverick but I still have a long road ahead I think. Yes, Noesis, Maverick, Blender and a ton of other tools can convert between OBJ and MD3 for you.
  6. Me too... is that a 3d player model? pretty cool! IT does have a bug when using idkfa though and the lack of any type of shooting otherwise making some enemies unkillable, most beat them ups also have some type of ranged powerup
  7. one prisoner to another... so why did you go to jail? I tried to make some money by doing a porn movie! Really? what went wrong? I tried to pay for 2 girls and 1 cop.
  8. number of barons reduced from 21 to 12 (0 on easy, 8 on medium and all 12 on hard) number of medikits reduced from 4 to 2 torches moved to new areas where they wont hinder movement moved some barons around, towers are now manned by barons moved some backpacks so all backpacks are now in one of the rooms AngryQuilt2v36.rar
  9. should I reduce the amount of ammo, health and/or barons in my square? (square 15) btw square 11 has several good sniping positions where you can take out the barons in my square... if you have the ammo to do it I'm open to suggestions, we need to make this level the best that it can be.
  10. So I can upload a new version where I've added the following: 3 more backpacks 1 invulnerability sphere 3 more medikits 1 berserk 7 more health bonus 7 more armor bonus in addition to the existing items... 1 bfg 1 stimpack 1 plasmagun 1 shotgun 1 rocket launcher 1 health bonus 1 armor bonus 1 blue mega armour 1 chainsaw 1 chaingun 1 shotgun shells pickup 1 box of ammo for pistol and chaingun 1 box of shotgun shells 1 backpack 1 medikit should I post this version? EDIT... here it is... AngryQuilt2v34.wad the BFG in my square still requires the player to find the secret which I think is fair since the BFG is available elsewhere on the map as well and now there is PLENTY of ammo up for grabs on my square (4 backpacks in the open) also the plasmagun remains available in my square without needing to find secrets --- just played the map and given the insane ammo shortage in the map overall it seems my edit was very nessecery.
  11. so do you think I should add ammo and/or health to square 15? and what specifically should I add? maybe 4 backpacks and 4 medikits? I could then also change the secret backpack to something more helpfull like an invulnerability sphere
  12. Ok and the laptop recommended by mr rocket would likely be powerfull enough for what you want to play :-) let us know what you decide :-)
  13. I agree that ammo should be added to one of the central squares. I added lots of barons since I was told that the player had the BFG at this point in the map so the zombies I already had on there were not going to cut it. I could add more ammo and more health to the castle/fort if you all think its needed. Would it be enough if one of you guys just add ammo to square 8 or do I need to add ammo and/or health to square 15?
  14. depends on how heavy gzdoom mods you'd like to run, how much tearing + choppyness you can handle and how many mods you like to use simultaniously I guess this 2016 gaming laptop I'm using right now, is able to handle a decent amount of gzdoom mods but it can be overwhelmed if I use too many mods on too heavy levels with too high detail settings my laptop specs: i7-6700u 16 GB memory radeon r7 m370 but I get plenty of tearing and choppyness with this laptop in most gzdoom mods
  15. I am considering dropping out of this project unless you cant find someone else to do my map slot I am afraid I wont be able to do the project justice and that it wont fit properly with the other maps I dont wish to drag this project down will my map be good enough from what I have shared about it thus far?
  16. I am considering not making standalone maps anymore since I doubt I will be able to learn enough to be able to make maps that people enjoy.


    It seems that there has been more than a few people on the internet that has been very unsatisfied with some of my maps especially the ones I made for RAMP.


    I guess I could focus on other stuff like assembling 3D monster packs as addons for playing gzdoom maps etc.


    I am worried if my plan for combining gzfied freedoom levels with 40k 3d monsters would somehow give the freedoom folks a headache and I dont wish to do that.


    I could still gzfy the freedoom levels and just release that and then release 3d packs seperatly I guess.

    1. CBM


      Thanks. I've had similar positive feedback from various doom playtesters on youtube.


      I will try to find the strength to soldier on... I am currently toying with prefabs made by lazy gamer... It could end up becoming a level at some point :-)



    2. DuckReconMajor


      I find the best thing to do when you read some criticism is to do something else for a while.

      After some time and distance you're in a much better state to parse which criticism is helpful to you.

  17. ah yes, now that I read the original post again then I can see its a laptop well it would need to be a pretty extreme laptop then
  18. A hell knight and a baron of hell, is talking about how to best slay UAC marines when they walk around the corner. Around the corner is a cyberdemon doing zumba.
  19. so I've been toying with an idea I have been thinking about a spinoff from this project and after dawn... so basically I am considering taking all the GZ'fied freedoom episode 1 levels and making those be the level set for what I have so far in After Dawn... But with focus on 40k enemies... so... gzfreedoom 40k or something similar... without the vehicles... since it will take me a good amount of time to make that work... that is currently holding back after dawn... and gzfreepunk is held back by me not yet mastering the creation of animations plus me overthinking e1m3.... then gzfreepunk can have gz'fied versions of freedoom phase 2 levels (with the extra secret areas and stuff I originally wanted to do with the phase 1 levels) and after dawn will have a selection of levels that I am yet to make and maybe also levels I have already made the gz'fication of the phase 1 levels arent focused on steampunk anyway right now.. I guess I would need to change some freedoom textures to something 40k though --- this way I may get something 40k'ish out maybe sometime next year with 3d models, 3d weapons, 3d scenery etc...
  20. The machine spirit in an android phone, had found an old printer in a dark dusty corner of the home office that was the home of the android phone. The phone had a document to print and its owner had made sure to tell it to send it to the printer, however... to the horror of the android phone... the windows logo appeared on the printer as it booted up.
  21. Cool video :-) I guess the exit needs to be located in a different spot hehe The map started life as an auto generated map, then I added bits from other auto generated maps and made alot of changes myself aswell I wanted to test the viability of a CP idea about using auto generated maps as a base for maps in a CP Not sure where the last monsters are hiding I havent tried to test it with the goal of killing all the monster. Thanks for trying it out :-D
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